
Malaysian Night Markets Will SHOCK YOU!! | Amazing Food in KK, SABAH ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡พ

Itโ€™s time for us to go to a Malaysian street market, actually a Malaysian Beach Market! Today in Kota Kinabalu Sabah we went to a local Malaysian night market to try some of the delicious food they are selling there. We went to the Tanjung Aru Beach Night Market Market and bought a ton of food that I can only describe as amazing!
We start todayโ€™s video by hiding from the heat in our hotel room Ming Garden Hotel ($30 a night). It was over 100 degrees in Borneo and we made the wise decision to wait until the sunโ€™s intensity died down a bit before going outside. We decided to stay in and try some Malaysian sodas for a little Malaysia soda taste test! After that, we teleported to _____ Park not far from the beach. It was a nice relaxing park but completely empty. We did everything we could to make the most out of the park and of course, whipped out an epic workout montage.
The park was a short walk away from Prince Phillip beach and we arrived at the perfect time because the market just began to open. Before diving face-first into the food, we strolled the beach to get a feel of what a Kota Kinabalu beach is like. A few minutes passed and we couldnโ€™t resist the delicious smells coming from the continually growing market. It was time for food!
Our first stop on our Malaysian night market food tour was a Korean Hot Dog. We are not exaggerating when we say it was truly one of the best we had. I donโ€™t know if it was the chili sauce or what, but something about that corndog was out of this world. Naturally, the second food we tried was a nice fat cup of cheese corn Sabah style, because we love corn. Without spoiling all of our reactions to the food, letโ€™s just say we were seriously shocked by how good everything was here. Hereโ€™s a list of everything we bought at the market:
Korean Hot Dogs
Cheese Corn
Ocean Blue Lime Juice
Apple Shake
Fun Fries (Best Loaded Fries EVER)
ABC Ice Cream (Malaysian Halo Halo)
I mean technically this is our Americans trying Malaysian ABC in Sabah video which couldโ€™ve been an alternate title!
We spent the next few our chilling at the market and by the beach which started getting really busy as sunset approached. Of course, we stayed to catch a glimpse at that famous Borneo sunset and it was magnificent. Weโ€™ve never seen a sunset like it! A seriously fun day came to an end with a traffic-filled trip back to our hotel and a midnight snack of some Malaysian Dominos. So yes, this video is also our Americans Try Dominoโ€™s Pizza in Malaysia too. So much in one video!
#MalaysiaNightMarket #NightMarket #Malaysia #Sabah #KotaKinabalu #KK #Borneo #TravelVlog #MalaysiaTravel

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0:00 Malaysian Drinks Taste Test
1:42 Exploring Perdana Park, KK
6:06 Our First Malaysian Borneo Beach
9:54 A Tour of the Beach Night Market
13:04 Cheezy Mozza & Cheese Corn
19:45 Malaysia Street Drinks
28:00 The Best Food at the Night Market
30:13 Americans Try Malaysian ABC
35:31 Seeing the Borneon Sunset
41:33 Trying Malaysian Dominos Pizza


  1. Filipino people live in sabah have poor leaving conditions and malaysian government no care on them

  2. i'm glad you still have references to the philippines, it just goes to show that you had a lot of good memories in our country ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  3. Yeahhh Actually My Siblings and me drank the f&n strawberry drink and it exactly tastes like medicine ๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. the best street food available in KK is their Chicken Wingsโ€ฆ they are so damn good!!

  5. Have you ever tried cendol? Another type of shaved ice dessert. Popular in Malaysia

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