
Exploring Japan’s Tropical Island 🌺 Okinawa Travel Vlog

An amazing journey comes to an end. :'( We have decided we need to go back during the summer so we can enjoy Okinawa to its fullest… and rent a car.






🎶 Music Used:
Pelago Island (Pokemon Sun & Moon)
Epidemic Music
Dive Music (Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire)
Sunny with a chance of Oasis (Kirby Return to Dreamland)


Work with us!
➡️ ⬅️


About us ✨
Hi! We are Eriel and Keren, a married couple that has recently embarked on the nomadic life and is documenting all of it here on Youtube! We love food, gaming, and learning about new cultures.

made it to
Okinawa so we dropped off our luggage I
got rid of my jacket too cuz it’s
actually pretty hot here yeah I mean not
hot but it’s warm yeah no need for
jacket not cold anymore I was actually
starting to sweat so I guess for me it
was hot but now we’re going to explore
naha well more specifically Kuka Dori
which is a famous street here with a lot
of souvenir shops and restaurants and
drinks I need food asual I need both
so we’re currently walking through what
they call in Japan the arcade which is
like the indoor or I guess roofed mall
area shopping area not really a mall a
lot of local vendors with really cute
nicknack souvenirs and clothes some very
interesting clothes we’ve seen yeah I’m
noticing they have their version of like
Hawaiian shirts but it’s like I guess
more on the okanawa pattern side um but
yeah it’s cool it’s very chill make Cuts
early what do you think of this right
here oh it’s Burgers I don’t want Burger
amazing so I guess okwa likes
spam we got this spam onigiri basically
well it’s open
onigiri it’s
called I didn’t know that but it’s
freaking delicious
we got some Blue Seal which I guess is a
very famous iceam flavor too sea salt
cookies all right so we got okwa sea
cookies it’s good better than Hokkaido
ice cream I like this more than Hokkaido
ice cream
good so one of the things okina is
famous for is habushu which is a Lor
that has a snake inside of it
specifically a snake called the Habu
snake which is a type of Viper and
apparently related to the rattlesnake so
yes it is venomous but I guess it’s dead
and like sitting in the liquor so at
that point it’s no longer venomous I I
don’t know but it was very expensive
like $500 and supposedly it helps with
fertility but uh I don’t know if I
really trust
that another thing you’ll see a lot in
Okinawa is the shisa which are a
mythological creature that is sort of
similar to The Guardian lions from
Chinese mythology but I guess Okinawa is
slightly different they’re usually in a
pair too so you’ll see two of them
together yeah they’re cute they’re all
over the place and they’re like all
different types like I saw one with a
guitar it’s pretty
cute so what have we learned about
Okinawa you need a car yeah rent a car
if you come here there’s there’s no
trains out here there’s buses but we’ve
been riding buses for like 4 hours today
or I guess by the end of the day we will
have ridden like 4 hours so right now
we’re waiting for the final bus where
we’re going to be staying tonight in the
very north of
Okinawa and
tomorrow well you’ll have to wait and
see I’m almost set
it good morning from the north of
Okinawa where today we are going to the
aquarium probably said the name wrong
but as you can probably tell from the
intros uh it’s a little gloomy today not
as sunny as it was yesterday but it
feels fresh feels a lot like Puerto Rico
actually yeah if it’s very tropical last
night we didn’t get going to get to see
it but it is tropical you were saying it
feels like it’s side about lower too
right M you go to the northern mountains
all right so we took a little walk
through the park to get to the aquarium
as we see here there’s a statue of a
whale shark and this aquarium is very
famous because there is actually one
here or I don’t know there’s more than
one but I’m excited because those sharks
are big so for them to have one here you
need a lot of water and a big tank is
this one of the biggest aquariums in
Japan I believe this is the biggest
aquarium is in Osaka but this is but
people say this is the more this one’s
nice we’ll see do you think there will
actually be a whale shark oh yeah
there’s a whale shark here oh my God
baby I think you have to explain your
obsession with aquariums I love
aquariums ever since I was a kid I don’t
know I I can swim but I love just
aquariums there’re just something about
fishes and so peaceful and relaxing and
like I don’t know there’s a lot to look
at like look at them look at them look
at the little things he’s my new friend
thoughts I’m really happy it’s so cool
look at look at this little fish right
here he’s just vibing one of my favorite
sea animals are probably jellyfish
they’re so like there’s something like
mystical about them I don’t know I can
like stare at them for
hours besides jellyfish my next favorite
is probably these garden snakes I
they’re called Garden sea snakes Garden
eels look at they’re so cute and they’re
long and they’re just they’re just I
call theming I call them long boys
they’re long boys to me look he’s slowly
out so we got a small glimpse of the
whale shark but I just have no words to
be honest like the little glimp we saw I
was like oh it’s huge it’s so huge but
we’re chilling with the regular sharks
now just just just vibing and yeah
hopefully we’ll get a better shot later
of the the big one
so we’re enjoying our food y had to pay
500 yen to sit right by the the fish but
look at them they’re literally right
there close to us
so I’ve been W to come here for a very
long time so this was a very big bucket
lless item for me so it’s a cool
aquarium though it it is a mission to
get here if you don’t have a car um but
if you really really like aquariums then
I recommend it smells so nice out here
it’s fresh it’s also raining so it’s
raining we might be stuck here for a
little bit we have no umbrella I mean we
have like an hour until our bus back
anyway so I really like the aquarium it
was a little smaller than I expected but
I guess to me Size Doesn’t Matter well
with the
aquarium it’s more about the quality and
I feel like every exhibit there was very
cohesive I guess like the the types of
fish they would put together with each
other uh just I don’t they looked really
pretty so uh I like it and I’ve never
seen a whale shark before thing was
freaking huge the other biggest Shar I’d
seen or whale was the belugas back in
Chicago remember that one those are cool
anyway we’ll figure it out we we’ll see
what we’re
doing and so ends our Okinawa
Adventure that was long yeah this is
paully the was most difficult
trip to do now we head back to Tokyo we
have one more week in Japan crazy I
cannot believe it’s coming to an end but
it’s been fun thank you guys for joining
us we’ll catch you in the next one


  1. Thank you guys for the wonderful Japan vlogs, I will use them as reference for when I plan a Japan trip. 😉

  2. Yes, finally there came a new Vlog from my favourite Country Japan after my home Country Finland. Anime like Pokémon, Ginga Nagareboshi Gin and defienitily Moomin unite us finnish and japanese people together! It's been over a month (3.000 years!) from a last video, I'vd been miss you and love you Slice of Us. Like this video's thumbnail where is Arcanine from Pokémon Legends Arceus 1 of the Best Pokémon Game of All Time and Arcanine was 1 of the most Hardest Boss Battle in it in my opinion! If this is the Last Japan Vlog, I gotta ask something from you: Where you go to Next? 😊❤

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