
Around Kodai-ji Temple. Get on the Kyoto City bus of No.206 from Kyoto Station.

Well, how do you go here? Get on the Kyoto City bus of No.206 from Kyoto Station. This is a Kyoto City bus of No.206.

However, you should note it now. The bus of No.206 is going it round the Kyoto city. This bus has a clockwise route and an anti-clockwise route. You must get on an anti-clockwise bus. The method is easy. You only have to get on No.206 from bus terminal area D2 at Kyoto station. Never get on No.206 from bus terminal area A2.A clockwise route will slow down the arrival of you at Kodai-ji Temple very much.
Let’s see in the map. The Kyoto City bus moves from Kyoto Station to Kodai-ji Temple through this route. This is an anti-clockwise route. And, it is good. You will get on the Kyoto City bus for about 15 minutes. The stop of the bus that you get off is Higashiyama Yasui. Here is Higashiyama Yasui. This is scenery around Higashiyama Yasui. You will walk from here to Kodai-ji Temple for five minutes. Moreover, let’s study the map. You should walk from Higashiyama Yasui to Kodai-ji Temple by the shank’s mare.You arrived at Kodai-ji Temple. Then, please enjoy Kodai-ji Temple to one’s heart’s content.
Well, what do you do after visiting Kodai-ji Temple?You might be thirsty. In addition, you might be hungry. Then, let’s introduce a special restaurant that is in the close vicinity of Kodai-ji Temple.
Raise up your hand if you like dessert. Raise up your hand again if you like green tea too. If you’ve already raised both hands,Tsujiri is the place for you.Tsujiri specialise in green tea. They have incorporated green tea into desserts and have made these desserts so popular that a consistent queue is forming at the dessert shop’s entrance. Even for a person who doesn’t fancy red bean and green tea food, the desserts that Tsujiri create impressed me.You must be impressed, too.
Should you move to the different location possibly at once?You do not have time to eat slowly. If so, let’s buy snack in the nearby convenience store. There are some convenience stores near the bus stop, Higashiyama Yasui that you got off a little while ago. This is Seven Eleven. And, here is Lawson. There is FamilyMart, too.
Hey. The Kyoto City bus came. We will go to an attractive place, somewhere by that bus.

Alo Japan.