
Hokkaido is on Sakura TV 6pm Australia(EST) & 8pm NZ. The most popular area for Australians and NZ.

Hokkaido = 北海道 is the second largest, northernmost of Japan’s four main islands. Its weather is harsh in winter with lots of snowfall, below zero temperatures and frozen seas, while in summer it does not get as hot and humid as in the other parts of the country.
With its unspoiled nature, many national parks and rural landscapes to enjoy, it attracts many outdoor lovers, including skiers and snowboarders for the powder snow seasons from December to March, cyclists and campers and mountain climbers and trekkers from April to October.

The Hokkaido shinkansen High-Speed Rail between Shin-Aomori and Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto is running under the sea between main Island and Hokkaido, the island is easier to visit present days than ever before by using bullet train or direct flights from major cities, or even rental car on ferry service.

Hokkaido is a winter wonderland riddled with world-renowned ski resorts and volcanic hot springs. The island’s cities are bursting with culinary delights and vibrant night-life, sea food delicacy, well-known Japanese whisky and wine, as well as Sapporo beer and Ramen too.

Hokkaido’s ancient Ainu culture is like none other in Japan, and you will notice their culture everywhere in Hokkaido, visiting Upopoi Ainu Culture Centre Museum is also strongly recommended.

Enjoy another Japan mow!

#hokkaido #visitjapan #nisekoski

Sakura Television Network – Sakura TV is a..
24 hours broadcasting. Free to watch, 4 channels of non-stop 24/7 streaming TV service. Viewers are not required to register or download App, just visit our website at www.sakuratv. Sakura TV service helps the Australia and New Zealand public understand Japanese current news, culture, food, nature, arts, tourism, language, Anime, Cosplay, J-Pops, sports, craft, E-Commerce etc, by showing only Japan-related media contents via advanced Internet streaming TV broadcasting system, including NHK World English live feed, Channel Sakura, 24 hours Japanese language news and affiliated Japanese learning YouTube channel. 3 channels are in English language speaking or English subtitled, and a channel with Japanese speaking 24 hours of news.

This free to watch anytime and anywhere service covers entire Australia and New Zealand, helping to create more inbound tourists to Japan, promoting Japanese products marketing into both countries and the most importantly helping mutual understanding between two countries.

サクラテレビとは、豪州+ニュージーランド両国を完全にカバーした 日本関連のコンテンツのみを英語or英語字幕にて放送する世界唯一のCool Japan無料配信放送サービス会社です。
第三チャンネルはテレビ朝日提供24時間日本語ニュースチャンネルとなり、在留日本人、滞在中の日本人観光局、日本語を勉強されている両国の中学高校大学生などが対象となります。 24時間放送。
第四チャンネルはInnovative Language.comが世界中の日本語ファンに向けた24時間日本語勉強Youtubeチャンネルです。日本語勉強中の両国民、中学、高校、大学生向けの日本語勉強チャンネルとして人気があります。正式アフィリエートサイトとなります。

両国民は何時でも、何処でも、無料で4 チャンネルSakura TV放送を観る事が出来ます。 面倒なログイン登録やアプリ登録など一切無し、 訪れタップするのみ。 WiFi環境推薦。 24時間のすべては一般向け”G”放送ですのでご家族でお楽しみ頂けます。

Using WiFi connection is recommended.
All contents in 4 channels are G rated, whole family can enjoy.

豪州ならびにニュージーランド両国のみ視聴可能 Service is available Australia and New Zealand only (Geo blocked)

Our viewers are who;like Japan, want to know current news, planning to visit Japan, interest in Asia, Japanese food lovers, visited Japan, studying Japanese, trust in Japanese products, like to travel, like Anime, like Cosplay, like Manga, travel agency staff, Japanese company staff, students at middle and high schools, University students, staff at more than 8000 Japanese food outlets, wishing to market Made in Japan products, so many Japan fans watch us.

視聴者は、日本が好き、今の日本を知りたい、日本に行く、和食がすき、日本に行った、日本語勉強中、旅行が好き、日本産を信頼してる、アジア圏に興味ある、 アニメファン、漫画ファン、コスプレ、旅行代理店勤務、日系商社勤務、日本食提供6000軒のお客・スタッフ、日本製商品を売りたい、両国の小中高生、大学アジア科学生、など多くのジャパンファンが視聴者となります。

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