
First Ride With GoPro Hero 8 Black | Mamachari Bicycle Ride in Japan [4k]

Today we are testing out our new GoPro Hero 8 Black by cycling around our local neighborhood in Japan with Thuong-chan and her mama-chari bicycle.

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We want to give a special thank you to everyone who’s helped support our channel through either Patreon or donations. It really helps motivate us to keep making this channel even better and helps us be able to reinvest in some new equipment for making our videos even better.

As our first test with our new camera, we are going for a casual ride around our local neighborhood in Japan, and I wanted to show you goes some cool hidden gems, as well as a nearby local temple and Japanese bakery. It’s kind of a mixed video today, but I wanted to test out the GoPro Hero 8 black in various conditions, both cycling and walking, and low light tests as well. The camera so far has exceeded all of my expectations and I’m super excited about using it from now on πŸ™‚

Let us know what you think of the new GoPro down below in the comments!

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Alo Japan.