
Trip to Togakushi and Obuse in Nagano, Nature and Park, 戸隠と小布施 | Japan Travel Vlog 2023

We visited the Cedar-lined path leading to the Togakushi Okusha Shrine and savored its mystical ambiance. These Cedar trees, with approximately 400 years of history, welcomed us with their majestic presence.
And we headed to the Ninja Village. This was a dream playground for children, a place where we could embark on adventures like ninjas. Hidden secret passages and tricks added to the excitement, immersing us in a world of fun.

In the latter half, we explored Obuse. Obuse is renowned for its beautiful scenery and historical buildings, and we particularly visited the Obuse Hokusai Museum as part of our journey. Additionally, there were plenty of souvenir shops in the vicinity, offering the joy of purchasing local crafts and souvenirs.
We stopped by Kappa Sushi for a delicious and affordable dinner.




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