
Our Anniversary in Busan, Korea! (plus Eric gets sick & Kyde explores solo) (in Korea!)

Halfway through our trip to Busan we had our 12th wedding anniversary which was great! That night Eric got hecking sick which was not! Then Kyde filmed alone which was great! Mixed bag!

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  1. Funny to hear your comment about masks. In the US I've gotten used to not wearing them again. I had a dentist visit the other day and their text said the usual "you have to wear a mask" so I brought one but nobody was wearing them except the dentist herself. I've had several other doctor appointments in recent months and they didn't wear one.

  2. Aw dude, I feel so bad for you. It’s a totally cool video, as usual. I’ve seen you get sick so many times. Man. Maybe eat some more vegan stuff? Best wishes. Chips are crunchy, veges are crunchy, right? Nice job with the cabbage … I hope you're feelin' better.

  3. I KNOW this isn't a stunt/episode idea (with Eric being sick) but two other YouTuber couples had one of them sick and the other taking the videos show up on our feed. Especially considering the videos were shot way at different times. 😀
    Hope you're feeling better now. We appreciate the vlogs!

  4. Does Japan still have a mask mandate? I saw they got rid of the mandated covid vaccine requirement for entry for foreigners recently. Also great video! Love the solo Kyde

  5. Maaan, the bear reminded me of a weird Banana mascot you guys filmed a couple of years ago, doing dance moves and stuff! That deep fried food stall was something else, watching your vids always leaves me dreaming about eating the entire planet!

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