
대창덮밥 300그릇 매일 완판?! 국내최초 대창덮밥으로 대박난 직화 덮밥집 grilled beef intestine rice bowl – Korean street food

대창덮밥 300그릇 매일 완판?! 국내최초 대창덮밥으로 대박난 직화 덮밥집 Best Japanese grilled beef intestine rice bowl – Korean street food

[서울, 송파구, 단디]

♥무료 촬영 문의
소상공인분들과 기업에 작은 보탬이 되고자
‘모든 촬영은 무료로 진행됩니다.’
많은 제보 부탁드립니다 🙂
♥끼룩푸드 구독

길거리음식, 디저트, 다양한 맛집 음식을 만드는 과정을 소개하는 끼룩푸드입니다
군침 도는 팅글 ASMR과 영상을 생생하고 재밌게 제공합니다 🙂
시청해주셔서 감사합니다!

호르몬동: 12,000원
사케동: 15,500원
특호르몬동: 15,500원
부타동: 10,500원

서울, 송파구, 단디
#대창 #대창덮밥 #덮밥


  1. While i do think most of these are made properly and taste delicious, We need uncle roger review of all these fancy made street food.

  2. chairman mao lead a communist china to a capitalist powerhouse and valdmir putin helped russia come back from communist era desolation i think kim jung un if he takes the examples that have been put before him and realizes bettering the peoples lives is the most important thing and revenge is bad, it is circular then yea things can be better korea can be united

  3. It would help if you can translate some of the ingrediants in English. For example…what was the white ingrediant added to the soy sauce? was it sugar or salt?

  4. I find it hilarious that Americans on here say they will try the intestine bowls but would make fun of Americans from the South who eat the same food but call it a different name. I have seen people throw their noses in the air, smirk, and make the most disgusted sounds and faces at the same food that they call delicacies from other countries.

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