
Matsushima Bay from Land, Sea & AIR!! – Tandem Paraglide – Go!Go!Tohoku!! Japan Travels

See one of Japan’s Top 3 Scenic Views by land, sea and…AIR!!
Anh-Duc (Germany) shows us a completely different side of one of Tohoku’s most famous locations from a tandem paraglide! In the very safe hands of Yamaya-san (three-time national champion), soar over the beautiful green-blue waters of Shiogama and Matsushima Bay and appreciate the incredible scenery from a bird’s-eye view!

Tandem Paragliding experiences are available between April and November, and can be reserved online (Yamaya-san speaks great English, too!). For bookings and details see the ‘Kaze no Oka Paragliding’ hompage:
Facebook: かぜのおかパラグライダー【宮城仙台観光】パラグライダー体験飛行

Check out Anh-Duc’s YouTube and Instagram for more Tohoku travel inspiration:
Hollywise. – Okinawa

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