
Hokkaido Trip Day 5, Eastern part of Hokkaido, Lake Mashu , Kushiro , Kushiro Marshland. 北海道5日目

Hokkaido Trip Day 5,
After watching the sunrise from Lake Mashu , we headed to Kushiro.
・Lake Mashu
Lake Mashu is a caldera lake in Teshikaga town
located in the northeastern direction of Lake Akan (阿寒湖),
It means “A mountain god’s lake” in Ainu language.

・Shake Banya
Popular restaurant and a seafood market
in Kushiro city.

・The Kushiro Marshland (釧路湿原, Kushiro Shitsugen)
The park offers bird watching, nature viewing, and walking trails.
Japanese Cranes can be viewed there year round and attract
hundreds of photographers.


📅 Recording Date: October 18,2021

Alo Japan.

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