
早朝の熊野古道を歩き、飛瀧神社のご神体である那智滝へ Walk on Nachi falls(那智滝)through Kumano (熊野古道) in Wakayama 【4K】

熊野古道を歩き飛瀧神社のご神体である那智滝へ。Walk on Nachi falls(那智滝)through Kumano Kodo(熊野古道) in Wakayama 【4K】


Kumano Kodo refers to a network of pilgrimage trails through the southern Kansai region. The Kodo are a key part of the region’s UNESCO designation, and have been in use for over 1000 years.

Nachi falls is 133 meters high and 13 meters wide, it is the tallest waterfall in Japan and can been seen from far out on the Pacific Ocean.

Rec: Aug , 2020 7:00 am


Alo Japan.