
HOW MUCH is 1 day of traveling Tokyo?

How much does 1 day of traveling around Tokyo cost anyway?
I show you how much it costs to travel to the top 3 Destinations in Tokyo!

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Vincent Martinez challenges us to show
how much it costs to get around Tokyo
with so many people pouring into Japan
right now I can see why people want to
know how much it costs for one day
traveling around Tokyo let’s go to the
top three places in Tokyo for reference
I’m using this handy prepaid train Fair
card and uh good luck getting your hands
on one of these right now getting to the
first attraction in Shinjuku is 230m for
me and we’re at the incredibly popular
Shinjuku Guan Park there’s an entrance
fee of 500 y to see all the Gardens on
to the next stop for spot number two
we’re heading to Harajuku from Shinjuku
this cost $1 46 y spot number two is the
Mii jingu Shrine which is free the
entrance is right next to the station
and you take a delightful R through a
forest path to get to the shrine there I
contemplated the beauty of Nature and
channeled my inner peace okay Daylight’s
wasting from Harajuku we’re heading to
Asaka for the third spot first we head
back to Shinjuku for that 146 Yen and
then down to the Metro that cost 220 and
one more Metro transfer that only cost
52 Yen this is the sen SOI Temple and
it’s got so much food and shopping and
the temple itself is really cool so all
in all this trip costs 1,294 Yen now if
you excuse me I need to pray for better
personal budgeting


  1. Great locations! And yeah you’re so right about not being able to get a prepaid metro card, I tried getting one my last trip but apparently they had a shortage of cards? Anyways, thanks for the video!

  2. The Wallet app on iPhones has a Suica option. I'll have to see if I can set it up on my US phone but I definitely can on my Japanese phone.

  3. It costs £2.00 per bus ride where I live in the UK, and trains are even more expensive (plus barely running because of strikes) 😮

  4. Are you able to buy a day, week or month ticket for the sub? I guess it would be much cheaper to buy at least a ticket for a day than a single ride ticket.
    In Germany you can choose between a single ride ticket (ridiculous expensive in my opinion), a day pass or a pass for a month – would be interesting to know!
    Just discovered your yt channel and im hooked 😅

  5. I have a question about the Suica card.

    If you are leaving and there is still an amound on your card is it possible to have a refund?

    Do you need also a Suica card in Osaka or are they using an other card?

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