
4K 2022日本一早い紅葉 Earliest autumn leaves of Japan 北海道大雪山 旭岳 黒岳 層雲峡の紅葉谷 紅葉の名所 Hokkaido, Mt. Daisetsu

DATE:28〜30 September 2022
Towering in the central region of Hokkaido, Mt. Daisetsu is the general name for a volcanic group of 2,000-plus meter peaks that includes Mt. Asahi-dake, Mt. Kuro-dake.
Mt. Asahi-dake and Mt. Kuro-dake in the Taisetsu Mountain Range are the areas where you can see autumn leaves the earliest in Japan.
The leaves will turn red from mid-September and will last until mid-October.
This area is designated as Daisetsuzan National Park.
In fact, Daisetsuzan national park is well known for featuring the first stunning vibrant autumn leaves in Japan each year.

00:00 オープニング opening
00:59 黒岳の紅葉 Autumn leaves of Mt. Kuro-dake
06:46 層雲峡の紅葉谷 Autumn leaves valley of Sounkyo
08:43 旭岳の紅葉 Autumn leaves of Mt. Asahi-dake
14:24 終了画面 End screen




  1. Congratulations for your amazing video 🙇🏼‍♀️ We can really feel autumnal atmosphere 🍂🍁🐿 🙇🏼‍♀️ Have a nice and happy day. Greetings from Belgium 🇧🇪🙇🏼‍♀️🎶🎤🐦

  2. この素晴らしい紅葉を家に居ながらにして観れて嬉しく思います。配信をありがとうございます。また、撮影、編集等お疲れ様でした。👍👌

  3. Arigato gozaimasu! This peace and the lovely sight of the autumn leaves will be in my dreams tonight. I could only wish to be there walking in those forests and woods to smell the fresh air and be surrounded by such beauty. 🍁🍂🍁

  4. 素晴らしい紅葉をありがとうございます🎵

  5. 美しく紅葉した北海道の風景‼️素晴らしいです。見事な景色を見せてもらって、今日一日がハッピーです!ありがとうございます。

  6. 4K 2022日本一早い紅葉 Earliest autumn leaves of Japan 北海道大雪山 旭岳 黒岳 層雲峡の紅葉谷 紅葉の名所 Hokkaido, Mt. Daisetsu I Love Nippon Go Opening.

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