
81. Hanami in Mikamine Park at Nishitaga, Sendai, Miyagi, Tohoku, Japan

Hanami in Mikamine Park at Nishitaga, Sendai, Miyagi, Tohoku, Japan. I continue my spring ride through the Mikamine Park in Sendai City. The wind is blowing like mad, but it is beautiful sunshine and after the snowy winter is a nice change. I will say a few words about Sakura and Japanese traditions. Sakura in Japan has always been a symbol of ephemeral beauty, and was closely associated with the samurai and bushi. Life was considered to be short-lived and beautiful, like the cherry blossom flowers. This theme is still present, among others, in popular culture – especially in the manga and anime. Sakura in Japanese poetry is widely used Kigo – finger motif of the season. During World War II Sakura was a symbol of Japanese society motivator. Japanese pilots painted it on their airplanes before taking a suicide mission. Cherry blossom on the side of the bomber symbolized the beauty and transience of nature. The government promoted the belief that the souls of fallen warriors reborn in flowers…

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