@The Japan Times

The Japan Times: Almost two days have passed since Typhoon Hagibis caused the levees of the Chiku…

Almost two days have passed since Typhoon Hagibis caused the levees of the Chikuma River in Nagano to break.Water levels have gone down significantly decreased, but some houses still remain flooded.
Self-Defense Forces personnel say that all residents who requested rescue from their flooded homes have been safely evacuated, but they continue to row through flood waters, making sure no one is trapped.

Even though it is raining heavily, some residents have started cleaning up their houses covered with mud.

It was announced Monday that 37 rivers overflowed as a result of Typhoon Hagibis and 52 locations were inundated.
Currently the death toll stand at 59, and 15 people are still missing.
Approximately 38,00 people in 17 prefectures have had to evacuate their homes. .
#TyphoonHagibis #Typhoons #weather #flooding #Japan #震災 #千曲川 #長野 #台風19号長野県被害 #台風19

Alo Japan.