
Local Topics Japan, provide lots of short clips of unique Japan in English.

Local Topics Japan produce lots of short video clips about Japanese culture, food, festivals and unique everyday life of Japan.

#japantopics #visitjapan #cherryblossomtattoo

What is Sakura TV +++++++++++++++++
We understand the need to promote Japan’s contributions to the world, especially to people of New Zealand and Australia, by broadcasting Japan-related information and mass media content.

Sakura TV helps the New Zealand and Australia public understand Japanese culture, food, history, nature, arts and tourism by showing only Japan-related media content via broadcasts by advanced internet streaming TV system, creating more inbound tourists to Japan.

Sakura TV believes that it has the best possible opportunity to put Japan on the world map for tourists, aided by the 2019 Rugby World Cup, 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympics Games and 2021 The World Masters Games KANSAI.

Sakura TV とは++++++++++





Sakura Television は一切の政治的、暴力的、宗教偏見、人種差別および性的表現の映像は配信しない.

Sakura Television Network Limited
PO Box 2738, Shortland Street, Auckland, New Zealand 1140 Established 2004

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