
Finding Inner Peace in Hokokuji Temple’s Serene Bamboo Groves in Kamakura

Kamakura is a city located in Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan, on the east coast of the island of Honshu. Specifically, Kamakura is located about 50 kilometers (31 miles) southwest of Tokyo and is easily accessible by train from Tokyo, Yokohama, and other major cities in the region.
The coastal city is known for its temples, shrines, and historical landmarks. It was the political center of Japan during the Kamakura period (1185-1333) and is home to the Great Buddha statue, Hasedera Temple, and Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine.
We’ve been to Kamakura before and searched for some shrines/temples we haven’t visited. We found Hokokuji Zen temple, famous for its serene bamboo grove.

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