
Japan, why you should go in 2019

The 2019 Rugby World Cup and 2020 Summer Olympics have thrust Japan in the spotlight. Japan specialist James discusses why you shouldn’t be put off and how, with the help of our experienced Japan team, you can plan around these events.

If attending a sporting event isn’t a priority, we recommend visiting in December, which will see far fewer crowds — plus, the crisp wintry skies mean you’re likely to see a snow-capped Mount Fuji. Also, this is arguably the best time of year to slip into the steaming waters of an onsen (hot spring bath) which, on western Hokkaido, will be surrounded by snow midwinter.

Alternatively, consider visiting the lesser-known island of Kyushu, with its numerous hiking trails, gardens and forests, as well as a scattering of smaller surrounding islands. Or, opt for a private audience with a geisha in the northwest city of Kanazawa, Japan’s city of artisans and craftspeople.

You’ll find more ideas for how to explore Japan on our website:

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Alo Japan.