
【韓国】初のNABBA KOREA 大会に出場する友人をサポート♪ Supporting my friend competing in her first NABBA KOREA⭐︎ (#42)

#NABBA KOREA#ソウル#英会話

😻自己紹介動画: Introduction Video (#1)

🏋️‍♂️パーソナルトレーニング/ Personal Training (#23)

📃ストーリーはメイプルの声担当のYuki が作成しています。
Story by Yuki (voice of Maple)

D: How was your trip to South Korea?
M: It was amazing! I was there to cheer on my friend Atsuko on the day she participated in a competition.
D: That’s great! I’ve never been to South Korea. Can you tell me more about your trip?
M: Sure. We took a bullet train and then a local train to get to Chubu Centrair International Airport. From there, we took a flight on Cheju Airline to Incheon Airport in Seoul, which is an international hub airport in the city.
Seoul is the capital city of South Korea. I heard it’s located in the northwest and has a population of over 10 million people, making it the largest city in South Korea.
D: Oh, I see. How was the airport?
M: It was huge!
We took a taxi from the airport to our hotel.
And on the way, I noticed a lot of Korean signs written in Hangul, the Korean language.

M: We had a hard time communicating with the locals because we didn’t understand their language.
D: Oh no, that must have been tough. Did you try to speak to them in English?
M: Yes, I tried to communicate with them in English, but they couldn’t speak English a lot of the time. However, they were so nice that they even helped us out by using a translation app!
D: Wow, that’s really kind of them. It’s great that you were able to find a way to communicate with their help.
It sounds like you had a fantastic time.
M: I did.

D: What competition did Atsuko participate in?
M: She participated in a competition called NABBA, where participants display the beauty of their toned and refined bodies.
Actually, NABBA is originally from South Korea, but it was brought to Japan. She had joined NABBA Japan before, but this time she participated in NABBA Korea for the first time.
D: That sounds interesting.
M: I can show you some videos of the competition if you’d like.
D: Yes, please! I’ve never seen anything like it before.

M: We actually stayed at the Swiss Grand Hotel, which has a convention center where the competition took place. It’s a gorgeous hotel located in the western part of Seoul.
D: Oh, that’s convenient that the venue was in the hotel. How was Atsuko feeling before the competition?
M: She wasn’t that nervous, and she was taking it very seriously. On the way from Hamamatsu to the hotel in Seoul, she watched what she ate.
D: What did she eat?
M: She brought five rice balls without any additional ingredients, not even salt, and she ate one every three or four hours. And that evening, she had roast beef, without any oil or seasonings.
D: Wow, that takes a lot of mental strength to do that.
M: True. On the day of the competition, before Atsuko went on stage, she prepared herself for the competition in a waiting room by doing some muscle pumping lifts with her coach.
D: That sounds really professional.
M: And then, she went on stage. My heart was pounding for her.
D: I can imagine. It must have been nerve-wracking.
M: But she looked so beautiful and expressive. I had never seen a stage like that before.
D: She must have put in a lot of effort to prepare for the competition. Her body looks so different from four months ago.
M: I was really moved by her performance. Participating in this kind of competition in a foreign country is not easy, but she looked so confident.
M: The competitors put in a lot of effort to achieve their amazing physiques.
D: I can only imagine.
M: I had such a great time watching the competition.
D: That’s so cool! It’s rare to see that kind of competition, so it must have been a great experience for you.
M: Yes, it was really inspiring to watch. Unfortunately, Atsuko didn’t win a prize, but she seemed content with her first experience competing in South Korea.
D: That’s still amazing! I’m sure she learned a lot and had a great time.

M: After the competition, we went to a restaurant near the hotel that serves amazing samgyeopsal, which is sliced pork belly cooked on a tabletop grill.
D: Wow, it looks really delicious!
M: It was incredible. We ate so much!

M: And the next day, Atsuko went to see the professional-class competition, so I had some free time by myself. I reached out to a Korean friend that I met in Japan, and she showed me around the city.
D: That sounds like fun. Tell me more about it next time we talk.
M: I’ll share more details then.

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