
A trip to Kyoto- The Temple Hub of Japan | 12/47 prefectures | Buddhism | Shintoism |Religions of Jp

I dream to travel to all the prefectures of Japan. Part 12/47 of that dream is documented here. At the end of each trip, I get to stop and feel vibe of the place which I have put into words in the end.

This video documents my trip to Kyoto, Japan. The temple hub of Japan, the window to religious aspect of Japan.

In this video, I talk about Shintoism the indigenous religion of Japan and Buddhism the imported yet followed by a major population.

The places in Capture in this trip are :
1) Kinkakuji Temple: Kinkakuji (金閣寺, Golden Pavilion) is a Zen temple in northern Kyoto whose top two floors are completely covered in gold leaf

2) Gion: Gion (祇園) is Kyoto’s most famous geisha district

3) Kiyomizu-dera – This most-visited temple in Kyoto was built to honor Kannon, the goddess of mercy.

4) Kyoto Tower: The tallest structure of Kyoto, providing a panoramic view of Kyoto.

5) Arashiyama – where the famous Arashiyama bamboo grove forest is located providing an authentic Japanese dream vibe.

6) World’s first tatami-floored Starbucks

7) Fushimi Inari – Another must visit for an authentic Japan dream vibe with the ultimate tori gates experience.

Hope you enjoyed this video 🙂

it’s time for a new prefecture it’s time for Kyoto the former capital of Japan and the temple Hub with, 1600 temples and 400 shrines so let me introduce you to the religious aspect of Japan in Japan there are two major religions cism and Buddhism unlike many other places Japanese people often follow both these religions there is a famous saying among Japanese people that we are born and live as inist and we die as Buddhists let’s start with the one with indous religious belief and practice of Japan cism literally meaning the ways of Kami or called a religion where propaganda and preaching is uncommon and sacred Spirits are woried that can take the form of things and concepts of human life such as B River Mountain trees and even fertility there is no absolute right or wrong or rules and regulation basically cnism is an optimistic faith and now time for the one which is more absolute and detailed Buddhism originated in India in the 6th Century BC consists of teaching of Buddha imported to Japan via China and Korea in the form of a present Buddhism initi ially due to its complex theories and conflict toino was not followed by commers but now about 2/3 of Japanese people follow Buddhism to get a deeper understanding let me mention some differences between these two religions the architectural difference the place of worship of cnism is called the CTO Shrine having a large gate called Tori gate at the entrance guarded by Fox dog or other animal statues while places of worship or Buddhism are called the Buddhist temples or Tera which have reserved color on the outside but the interior have ordinate gold statues and vibrant decorations though different in looks they often are found in the same complex existing in harmony next the way prayers are offered in cinto Shrine in front of the Kami we first bow twice clap twice offer our prayers and bore again in Buddhist temples in front of Lord Buddha we bore at 45 to 903 Tre offer our prayers and bow again without any claps this time and finally the most important difference is the message of afterlife beliefs each religion have in Shintoism tradition says that after one’s death their Spirit passes to another world and becomes a Kami that looks after their descendants and that’s why the ancestor worship is important in cnism while Buddhists believe that there is a cycle of death and rebirth which only an enlightened Soul gets to break out of and finally achieve Nirvana with that note let’s say saonara to Kyoto and now off to the next

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