
Holy Mountains, Water Gardens, a Shining Tunnel and the House of Lights | A Japan Travel Film

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#japan #djiosmopocket #echigotsumari #niigata

Behind the scenes:
In December 2019 we visited a quiet side of Japan, traveling across Niigata, Yamagata, Fukushima and Tochigi. It was off-season, which made a lot of things easier to shoot. In the short film you see the House of Lights by James Turrell, the Bijinbayashi Forest, the Tunnel of Lights, the KINARE museum (all are part of the Echigo Tsumari Art Field), the Kamo Aquarium, the Sanky-Soko warehouses of the city of Sakata, the holy Mount Haguro, home of the Yamabushi monks, the Onsen village of Ginzan-Onsen, the mountain temple of Yamadera, the castle of Aizu-Wakamatsu, the Aizu-Sazaedo Pagoda in Aizu-Wakamatsu, the Tadamigawa Bridge and the Art Biotop Nasu. We used trains, buses and twice a rental car.

Technical infos:
I shot this film almost entirely on the tiny DJI Osmo Pocket. It has become my favorite travel camera. For the aerial shots I use a DJI Mavic Air, which I like because of its size.

DJI Omo Pocket:


Here are my Japan travel guides and my Japan speeches in Zurich (in German):

Read my daily Japan blog:

japan, tohoku, niigata, yamagata, fukushima, tochigi, house of lights, haguro, kamo-aquarium, sakata, ginzan-onsen, art biotop nasu, Echigo Tsumari Art Field, tsuruga castle, tadamigawa-bridge, tadamigawa-line, 只見川,  新潟, 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ, 羽黒山, 会津さざえ堂, 会津若松城, 水庭, アートビオトープ那須, 美人林

Alo Japan.

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