
TOKYO🇯🇵 Traditional Bon Dance Festival at Kishimojin temple!! Japan vlog #bonodori #bondance

Hey guys♡ It’s MIKI!!
I’ll take you to my favorite Bon dance festival in Tokyo♪

The oldest candy store in Japan in Kishimojin Temple!

Kishimojin Temple Map

In 2023, the Bon Odori Festival was held on July 21st and 22nd!!
Check their website for next year’s schedule☆


Hey guys!! It’s MIKI☆
I’m Japanese and live in Tokyo♪
I show you guys different areas across Japan introducing various things like tourist spots, local restaurants and street foods♡
I travel all over Japan!!
Let’s go Japan’s 47 prefectures with me\(^o^)/

I also have live streaming on twitch☆
Come visit me when you have time♪
Twitch :
Instagam :
#japanvlog #tokyo #japantravel


  1. I remember this stream. Beer & Takoyaki. And taking us bon dancing with you. YATTA! 🤙 Sad thing is my Mom loved this kind of music & would sing along. (Looking up to the sky) I miss you Mommy. 😣 Mahalo Miki-chan. 🤙 BTW, your english spelling is excellent & very good.YATTA, YATTA! 👏👍

  2. Seems to be a fun time! I remember this place. You got dried 🦑 here one time and talked about your old apartment. Where an old lady died. You being happy always makes me smile 🙂 Keep smiling sunshine girl 🌞 Thank you Miki! 🙂👏👏👏

  3. Japanese culture is just so cool and fascinating. And I don't think I've ever seen so many Japanese children in one place before. I would love to attend one of these festivals, some day. Great stuff, Miki. 🙂

  4. I love seeing these dance festivals. I like the way everyone dances around the central stage at this event 😃️💃️🕺️
    Thanks for the helpful Kishimojin link in the description too Miki 👍️🎌️

  5. Thanks Miki. I am glad that you had great time at the obon festival. The audio for the obon dance was superb.

  6. This is the superior kind of Tokyo video, showing the small town parts & vibes of your megacity! Nicely combined with an Obon festival here 🥳🏮🎎

    P.S. Miki, it really sounds like you're saying "Bone 🦴 dance" 👻💃

  7. New game: Festival roulette. Pick a line at random and find out what kind of food you are getting once you get to the stall.

  8. You are 100% my kinda festival gal! Let's have a quick look around then get some food and a beer, sit and have a snacko then join the party! I love your channel and your authentic vibes so damned much Miki! Love to you and continued success!

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