
AMAZING! How to make the Japanese weird snack [life in japan/okinawa]

#Tidavibes #japanesefood #japan
You can find this crazy snack at convenience store in Japan.

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Hi guys today we’re going to make beet lava jelly together but before we get started please leave some comments and subscribe us so here we are this is a convenient store lots of snacks and here it is we found funny one so all the directions here on the Package let’s So first we’re going to need the scissors let’s cut in Half and then combine Together until it says click Okay so now a second let’s make a little Pond here I know it’s a little bit of water so you think it’s difficult but let’s give it a try I kind of like this kind of experimental Suite I think it’s only in Japan I don’t know if you have this kind of experimental

Sweets in your country please leave the comment and let us know I’m curious so now steer steer steer don’t worry about that little thing you know it’s all going to pour into the lava case so mix mix a little bit more it just look like a soy sauce but either way

So from that hole for from directory uh oh what’s the third hand it looks like I have many hands so use the spoon nice and slow yes yes good so first we’re making the head part so the brown one is a head part Yes a little bit more yes I’m greedy look head part is complete so now let’s make the body part so now we’re going to pour a little bit more water you see the line you know yeah like that and then open the the other po of case body part yeah white powder white

Powder steer steer Yeah so here’s a little bit difficult to put because there is the brown you know the head part and then you’re want to pour the white part so I try not to mix all together so nice and slow yes a little bit mixed but actually it turns out to be

More natur not real I think either way I’ve never seen a real one so I can talk about the real thing a but yeah either way look a little bit more almost there almost there yeah and then Pito don’t it guys now look at this here’s the Beet L

Right so let’s put in the fridge 20 minutes and then let’s open it CL look it looks nice and shiny and look at this gooey feeling Can you feel it oops accidentally it fell off but it turns out to be like more real see now on the pl what do you say it looks real so here’s a close look again another angle and another

Card maybe there is something you know like that leaves or something green leaves it was more natural I think so here’s a three go ahead first Light and the second bite how is It it’s sweet yeah of course it should be now it’s the head part this one tastes good yeah all right so this is a funny one see you next in the movie Bye

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