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In this video we explore Kyoto In Japan

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good morning everyone here from the famous city of Kyoto in Japan which is considered to be the cultural capital of Japan very famous place probably the most famous One along with uh Tokyo and weā€™re starting off around 7:30 online it does advise to go to the places early to beat the the big tours that are coming you can actually already see two big coaches there but two is not a lot for a place like Kyoto I donā€™t think so weā€™re going to be starting off exploring like the historical districts and streets and right now weā€™re on our way to a famous [Music] temple so this is the first stop K misel data so this Temple was established sometime in the 700s donā€™t think it would have looked like like this back then though and at that time Nara was the capital not Koto so after Nara Koto ended up being the capital from around the 700s to the 1800s a long time just over a thousand years but yeah even early it is already getting quite busier I like this Temple itā€™s a bit different cuz it has like a kind of a bright red color almost orange yeah it reminds me a bit of the one that we saw in kapu yeah the pagod there that was bright orange a lot of the ones that we see are either like a brown wooden color or red I get some nice views I didnā€™t realize we were so close to like the mountains here all green so it seems like we havenā€™t even entered the main part yet got to buy tickets here even though it was already so impressive on the outside so was 500 per person to enter so now itā€™s one of the ancient Brown looking temples [Music] [Music] wow thatā€™s an amazing shot from here I think that is the main Temple over there beautiful temple with the city views in the back this walkā€™s definitely a bonus yeah and you can hear the bird singing itā€™s like really a really beautiful place and peaceful this part here uh suddenly it became peaceful and I think it this this Temple is uh very different because we have the the forest and itā€™s so green now because we went to a temple or a shrine I donā€™t know in Nik which was also surrounding by Forest but uh I think it was dry because of the winter but here itā€™s so green and just really beautiful yeah in Nico it was also raining so it was like very dark in the forest this is nice and bright very vibrant [Music] [Music] so weā€™re going to make our way through the all streets everything looks so beautiful around here and I donā€™t know if weā€™re already in gon the gisha district but weā€™re going to make our way around there Iā€™m guessing everywhere only opens around 10 cuz itā€™s almost 9:00 a.m. now everythingā€™s still closed wow look at this for a beautiful street Iā€™m also curious how itā€™s going to be cuz apparently thereā€™s like some sort of tourist Banning Place that started April this year just now and I think youā€™re not allowed to go down some Alleyways some local streets take photos stuff like that itā€™s just being implemented so weā€™ll see how that is I havenā€™t seen any signs so far around here [Music] I think this is what we read about the Starbucks oh this is the Starbucks I think so isnā€™t that the Starbucks logo oh yeah the coolest Starbucks Iā€™ve ever seen at least they maintain the traditional style would be kind of ridiculous to see a modern Starbucks building in the middle of this yeah remember the one that we saw in Dubai was it Dubai yeah Dubai right uh at the the old like Medina yeah the old Medina it was really cool as well but maybe this one is cooler yeah I think so [Music] yeah hereā€™s one of the signs no photography so down there weā€™ve now come to maruyama park this was on on our list of things to do we just came across it decided to come through here the Japanese Gardens and parks are always beautiful anyway so yesterday I was reading about the ban and I think itā€™s just cuz a lot of the Alleyways were getting like congested with too many tourists and um yeah many people stopping to do like Photo sessions right so the locals started getting annoyed since they live there and I think also some people were kind of like harassing the the GES from what we read yeah it was I think it was like isolated uh incidents incidents but still uh we know that unfortunately since there there are uh bad people in the world that are uh bad tourists in the world they are the minority which is good but still some people are disrespectful and thatā€™s uh thatā€™s a shame really which uh ends up being bad for all the tourists even the ones that are respectful yeah so it said there was like incidents of people like touching them touching their hair things like that so yeah itā€™s just a a big problem right [Music] and right next to that Park we got another surprise look at the size of this massive Buddhist temple complex that we werenā€™t planning to to come to in Temple in yeah can hear them praying [Music] inside so this seems like a good place to come if youā€™re just looking for a quiet Temple experience away from the other tourists by the looks of it itā€™s not a a popular one even though itā€™s so impressive been seeing these a lot in Kyoto too which kind of looks like a pagoda I donā€™t know if you call that a pagoda Stone ones [Music] so weā€™re now on one of the most popular streets called Hanam mikari street so the majority of the side roads here say that you canā€™t film say itā€™s 10,000 Yen fine if you do to me so far it doesnā€™t seem like much of a big deal cuz even the main streets already look pretty cool I donā€™t know if the side alleys are so much better like can still walk down here yeah itā€™s mainly just the small tiny alleys thatā€™s it itā€™s still a lot quieter than I was expecting though I think uh itā€™s around 11: now 11:00 a.m. and this ainā€™t busy at all pretty minimal people dodging so a lot of the places seem to be closed though yeah so hereā€™s an example fine up to 10,000 Yen without permit more signs donā€™t spread out and block the street donā€™t touch lanterns fences or doors on private houses so Iā€™m thinking that all these places might only open at night for the for the gisha shows premium seat and te ceremony 7,000 regular seat 4,000 maybe we should go to one of the shows one day yeah Iā€™d like to do the Tea Ceremony too for 7,000 [Music] so weā€™ve come into this restaurant that just opened at 11:30 a lot of them only open at 5:30 p.m. yeah I think this is more an area to come at night looks like it yeah I think Iā€™m going to go for a noodles to number like chicken noodles 1,180 y they brought us like hot tea so us three all went for the same chicken ones with the ud on and yours is o on but with fish yeah I think this is like a Kyoto specialty and it is with the herring fish and just noodles yeah I think that was 1,380 somebody was dissing our Chopstick technique in the video I have none no technique my technique is just as long as you can grab it okay yeah thatā€™s me as well like I donā€™t even know if Iā€™m doing it right but Iā€™ve been doing it like this for years does the job super black fish yeah it tast is very strong not sure if I I love it too strong yeah [Music] the DU bath yeah yeah I guess they used to be like a ancient Bridge here where this oneā€™s located now so this might be the nicest part so far got the beautiful flowers and plants really old building and then the stream flowing through that was like the Japanese style trees this one looks like those ones where that you see in the Bonsai the bonsai trees normal size version some of these buildings here are also restaurants we passed one down at the bottom that was like a cafe you pull a set right over the water [Music] a [Music] so now weā€™re queuing up at this place for some local desserts I think my momā€™s going to get this which is some sort of thing with custard inside and Carol is going to get this sweet potato thing 300 and Iā€™m going to get a green tea ice cream with red bean 350 yeah this is definitely one of the most unusual things that Iā€™ve eaten in uh in Japan so far Iā€™ve had the red past thing on other other desserts but yeah this oneā€™s bizarre I donā€™t even know how you eat this as well like a ice cream burger yeah this is like some sort of like Cracker itā€™s good I like it yeah itā€™s mainly just the taste of the the bean real hot oh they heat yours up mhm itā€™s really good I think I prefer the sweet potato more than the the red bean one yeah [Music] so weā€™ve now come to arashiyama to see the famous bamboo forest about 20 minutes on the Metro from the main station in Kyoto so itā€™s just about uh 6 7 minutes from the station and you already enter the bamboo forest didnā€™t have to pay anything so far looks really cool doesnā€™t it yeah have we ever been to a place with all this bamboo I donā€™t think so right no been to Forest that have like little sections but not like a walkway like this [Music] [Music] so you got this Temple here tenry G Temple weā€™re going to check that out didnā€™t even know there was temples on this Trail thereā€™s always a temple though so it was 500 to enter but thatā€™s just for the garden you want to go inside the temple you have to pay 300 more but weā€™re going to be visiting another temples so wonā€™t bother going to this one how beautiful from here I guess this was the shop from the photo that we saw in the entrance like a big pond the fish are on the shade oh yeah [Music] wow look at this cherry blossom here still going the majority are already dead must have been a late bloa for it to still be like that yeah some real vibrant colors here though flower Ure pink see Ni sh a bamboo more bamboo oh yeah this is a nice part so apparently we havenā€™t even approached the main part of the bamboo forest I think itā€™s over there so the area that we walked through before wasnā€™t the main part [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we walked up some steps and check out this view here thereā€™s like a observation deck I think thereā€™s a few observation points but absolutely beautiful River a little boat over there you can do like a little river cruise if you want and there was a sign back there showing that thereā€™s like a train track you can get a train that goes along the Riverside youā€™re really Scenic ride there are some small beaches like Beach area around there yeah I can see the sand yeah itā€™s crazy cuz when you search for the bamboo place you donā€™t see that there are other things you do around here like this place and the garden and the temple yeah thereā€™s so much to do so I checked online and thatā€™s not a restaurant itā€™s actually a place that you can stay like a a hotel man thatā€™s got to be like one of the best hotels in Koto should have stayed there K probably pricey but maybe itā€™s worth it $1,000 per night [Music] come down to the Riverside now yeah this is definitely one of my favorite places in Koto the nature so thereā€™s a variety of different kind of boat boats I think you can get your own little rowboat so I think we should get the rowboat and Carol does all the rowing no way I only go if you do the the hard work yeah definitely come down here if youā€™re visiting the bamboo forest judging by the lack of people here I donā€™t think a lot of people know that you can come down here and it was only like a a 5 minute walk maybe really close [Music] so weā€™re going for it weā€™re going to do the boat tour which we weren planning on doing leaves in 25 minutes I think 11:55 so that is 1,500 per person for a shared boat Koto arashi y ranko I donā€™t know what ranko is name of the boat maybe you can do it at night didnā€™t you show a winter photo somewhere yeah oh look at that and Autumn Yeah so basically we got off at the station here walked through the bamboo and then we went here and got some views right now weā€™re here and then after the boat toour weā€™re going to have to cross the river I think and go to the monkey Park nice little seat see how the water is here it is pretty cold not ice cold though I think itā€™s good I think I could swim a refreshing swim I donā€™t see anyone swimming in here though [Music] [Music] look [Music] we got a shopping boat I think itā€™s mainly food and drink so weā€™re going to get the rice cake thing itā€™s 400 you got 400 thank you yeah they even had like a little kind of like barbecue thing going on yeah fish and some other things some other meat itā€™s hot it is too hot itā€™s been a while since we eating this nice though with the get [Music] all right so now weā€™re going to make our way to the monkey park I think the boat tour was what like 30 40 minutes yeah 30 minutes which was cool just needed a quiet a group with us yeah people were talking and talking all the time it wasnā€™t really relaxing cuz of them yeah but it was beautiful a beautiful ride yeah but I was just kind of hoping for like a very peaceful and quiet boat ride but yeah when youā€™re doing these things with other groups you kind of depend on everyone else right still is good though so not only boat tours you can do these little tours as well where the guys carry you along Doo [Music] [Music] so for the monkey Park itā€™s 600 per adult to enter and it said that we got to do like uh 20 walk itā€™s pretty much all uphill so we just went up some steps cuz you also get a a Viewpoint monkeys in a Viewpoint so the sign back there said thereā€™s 120 of these monkeys moment you get up you can already see a few do you see the one like taking a bath oh and the fish coming closer fish she is going to eat it thatā€™s like a baby one yeah he itā€™s going inside isnā€™t it yeah [Music] [Music] so these are the same kind of monkeys that they call the snow monkeys that you might have seen in footage where they chilling like the hot springs in the snow in the north of Japan the same kind [Music] [Music] so weā€™ve now come to what is supposed to be one of the most beautiful temples in Kyoto called King Kakui itā€™s 500 to enter we got a taxi here about 20 minutes to get here and the taxi costs 3,200 we donā€™t often get taxis in Japan but if we didnā€™t come by a taxi weā€™d have to get two buses and the place is closing soon closes at 4:30 this is the most packed place so far so itā€™s also known as the golden temple for obvious reasons and once again just an absolutely beautiful setting like many of the temples that weā€™ve been to throughout Japan on the lake I donā€™t think weā€™ve actually seen many golden ones no not all golden like this not here uh weā€™ve seen uh ones like this in Thailand maybe but not in Japan yeah I think thatā€™s the first like fully Golden One originally built around the 14th century but this oneā€™s like a reconstruction like many other ones that we go to in Japan [Music] wow look how it looks in winter so you canā€™t enter this one just got to admire it from the outside even closer now this is the most builting isnā€™t it oh like the lake and the forest yeah that just perfect thatā€™s why they say itā€™s one of the most beautiful in Kyoto definitely it seems like it so online it says that the original one was burnt down by a monk that was here which is not a story that you hear often apparently they said he had some kind of like mental illness schizophrenia and he burned it down he wanted to shock the world so thatā€™s why this one is a reconstruction I think a lot of the other ones were damaged more like natural fires yeah earthquakes or even like the the wars this one is a different reason [Music] [Music] yeah so it is our final day in Kyoto now and weā€™ve left the most iconic spot for this final day the Fushimi inar Shrine some of you may have seen this the part that weā€™re going to be visiting very soon itā€™s pretty much the place that I always saw in the photos of Kyoto yeah I think itā€™s the most iconic place and thatā€™s why itā€™s it gets very busy but thatā€™s also why we decided to come early like 7:30 a.m. as usual really epic looking entrance so I mentioned in some other videos that Iā€™m often confused if itā€™s a shrine or a temple so apparently Shrine is only used when itā€™s a Shinto building and Temple is when itā€™s Buddhist so thereā€™s a few things that you can check to know if itā€™s like Shinto youā€™ll have these kind of gates at the front so that is just a Shinto gate and youā€™ll also have like the dogs or lions I think at the front these Guardians whereas the Buddhist temples usually have those kind of like big Warrior statues and then obviously in the Buddhist temples youā€™ll have the Buddha statues in like the main hall seems like it was good coming here at 7:30 though basically nobody around really nice and quiet good luck choosing a favorite temple on this trip yeah Iā€™d have to look at them again I kind of you kind of forget itā€™s got to be the last couple the one in um Nar in Nar was something was it with the big bu inside yeah the one in Nar was massive as well it looked like it was like five times taller than this fantastic they yeah they are nice colors orange [Music] so weā€™re now entering the iconic part that weā€™re talking about so apparently thereā€™s around 10,000 of these Tory Gates there we used to seeing just like one yeah but I donā€™t know I had an idea that these were like small really yeah I didnā€™t know they were like so huge and so like thick like this the big wood yeah I mean theyā€™re definitely bigger than I thought but I knew they were pretty pretty tall so thereā€™s like an entire walkway like this ah this is what Carol was talking about theyā€™re a lot smaller here yeah maybe this was the famous part then like two little tunnels so it makes a bit more sense that thereā€™s 10,000 of this kind cuz if it was the massive ones 10,000 would have been completely nuts and on each one you can see the right in here apparently thatā€™s either the person or organization that donated to this Shrine and the earliest ones are from like the 8th Century going back that far and theyā€™re still putting more and more in definitely glad that we came early this is awesome [Music] okay never mind now theyā€™re kind of big again so I guess theyā€™re all different shapes and sizes and this is a trail I think people say it takes around an hour to go up and then maybe like half an hour 40 minutes to come back down later on apparently L this was also featured in the film Memoirs of Aisha which I watched probably over a decade ago so I donā€™t remember need to watch it again [Music] oh [Music] so weā€™re almost at the top now it is a lot of steps at the end and thereā€™s also buildings where you can get like snacks and rest many vending machines places you can buy drinks and stuff so yeah you can rest I really didnā€™t realize that it would be like this the whole time though I know itā€™s 10,000 of the gates but I thought it would stop at some point really does just go on and on the further you get to the top the emptier it gets I think a lot of people donā€™t go the entire way there was a place halfway with like a a Viewpoint I think a lot of people just go to that one and then go back down so this is the top Shrine donā€™t think you get any views from up here still surrounded by the trees so the name of the shrine has inat in it and I just found out that means rice so itā€™s kind of like a dedication to the Shinto God of rice seen that on Japanese menus before so now I know what it means rice pretty cool though how they have all the gates still up here mini Gates itā€™s really nice and thereā€™s many uh like dog statues Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s any religious thing about a dog I donā€™t know I will search later on yeah cuz usually we see like that dog lion thing at the end here is a different kind of dog itā€™s just a dog yeah more dogos yeah yeah they also have something in the mouth theyā€™re playing fetch [Music] so weā€™re back in the historical neighborhood of gon once again and we just did a tea ceremony you werenā€™t allowed to film there but you could take some pictures so itā€™s basically just the preparation of matcha so thatā€™s a ceremony that they do on special occasions things like New Yearā€™s all sorts of occasions but itā€™s not something that they do on like a regular daily basis not that kind of preparation with matcha and weā€™re back on that main shopping street again so there is more movement still looks like the places are closed I donā€™t know are they closed or do they just keep the doors closed yeah I donā€™t know maybe the restaurants are closed because of the time maybe after 6 they will open again still early the lights are on at this one but I donā€™t know so this part here is called gon Corner this is where you have the other Tea Ceremony shows and the theater so I think it was here that we were seeing those posters for before but when Carol checked I think you said it was all sold out yeah for even next week everything was sold out really yeah so book in advance if you want to do that but thatā€™s why youā€™ll see like the proper gisha shows I think itā€™s more of like a big event but then Carol found the one that we went to online but it was just a small group it was just my family and two other people yeah it was really cool uh very like calm almost like a meditation yeah and a nice like traditional house setting yeah was school it itā€™s a nice experience [Music] [Music] so weā€™re going to be leaving Kyoto now weā€™re actually heading back to Nara where we made a previous video not going to be making more videos there but we just thought it would be a cool place to spend some more days since we liked it there and itā€™s also pretty close to Osaka where weā€™ll be flying out of Japan from and weā€™ve been staying in this house house so itā€™s two floors $163 thatā€™s shared between the the four of us so weā€™re just paying half of that weā€™re in like a quiet little neighborhood not too far from the train station I think itā€™s about a 7 minute walk to the train station thatā€™s where weā€™re going now is nice and quiet though and this house has four bedrooms so thereā€™s one in there my parents were staying in this one and then thereā€™s one downstairs thereā€™s lots of light nice art these umbrellas too for the lights thatā€™s something different and then once again itā€™s the kitchen and the living room joint together but also really nice it might actually be the best place that weā€™ve stayed so far the best accommodation so basically every single place that we visited on this trip was absolutely amazing I think overall our favorites would probably be kusatsu the onson town since that was something new for us it was absolutely incredible cuz it was snowing too made it even better and then Okawa since we love beaches and that place is just absolute Paradise basically like the Caribbean a lot of people donā€™t even know that Japan has things like that and Kyoto we have seen during these last few days that it is definitely famous for a reason just so many spectacular things like it is known to be like super touristy but yeah thereā€™s definitely a reason why and as we shown in this video even going to places around like 10:00 a.m. they w actually that busy cuz we read in some blogs saying oh you need to get there around 6: or 7 a.m. but that must be people that want it basically completely empty to take photos or something we donā€™t need places to be completely empty I just donā€™t like it when youā€™re at those kind of places where you have to keep people dodging all the time and itā€™s hard to walk around but it wasnā€™t like that at all maybe if you go to the attractions after 12: after lunchtime then itā€™s chaotic but we didnā€™t see that on this trip anyway and itā€™s just been incredible to finally come here always been absolutely fascinated by Japan and yeah I think a lot of people are thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many tourists here right now Japanese things have had a big impact throughout the world so yeah I think the majority of people that I know have always been playing like their video games the Nintendo Sega I remember I used to play when I was little Sonic the Hedgehog Tekken the fighting games pretty much all of it was Japanese video games and then you had the other things like PokĆ©mon Dragon Ball Z I remember seeing all that kind of thing on the TV and then thereā€™s also the other things like the car brands the electronics TV brands all that stuff itā€™s kind of hard to go a day without seeing something Japanese even outside of Japan so yeah itā€™s been amazing to come here and see it all around here too and weā€™ll definitely come back in the future cuz thereā€™s just so many places to visit some people say like Japanā€™s like a theme park cuz thereā€™s just so many attractions basically every single place that you go thereā€™ll be some kind of tourist attraction something to do there wasnā€™t really anything negative about here people say like the language barrier I mean it is a bit difficult sometimes without the English I donā€™t really see that as a major negative though if you have like the translation apps you get used to it pretty quick one of the way things though was sometimes trying to get food sometimes we go to restaurants and be turned away and apparently thatā€™s quite common here and I donā€™t know why thereā€™s like multiple theories online some places say that like foreigners are not welcome at some eating establishments itā€™s more for Japanese some other places say that if they donā€™t think they can serve you well because of the language barrier they just prefer to not serve you instead of giving you bad service so itā€™s not like they actually have a problem with you they just think itā€™s bad that theyā€™re going to do yeah bad job I donā€™t know but you donā€™t really get that in other countries so it is kind of weird when you go to places and they they turn you away and then you see the the locals the Japanese being allowed in and it did happen quite a few times and we actually met other people that it happened to them so yeah I donā€™t know what that is exactly maybe somebody watching knows about that and in the next videos weā€™re going to be visiting China for the first time for just over 2 weeks it wonā€™t be a big trip like here in Japan so really interested to see how that country is so if you like this video just drop a like as usual to support us subscribe to see more videos like this follow us on Instagram and weā€™ll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]


  1. Loved this video šŸ¤© Probably my favorite one from Japan as we showed so many different places (pretty much all the Must-visit attractions in Kyoto). Since itā€™s a very complete and longer video than usual, it took more hours for Chris to edit but Iā€™m very proud of him as (in my humble opinion) he did a really great job. I already told him in person but I thought he deserves a public comment as well šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø

    Hope you guys will enjoy the video too! Thanks for watching and supporting us šŸ™šŸ¼

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