
Why you should visit Tokyo! #tokyotravelguide

Welcome to my latest video, “What Makes Tokyo Unique?” In this video, we’ll take you on a journey through one of the most vibrant and exciting cities in the world, Tokyo.

From its bustling streets to its towering skyscrapers, Tokyo is a city like no other In the video I’ll break down 5 features of Tokyo that make the city unique, including it’s size & pace, hidden temples, cuisine, it’s izakaya culture and the fact that it’s on of the weirdest cities in the world to explore.

Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, this video is sure to give you a new perspective on one of the world’s most fascinating cities.

#tokyo #japan #japanesefood #shinjuku #shinjukugyoen #japantravel #tokyotravelguide #izakaya


  1. Its quite informative tour of the city which is not only the most populous city but most expensive city in the world as well.

  2. That is one list of recommendations. I'm not planning to go to Tokyo but this is certainly helpful to those who are contemplating the journey. 👌🇳🇱🙋‍♀🇳🇿

  3. Japan is beautiful and Tokyo being it's heart. Quite a great place to travel. Thanks for giving us a virtual tour.

  4. I love the hustle and bustle of the city from afar, but did it feel overwhelming while you were there? The Shinto Shine looked really interesting. I've never heard of Pachinko Parlours before. The cosplay costumes would be fun to see. Seems like quite the unique city to experience!

  5. A city I want to visit so bad. Between the culture, food and just the vibe. It looks amazing. The efficiency of Tokyo is something we need in the US. The parks throughout the city to escape the craziness of the city looks fantastic. I've seen so many videos about it. I want to experience the pachinko parlors but, only once. I'm coming over with my own cosplay. Oh the food of Tokyo. I can't wait to try it

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