
【Cool Japan】横浜港大さん橋国際客船ターミナル|Osanbashi Yokohama International Passenger Terminal

デザイン建築 vol.4【Design for Architectures #4】



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– Wikipedia –
大さん橋(おおさんばし)は、神奈川県横浜市中区にある横浜港の港湾施設。1894年に完成した鉄桟橋を前身とし、税関桟橋、横浜桟橋、山下町桟橋等のさまざまな名称があったが、その後、大桟橋に落ち着いた[1]。その他、太平洋戦争後連合軍に接収されていた間は、サウスピアと呼ばれ[2][注 1]、明治の末頃から1970年頃までは、メリケン波止場とも呼ばれていた[3]。前身施設は名実ともに桟橋であったが、2002年に完成した現在の大さん橋は構造的には「桟橋」ではなく「岸壁」であり、平仮名混じりの「大さん橋」が正式の表記である[4][5]。

“Yokohama Pier” redirects here. For other piers in Yokohama, see Piers of Yokohama. Ōsanbashi Pier (大さん橋 ōsanbashi?, pronounced [oːsambaɕi]) is the main international pier at the Port of Yokohama, located in Naka Ward, Yokohama, Japan. Ōsanbashi is the oldest pier in Yokohama, originally constructed between 1889 and 1896. To meet modern demands, Ōsanbashi was reconstructed between 1987 and 2002. The newly reconstructed passenger terminal is named the Yokohama International Passenger Terminal, designed by Foreign Office Architects. It can accommodate up to four 30,000-ton class ships or two 70,000-ton class ships at the same time. The departure/arrival lobby, ticketing booth, customs, immigration, shops and cafe are all on the 2nd floor of this terminal. There is limited parking on the 1st floor, and an observation deck open to the public, on the rooftop. Major cruise ships such as the Queen Elizabeth 2 are embarked here. The pier is also the best place to see the Yokohama Three Towers (The King, Queen and the Jack)

#横浜港大さん橋国際客船ターミナル #横浜港 #大桟橋

Alo Japan.

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