
Gigguk and The Anime Man do an Anime Tier List Live on Stage πŸ”₯ | SMASH CON 2022 FULL PANEL

I wonder what you all think of this tier list and where you’d place different animes? It was actually a lot of fun to see them do this live and just chat!

#gigguk #theanimeman #anime







CAMERA: Sony Alpha 6400
MUSIC: Epidemic Sound



  1. It was kind of hard trying to figure out how to showcase the tier list in a video for you all, since it's show up on stage at the panel but hopefully this works!!

  2. Wait hold on what did people expect from Overlord s2 and s3? I thought ut delivered what was expected with amazing development of the story for the length of the source material. Plus, amazing intros cmon

  3. Gicuck really said part 1 Jojo is better than part 3? Bro is definitely smoking that mid.

  4. Goblin Slayer was awesome.
    Re:zero is hot garbage.
    Haikyuu is not the best sports anime, it's Keijo.
    Overlord season 3 was good.
    86 season 1 was ok, but season 2 was hot garbage.

  5. Pause 30:27 how is kingdom in the E tier. Officer please take away their MAL accounts right now please OMG yeah season 1 animation was really bad but it's so much better in season 3 and now season 4 it looks so good. It definately over shadows the previous season . Please watch Kingdom or read it yeah yeah yeah.

  6. Ha! You revealed my Trap Card!" (My tier list has 7 tiers not 5)

    High School of the Dead- Haven't watched it, not going to.

    Erased- first anime I watched that elicited an emotional response from me, if this show didn't exist I would not be half as into anime as I am rn, I cannot put it at C where it probably should be because of this bias, I also enjoy it so much I'd be lying if I put it any lower then A, I'm sorry I'm super biased but deal with it.

    Goblin Slayer- tries to go for atmospheric tension and fails hard, if you like isekai trash you'll enjoy this, C.

    Monogatari- S

    Oriemo- Super fun until the last 3 episodes, B without the ending, E with the ending.

    AOT- Awesome, amazing, stellar, beautiful, superb. S.

    Re Zero- It's good, not amazing, B. Poeple who say S2 is just filler are ignorant af.

    Haikyu- good, best sports anime I've ever seen. That being said I really don't care about sports anime so B.

    GTO- Haven't watched it, going to watch it.

    Kill la Kill- Fun madness, great script, to long, great charm to it, B.

    Yuri on Ice- Pretty disappointing, decent tho, B.

    Noragami- Decent watch, nothing special, C.

    Overlord- kinda overrated, I'll go for C for can't live up to expectations.

    Jojo- don't enjoy it that much, B.

    SAO 1 and 2- maybe kinda good for 16 episodes, then it shit its pants, D.

    SAO 3 and 4- really good, peak Isekai, A.

    Ghost Stories- C.

    Hajime no Ippo- Haven't watched it.

    Jinjeto- love the source material, don't care about the anime, I heard its bad so I never watched it.

    Kingdom- Manga is A, anime is D.

    Mob Psycho- it's good, B.

    Black Clover- Enjoyed it a ton, don't care. A.

    Tokyo- This is a real shame, you'll either like this one or think it's eh. It has some really good dramatic tension later on but it really doesn't save it, C.

    86- didn't finish it but I have enough watch time to formulate an opinion. Human vs human conflict is always more interesting then human vs non-human conflict, this show features both and connects the 2 in a really satisfying way. I had fun with this anime acknowledging it may be a little bit dramatic at times, however there wasn't anything that really grabbed me to keep watching long term so B.

    Hunter Hunter- it's a good Shonen, I don't have much to say, A.

    Hope you enjoyed reading me rambling about my trash taste Ha ha ha.

  7. I wasnt able to see this cause I was working for both days in smash. So thank you. Btw is was still at smash just working at a both in smash .

  8. I think I've got the exact opposite opinion from them on Overlord. I found most of season 1 to be pretty boring, the only part I really liked in it was the fight at the end. I thought season 2's lizard-man arc was pretty forgettable, but other than that I liked how the characters became a more active force in the story, and I liked the extra focus on the supporting cast. Overall I'd put it above season 1. Season 3 has been my favourite season so far. I really like the tone shift and how it helps cement the main character as a villain. I'd still put it in the same tier as them though.

  9. unless you have a Van Gogh painting for every frame. Which is never going to happen…

    Meanwhile Loving Vincent

  10. S tier – Re:zero, hajime no ippo, mushokou tensei, monogatari

    A tier- haikyuu( as it still haven't end yet, probably be S tier i bet), erased, Tokyo revengers, Aot, GTO, black clover, Mob psycho, HxH

    B tier- kill la kill, Noragami, sao alicization, overlord, Jojo part 5, kingdom, skate the ∞

    C tier- oreimo, god of highschool (just putting it here because of it's animation), goblin Slayer, uzaki chan ( it's hilarious either way), king's game, Jojo part 3, 86, millionaire detective

    D tier- ghost stories, junji ito collection, Yuri on ice

  11. Anyone who can write a list of the animes they gave to what rank? or atleast all the A ones?:D had a hard time hearing all of them, most of all the first A they just skipped

  12. nice tier list live show. i really like all of those anime, personally. personally, all of the mentioned series are s tiers for me.

  13. I totally agree with Garnt, Alicization is a genuinely good season of SAO. I really don't like the other seasons, but i enjoyed the sht out of Alicization. Also i can't believe Garnt said that Re:Zero season 2 focused more on worldbuilding than character building when the best parts of that season were Emilia, Subaru, and Beatrice's character moments

  14. I love that the cours in anime nowadays confuse people so much that people still think Mushoku Tensei and 86 has had 2 seasons already but they've only had 1 lol. I also agree that tokyo revengers would be better if they were older lol

  15. The timing of Oreimo coming right after Monogatari series 😭😭😭😭

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