
A Virtual Walk around Bodai-ji Temple in Mutsu, Aomori | My 12500km Lap of Japan on Bicycle

I want to show you everything I’m seeing during my lap of JAPAN so I try and give you a virtual walk through every temple I visit. I will cycle most days from June, 2020 to October, 2020!

You can find live updates on my Instagram (stories/highlights):

You can find personal google maps that I used to navigate Japan on my site:


This is a Virtual Walk around Osore-zan Bodai-ji Temple in Mutsu, Aomori. This was a temple I visited on day 17 of my lap of Japan!

Osore-zan Bodai-ji Temple – 恐山菩提寺
Usoriyama-3-2 Tanabu, Mutsu, Aomori 035-0021


I try my best to eat delicious Japanese food, visit amazing temples/nature spots, work remotely and edit videos (on my iPhone) all at the same time! Check out my vlogs to see what I did day to day during the trip. Just a regular guy trying to make life interesting by going on epic journeys.

Alo Japan.