
【AOMORI】Hirosaki Castle Walking Tour 小さくても存在感のある弘前城を散歩してみた【4K】

【AOMORI】Hirosaki Castle Walking Tour なんとも可愛らしい弘前城を散歩してみた【4K】

Rec: Nov , 2020 14:00pm


Hirosaki castle is located in Hirosaki Park. It’s small but pretty castle. There is an abundant of exhibits for you to learn about the history of Hirosaki, the reason why and how the locals moved the castle from one to another site within Hirosaki park.

Welcome to Nippon Walking Tour Channel !
I want you to enjoy real walking atmosphere. Please turn off the light ,enjoy the scenery of the walk together while playing music with your favorite drink .It’t about to start Nippon Walking Tour!!

Nippon Walking Tour のお散歩ツアーへようこそ!
散歩している臨場感を楽しんでいただきたく、ぜひ部屋の電気を消して、お気に入りのお酒を片手に音楽でも流しながら、一緒に散歩の風景を楽しんでください。さあ、Nippon Walking Tour のスタートです!



Alo Japan.

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