
🌍 360° Topkhana Forest | Shusha, Azerbaijan 🇦🇿【GoPro VR Travel | 360 Video】

A 360° GoPro VR video of a sunset above the Topkhana Forest that fills the Hunot Gorge, on the outskirts of Shusha – a historic small town that was recently recaptured by Azerbaijan, having previously been part of the de facto independent Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

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Camera: GoPro Omni

Thanks for watching!

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How to view the 360° video:

Desktop using Google Chrome:
Use your mouse or trackpad to change your view while the video plays.

YouTube app on mobile:
Move your device around to look at all angles while the video plays

Google Cardboard:
Load the video in the YouTube app and tap on the cardboard icon when the video starts to play. Insert your phone in cardboard and enjoy.

More info here: 🇬🇧 | 🇷🇺

#travel #gopro #360video

Alo Japan.

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