
My Weird Life in Japan | 🍣 Eating An Entire Sushi Cake in Japan’s SUSHI HEAVEN

Japan Van Life Ch 23 – one day foodie tour of Toyama, Japan

Continuing our tour along the Sea of Japan, we’ve found ourselves in the artsy coastal city of Toyama, which is home to a unique local delicacy, “masuzushi” – a round trout sushi cake delicately wrapped in bamboo leaves and boxed in a wooden case called a “wappa” (わっぱ).

This unique type of oshizushi (pressed sushi) was first enjoyed by feudal lords and samurai shoguns and it apparently takes at least 5 years to master the craft of creating the perfect masuzushi cake, so it’s not quite as simple as slapping some fish on a bed of circular rice!

Nowadays you don’t have to class yourself as a nobleman or samurai warrior to enjoy this sushi, though, as it’s sold throughout the prefecture and is a popular souvenir as we found out the hard way after running around for a couple of hours and finding a lot of stores already sold out! 🥲

But it’s not all about the food!! On our one day tour of Toyama, we’re also checking out the city’s observatory, castle park, and glass art museum to take in all the sights and smells of Toyama and the North Japan Alps beyond!

Takataya Masu Sushi store ( 鱒の寿司高田屋)
Matsugawa Café (松川茶屋)
Toyama City Hall observation tower (富山市役所展望塔)
Toyama Glass Art Museum (富山市ガラス美術館)
Toyama City Local History Museum (Toyama Castle Ruin Park, 富山城址公園)

🚐 Watch more!
Our last van life video:
DIY VAN TOUR (What’s inside our tiny self-converted home on wheels?)

🛠Our camping car DIY video

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Thank you (and big love!) to our current monthly Ko-fi club members Eric, Natalie, Yuki, Jen, Mel, Ian, Melissa, Sam & @Ferovka for supporting our travels ❤️


Who or what is OshareJapan?
Hi! We’re Kiwi 🇬🇧 and Bear 🇯🇵, collectively known as OshareJapan. おしゃれ (o-sha-re) is a Japanese term for anything trendy, stylish or cool. OshareJapan = cool Japan! We are an international married couple based in Japan (funnily enough) in our secondhand van, which we converted into a mini home to travel freely around Japan to show you what it has to offer. If you like what you see, don’t forget to subscribe to keep up with our adventures! ❤️

#japanchannel #vanlifejapan #toyama


  1. Toyama made us WORK for this meal 💦(can you tell we were hangry?? 🙈) but it was all worth it in the end!
    Hands up who wants a masuzushi birthday cake next year 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️

  2. ようやく見つけられた、マス寿司、きっと美味しかったでしょうね。😁

  3. Like ,comment and share please . Help support this couple journey on utube 🙏🏽 another great vlog. ❤️🇬🇧

  4. 「鱒寿司」ではなく「鱒の寿司」 駅に行ったら二層になったタイプを買って二層の下の層を食べると上の層の油が下に落ちて物凄く美味いです。

  5. イングランド🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿の方も金木犀の香りは好きなんですね💕

  6. 8:21< 富山市丸の内の高田屋さんですね!チェックしました こんど立山行った帰り寄りたいですね! ありがとうございます!

  7. Y’all are so cute!!! Omg, I’m so jealous! The foods look amazing and I love your vlog style. I’ll definitely stay tuned, keep up the great work. I just uploaded a food tour on my channel too!

  8. Stumbling into festivals and events is one of the most fun things about traveling. 💕 although, it's crazy how so many places were closed… maybe they sold out and closed as a result. 🤷‍♀️ that masuzushi thooo 🤤

  9. Sorry for being so late. I'm afraid your channel fell into that "no notification" hole for me. But, I must be the only one. Having 6.14K Subscribers and 5,463 views on this video is an INSANE ratio! Welcome to what must be a wave a new Subscribers. Y'all are going to enjoy Kiwi and Bear.

  10. I laughed way too much at Bear's itadaki…masu joke 😂 Loved this tour around Toyama! We went once in late autumn when everything was very sad and dead looking and didn't stay for long so it was really nice to see it through your eyes! Haha definitely feel the oshare camping vibes in Japan, everyone's very serious about it 😆Congratulations on getting to 6k subscribers, you guys are absolutely killing it!

  11. 富山駅のとやマルシェに行けば必ず鱒寿司ありますよ。大和(ダイワ)デパートの前の大辻(オオツジ)の鱒の寿司が売り切れなのは謎だけど、マルシェにありますよと言ったでしょ。ここはおおすすめ。

  12. 地元の有名な食品を探す簡単な方法は駅弁、駅売店を探すのが1番簡単です。

  13. 富山名物の、【鱒の押し寿司】は、矢張り、列車の中で食べた方が、絶体に、美味しいですね!! 今でも、珠に、駅中の、「駅弁コーナー」で、買い、家で食べる事が有りますが、昔、富山の駅弁屋で、買い列車に揺られながら食べた味には、及びませんでした!! 
    何度か遣りましたが、どうしても、味は落ちますね! 気分的な問題が、最大だとは、理解出来ますが、舌の、味覚は、正直ですから、誤魔化し様が無いのは確かですね!? 不思議な位に、駅弁は、列車内で食べねば駄目だと諦念感に、被われました!!

  14. 「鮭」は、海で、育ちますが、「鱒」は、生涯を、湖や、川で終える、【淡水魚】で、鮭とは、親類関係と、云えますね! 謎なのは、「鮭は、淡水で産まれて、塩水で、育つが、何故産まれた川を知る事が、出来るのか?」其れは、今も、解明されて居ません!?? 実に、不思議な、事実ですね!!

  15. 鮭と鱒の違いは海水で成魚になるか淡水で成魚になるかの違いかと(-_-;)

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