
Tagaytay vacation 2019 First episode, Tagaytay Philippines

Tagaytay,Vacation time,Together kids, visited My Friend, love

These Are The Ties That Bond
© Erica C. McClendon

Published: February 2006

No one is ever born into this world alone, but the Lord connected us to someone’s family tree.
Everyone has shared the bond of family whose name always has a history.
These are the ties-
My family, better known as my loved ones,
They were the ones who were the first to see me shed a tear.
They were the first to see me grow over the years.
Your family, they’re usually the first to work your nerves
but they are also the first to help heal your hurts.
They are usually the ones who would put up with you despite your faults
right to the very end,
and no matter how many times you go astray (get lost) they always accept you back into the bond again.
I think of my family.
No matter how many hateful things we did to one another or hateful words we have shared
when affliction came upon our lives we were the first and last ones there.
It kind of reminds me of Jesus, my personal Savior and eternal friend,
But the only thing about Him is he’ll be there to the end.
I thank God for our many disagreements, they just made our bond grow tight,
and I can’t even count on one hand how many times we went our distance,
but somewhere down the line, God always caused us to reunite.
These are the ties that bond, and this is the bond that holds the family together,
and these are the ties that make the family’s endurance last forever.

Source: philippines travel update worship together kids family quotes philippines travel news visual poetry

Alo Japan.

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