@The Japan Times

@The Japan Times: Ikebukuro’s Robot Kichi bar is keen to attract male fans of “mecha” in their 40s…

Ikebukuro’s Robot Kichi bar is keen to attract male fans of “mecha” in their 40s and 50s, who used to watch anime titles when they were younger, according to Eiichiro Tsuji, manager of the new business team at Bandai Spirits Co. that produces robot figures. Bandai Spirits and Yoronotaki Co., a Tokyo-based izakaya (pub) chain, jointly launched the mecha-themed bar in November 2017. The izakaya-style layout was used in an effort to bring in customers who come in groups, but Tsuji hopes the remodeled bar will be more welcoming to individual customers, who can casually sit at the counter and chat with fellow fans. (Kazuaki Nagata photo and Kazuhiro Kobayashi video)
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