
日本一のモグラ駅・土合駅と越後湯沢の酒風呂&日本酒飲み比べ/Travel to Doai&Echigo-Yuzawa



0:00 土合へ向けて
1:35 土合駅到着 Doai station
2:17 改札に向けて・上り
6:01 土合駅改札
6:49 土合駅の外
7:29 土合駅地上ホーム
8:07 ホームに向けて・下り
11:03 土合駅ホームの様子
13:04 上越線の旅・越後中里
15:14 越後湯沢・日本酒飲み比べ Echigo-yuzawa

上野ー高崎:高崎線普通約2時間 Tokyo(Ueno)-Takasaki:2hr
高崎ー水上:上越線普通約1時間 Takasaki-Minakami:1hr
水上ー土合:上越線普通約10分 Minakami-Doai:10min.

上越新幹線:約1時間20分 Tokyo-EchigoYuzawa:1hr20min※Shinkansen

上越線普通で約26分 EchigoYuzawa-Doai:26min

The area along the JR-Joetsu Line is known for its heavy snowfall, and many ski resorts are still located within walking distance from the station, making it an area where you can easily enjoy skiing.

Doai station, which has a platform 70 m below the ticket gate, and it is famous for its special structure. Also, if you take the Joetsu Line, you should definitely enjoy the local sake of Echigo and Niigata. There is only rice, and there is plenty of sake. You can compare and drink a lot of alcohol in the station yard. (Maximum 5 cups for 500 yen) There is also a sake bath.

Alo Japan.