
Japan Day 6 – Finally a moment of tranquility

Recorded March 21, 2023

Hello everyone! Recollecting the last day at Saiko Lake. Enjoy!

Guidance / Blurby Thing:
(1) I’m a self-aware, emotionally intelligent person; so trust me I know my flaws and likely know what I need to improve already. If I want advice and opinions, I will ask.

(2) Please be kind and respectful to myself and others in the comments. I would love for this to be a safe space for individuals to share their experiences/adventures.

(3) Individuals of all identities/race/gender/etc. are accepted here. Hate speech of any kind or putting individuals down will NOT be tolerated. You have the right to be here if you choose, but so does everyone else plus they have the right to safety and acceptance. But also kindness is a much more productive way to interact with others.

(4) Practice internet safety. I grew up immersed in the internet world and have been lucky so far to meet kind, supportive individuals. That, unfortunately, does not mean there aren’t ill-intentioned individuals out there. Especially if you are a minor, be cautious of who you interact with and decide to befriend. Your safety and wellness should be your top priority. Don’t let anyone pressure/convince you into meeting IRL, especially in a non-public setting.

(5) A bit of a subset of 4, it’s best not to share real names, locations, timezones. Again this goes especially for minors. I know that makes it hard to converse on more than a high level, but it’s your safety. Keep any shared info as vague as possible. For example: I’ve already said in a video that I’m from AZ, but if I wanted to be more discreet, I can say I’m in the US or not specify at all.

(6) Enjoy the videos and community! I hope you can inspire each other to travel and expand your horizons 🙂

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