
【冬の山寺】宝珠山 立石寺の風景 Yamadera Rissyaku-ji Temple in Winter | Yamagata Japan

宝珠山立石寺は、貞観二年(860年)に第3代天台座主 慈覚大師円仁によって建立された天台宗の御山で東北を代表する霊山です。

I visited and worshiped at Hojusan Rissyaku-ji Temple in Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture Japan, which is commonly known as Yamadera. Hojusan Rissyaku-ji Temple was erected in the second year of Jōgan (860) by Ennin, the third Tendai-zasu lord. It is crowded with many tourists during the season when you can enjoy the seasonal scenery such as autumn leaves and the fresh green season, but in winter the approach road was slippery due to snow, so people were sparse. I would like to visit again when the fresh greenery and autumn leaves are beautiful.

Color Correction:Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio
Camcorder:Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K(BMPCC6K)
Recording format:Blackmagic RAW 6K Q5 6144×3456 50fps
Video Codec:BRAW Gen5 to H.264/AVC High 10 Level 6.2 5120×2880 5K 29.97fps
LUT:Emotive Color ‘Alex’ conversion / ARRI X-2-ALEXA_v3

Playlist of 2021 sightseeing and event videos taken with BMPCC 6K.


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Alo Japan.