
[4K Kanto] Yokohama Landmark Tower Nightscape

4K Kanto Stroll of “Yokohama Landmark Tower Nightscape”

12 Jan ‘23, 6℃, Clear, by ILCE-7M4 on DJI RS 3

Seoul and Surroundings for traveler, cartographer, driver and everyone.
No talks and faces.
Walking, driving or riding only.

※ Thumbnail Photo
Taken by iPhone 14 Pro or ILCE-7M4
Designed by Adobe Express

※ Video
Taken by ILCE-7M4 (XAVC S-I 4K(7K oversampling) 4:2:2 10bit NTSC) with FE PZ 16-35mm F4 G
Edited by Sony Catalyst Browse & Adobe Premier Pro 2022
Subtitle Font : Futura (used in TESV)
GPS Route by Apple Watch

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