
Daigoji Temple, Kyoto in 4K – 醍醐寺 京都 – Japan As It Truly Is

Daigoji is one of Kyoto’s finest – yet sadly overlooked by many. Its vast grounds have Sanboin, one of Kyoto’s best temple gardens.

Daigoji Temple (醍醐寺) was established in 874 AD – its 5-story pagoda was built in 951 AD and is Kyoto’s oldest structure. The Sanboin garden began as a sub-temple but is part of the whole today, and is widely regarded as one of Kyoto’s most beautiful. Daigoji Temple is also extremely popular in late November for its autumn leaves, as well as in the spring for its cherry blossoms – though both times can be overflowing with visitors.

DaigojiTemple is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Daigoji Temple is open 9 AM – 4 PM daily.
Admissions fee is ¥800 yen normally, but ¥1500 for peak times (3/20-5/15, 10/15-12/10). There is an additional fee for Upper Daigo (Kami Daigo) which is at the summit of the mountain at the rear.
Daigoji is about a 10 minute walk east of the Daigoji Subway Station.

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