
101回目への弘前公園の桜-Spring has come-/Cherry blossoms in Hirosaki Park for the 101st time-Spring has come-





2020 spring, in the interest of public safety over the spread of the COVID-19, the memorable 100th “Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival” was cancelled. Once again, we would like to thank all of you for your understanding and cooperation in refraining over viewing cherry blossoms during the period.

One year has passed since then. Even in the midst of the chaotic world situation, the cherry blossoms in Hirosaki Park are quietly preparing to bloom in the spring.
In summer, fresh young green leaves sway on branches.
In autumn, colorful autumn leaves shine in the blue sky.
In winter, deep snow covers the ground and trees survive the severe cold.

Team Sakuramori (tree doctor) and staffs are taking care of the cherry trees throughout the seasons. Finally, spring has come to Hirosaki again. Let us getting prepared for the 101st “Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival”.



Alo Japan.

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