
Our last day exploring Miyako Island in Japan!

crankin’ with pikachu in paradise
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  1. It would take about a thousand people a day or two… Or a hundred people a week… Then in a week to a month back to where it was before, but not quite as terrible.

    Gotta love plastics, I know the fishes love em too.

  2. by far my favorite couple on youtube, you look like you have such fun anything you do even just taking a ride in a certain tokyo tram line

  3. Wonder if someone contacted Rachel and Jun they would organize another beach cleanup here.
    Another great video! Thank you for being one of the unsung heroes of youtube, putting the real content out there.

  4. Great butterfly in action video, but it does have a scary body. You guys missed the chance to be horse knee huggers. Thanks for the fun tour and the smiles.

  5. That thing is an EPIRB – Emergency Position Indication Radio Beacon.
    Its deployed from sinking ships and sends a signal to a satellite.
    Possibly from a fishing boat.

  6. All dessert should be as frustrating as that can, so that I could develop some ability to resist it 😄

  7. Damn, that butterfly shot was perfect. Amazing b-roll
    I will say, you can get a great screen shot when you stick the Cake-can in your mouth 😂

  8. Makes me want to take a trip over there JUST! … bring some bags with me to help collect the trash from the beach.

  9. The plastic bottle you showed a close-up of is from China as it's using simplified characters. 中国 China written in Mainland 中國 China written in Taiwan. It all depends on where you are, I guess. I can remember beaches in Yamaguchi that were littered with plastic from South Korea. It's a shame either way. Our oceans are under threat like never before.

  10. those old people in korea lol, and that pony it's huge, it's like japan is readying itself to conquer troy

  11. Love your channel! You two crack me up! There are a couple of shots where Kyde is listening to Eric and looking at him with adoring and loving eyes and then a few shots later and Kyde is looking at Eric like “I don’t know what the heck you’re talking about and in fact I don’t think I can pretend that wasn’t a super weird thing to say. So funny.

  12. I read a statistic; "82% of trash in the ocean starts in fresh water rivers and streams on land", think USA statistic, not certain.

  13. I get what you mean about taco rice in Okinawa. Im going in October for karate and theres an amazing place in naha mexican they ask do you want garlic u say yes and the proceed to cook the garlic in front of you and mix it all together. Super yum.

  14. TACO RICE! I'm totally eating that rn no way! @10:40 kyde's just as excited! This is my first time having it, it's really good w steak!

  15. That ocean has a distinct human trafficking quality. 😬

    🇯🇵 Really enjoy seeing you interact with Japanese people, like the bit at the end.

  16. Great video as always guys! I've just booked my first trip to Japan for October (inspired in no small part by your videos!) and I can't wait! If you spot this comment I'd love to hear your top three underrated/weird/unknown attractions in Tokyo that are must-visits!

  17. 😂😂 I always watch the trying different food segments and think of ‘Let’s get Mikey he likes it he likes it “. 😂😂

  18. Time is a weird thing: there is an inverse relation to its rate while watching your vids to the rate while waiting/anticipating the next one. Few things in the universe have such profound effects. (Yes, I liked the vid!)

  19. A cold beer and some snacks and a you tube video Kyde and Eric a perfect combi! Never stop make you tube videos! Good job again!

  20. Oh, I was laughing so hard at the misadventures of the frozen cake in a can. I'm sorry, y'all.

  21. How i sincerely do wish i actually had the ´financial wherewithal´ to be able to contribute something towards the support of your marvellous channel, my lovely *kyde*&*eric*, but – alas – i reside in gravely overpriced and altogether non-affordable NYC: where i really can´t even manage to pay my rent, and yet i´m still skint 😔…. ~❤, 💖 / 💖, ❤ / ❤, 💖 / 💖, ❤

  22. We live in Japan – in Fukui – where you went in the covid period. We have been to several of the places you have been and have just loved it,,,,,,However, you two do it way better!!! We enjoy your travels — we did the Noto hanto last year – Wakura onsen – after watching one of your vids, Thank you so much. You have entertained us for so many years! please keep them coming,,,,,,,

  23. I wonder if the cake in a can was frozen to transport it to the small island. I saw video from Kara and Nate’s channel where they bought one from a Tokyo veding machine and it was not frozen. They found theirs delicious, it was from another company too.

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