
Rainy night drive – Tour Report

Let’s go to the Lito Zone! Driving home back to Nara in the rain.

リトゾーンへ行こう 雨の中、車で奈良に帰る。

It’s not Lit without Lito. It’s gonna be fun! 🔥🔥🔥

Please hop on the Lito Express to experience A Lito Bit of Japan!

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All right all right looks like we are restreaming and we’re getting good signal I’m just going to wow there motorcycles on the side nice we’re at a red light now and on check with signal strength we are under underneath the same uh Highway look we’re getting pretty good signal

Strength um I’m going to check it out on the YouTube looks like we are live maybe looks like we are live again all right all right all right let’s do it yo let’s see if the yo gets it in to the chat for the win for the win yeah looks like we are

There we do a a test of yo looks like we’re live let me know if you are back Leto said yo Leto did say yo yo yo yo looks like we might be back all right let me know chat if you’re in for the win going to let it repopulate a bit I

Think okay all right all right all right maybe we are in again you did say yo though so that’s a good sign yeah we got like full bar so it I think it’s a pocket thing maybe could be like uh the pocket Wi-Fi itself I don’t know what’s going on but

If you’re back let me know all right all right here we the the pocket just died once it it restarted so far okay it restarted we might get a time Jump and we’re getting full full bars now again too soon no no we’re getting full bars it might have done a time

Jump I think we did a time Jump and we’re hopefully still on are we on lron let’s go let’s go are we on lron let me know yeah that was really weirding name said Yep looks good all right very boring name welcome believe in yourself welcome welcome name said tron’s turned on Tron

Is turned on yeah um so yeah no that’s that is weird I think it’s a pocket problem I’m seriously it it what it did it uh did an automatic like it stopped the stream I I hit do you like it says do you want to continue the stream I said yes continue

Or end yes continue and it got back but it got back with one bar permanent one bar and then we are so I and then we’re at that like potato Vision Stream So I really think it’s the it’s a it’s a probably a pocket bug or glitch something that should not be happening

Especially if the pocket Wi-Fi is giving me full bars right so yeah we’re back back Streets back all right all right oh my God we’re back again I remember driving this um this exact Road last year when I had these coob tours drop them off at the at the

Pier and uh drive it back home so this is a very familiar road we used to have gigs in Sania in in KOB so Sania is like the big the big major stations like Osaka is also called um but Kobe Co there’s KOB station but son

Nomia really is where the uh all the action is yo yo if you’re back in the chat let me know give me a a little bit of a yo yeah but this road um you know normally um in the morning I’ll take the highway up maybe tomorrow I won’t take

The highway it might just take the the regular streets to please my boss I don’t mind getting up a little bit earlier and doing a slower slower Drive up don’t mind it at all but yeah when we’re on the tour definitely need to take the highways to get us to uh

Maximize the amount of time that they have at the place right especially with these um uh cruise ship tours they have very limited time so yeah um tomorrow’s going to be interesting go and uh there were more um cherry blossoms uh blossoming at the the Kamar River on

Certain parts of it so we unfortunately we didn’t have a chance to go into gon I think they’re going to be able to see more Sher blossoms while they here and oh there was I I took some amazing photos of them at the uh at the bamboo

Forest and then I think there were an Italian couple they were saying oh can you take the same photo of us and I’m just like I’m really sorry we’re on a tight schedule I’m I’m a tour guide I have to go and they felt like so

Disappointed I was like I’m so sorry if if it was just me I would love I would do a full photo shoot and get their Instagram and all that but the fact that I’m on the job I I and we’re have a tight schedule already I had to be

Professional and and give priority to my tour group and I’m said I’m really sorry I’m sorry we we’re having a tight schedule and we’re on a tour right now I can’t I can’t I’m like oh my God it it it crushed me but at the same time I

Think I made the right choice Choice by being really professional about it um but yeah I wish I I wish I could have given them that photo it’s a panoramic photo that I take up in the uh in the bamboo forest yo is everybody in the

Chat can come me give me a yo test of yo or something or give me some pretzels uh cuz I don’t hear the chat I think the chat is on but I don’t hear anything so just checking just chickening just checking here mate um yeah and this road is oh there you

Are yo test yo test yourself thank you thank you yo yo thank you for the test yo okay okay I’m just checking cuz I thought just died for a second pretzel pretzel pretzel pretzel pretzel pretzel pretzel yes give me the pretzels love them Yo getting the test of yo yo y yo y

Yo it’s all good yo nice man once I get home first thing I want to do is just like pass out brush my teeth take a shower and just like pass the freak out um then wake up should I leave I pick up at 8:30 leave the house around

6:30ish and 2 hours that’s even going to be a little giddy giddy um unless I take the highway again again my boss is like whatever uh if I took the highway it still took an hour and 40 this morning uh with the highway but it was a later start so the

Earlier I get out there the less traffic there is so that’s an incentive to actually to go a little bit earlier to kind of sucks but it’s all good it’s all good mate yeah I’ve been meeting so many interesting people especially this time around I think it’s because I mean I met

Interesting people last time but last time I was more focused on the actual tour gutting aspects this time I’m able to do it a bit more automatically take a shower that’s what 7 to 11 is for yep yeah exactly exactly yeah just take a shower um uh

And uh no but this time I feel like I can focus more on creating a good atmosphere in relationships with the people rather than all of the like you know what’s my timing going to be like where we going to eat where’s the the PIN for this place uh what I’m

Going to talk about in this part of the tour and and all that it’s yeah I’m I’m starting to It’s kind to get more and more under my belt uh which is good which allows me to focus on other things like I said like being more entertaining

Or give better stories uh about the places or answer questions more deeply you know and taking photos that’s kind of part of it right so yeah it’s kind of interesting the evolution of of this it’s kind of like when I first started teaching English and uh J Vlog you know you you’ve been

Here long enough teaching English I wonder if your journey as an English teacher was the same like where you focus just on mechanics and getting you know your materials right getting your lesson planning right and then later all of that becomes in the background like automatic in the background and now

You’re like able to work on higher level things I don’t know I wonder if that’s that’s what was going on with you but that’s you know second year being a tour guide that’s what I feel is my oh there’s a really nice cafe there Aqua nice yeah you know chica is from this

Area from the coob area and been nice to have like a little a little coob date with her I think is like the hotels in coob are really expensive um so I don’t know uh well we we’ll see the next thing is um Sunday night we’re planning after

My private tour me and her are planning to spend some time and see the Sakura probably in Kyoto marcoen so uh we’ll we’ll live stream that for sure for sure so check it out uh Sunday night is be on under under the sakura trees under the Sakura

Trees out in this weather it’s getting warmer take it from me out I am touring K days out in the night we get away from the big crowds but we’re still loud cuz we’re under the sakura trees oh that was that was terrible that was really bad really bad

People it’s all good people all right my jumbo suck about I wish I really wish we got that Uncle Roger job it’s all good it is what it is and uh you know maybe I should just like play up my my uncle Roger and the voices

I don’t know at a little bit of Japan the mechanics are key if you don’t have that down you feel useless even if you have a good personality both go hand in hand it’s so true very true very true I always focus on the mechanics first yeah

Said I missed it what did the job involve oh a very boring name so uh Uncle Roger was looking for a v videographer put out an Instagram story on his Instagram asking believe in yourself yeah said the green games are fun to watch too awesome awesome thank

You believe yourself yeah they are fun to watch I know it’s like you’re you’re there it’s like you’re there with me like I I’m so like anxious and nervous and like my heart’s pounding and I think when you watch someone uh and you’re you’re like actively in the chat with

Them you’re kind of there with them right cheering them on I see it I see the effect people watching me live uh in shins kind stuff and it’s it’s quite interesting it’s quite amazing they’re might not be wanting to drop uh prizes themselves but they just want to watch

Someone do it it’s quite exciting anyways um very boring name he needed a videographer I reach shout to him I sent him a DM his uh agent or producer got back to me and said we need a crew two videographers and a sound guy and to

Bring your own lighting I couldn’t get a sound gu so I couldn’t even complete the the crew and I kind of just gave up on that yet I tried to latch myself onto a friend who was also trying to get the job she had a full crew but I said hey

You know try to get me in there I’m a big fan of Uncle Roger and I could also help with translation I know the the guy the client Mr Ki KI the OM rice guy uh in kilo he’s a kind of a pain to work with I her here it doesn’t speak much

English and so she messaged me later and said alox um said if you really want a rapid here is your three word challenge humanism margin and deposit humanism margin and deposit is that what you said what hold on humanism margin and deposit okay hold up hold up I I got to finish

My story first what do we have here oh we’re at koshian station that oh this is the baseball Fields what oh we just passed koshien nice dude we’re this isn’t hyogo or um this is where the hunching Tigers play Sweet just passed by it that was cool that was so cool

Anyways I know you guys didn’t see it oh hey vertical not showing us everything um remember RH is forbidden oh hold on hold on I couldn’t hear what that last pit was the rhyme scheme word salad is forbidden oh I I remember what you’re saying oh man I I don’t want to

Uh what do you call it step down from that but man I haven’t had much sleep but anyways let me finish my story for a very boring name uh we were so it was hopeful she said hey if you can still be our translator your skill is what might

Help us get the job and like I’ll be I’ll be available is spiring as much as Luke tonight oh really um spiraling am I or is is he is he spiraling I don’t know but um yeah so unfortunately she messaged me just a couple days ago and said sorry we

Didn’t get the job there was another team that they wanted to go with who has dealt with the Ki KI guy before so uh sorry but we like your team we’ll we’ll consider you for the future so I like okay so that sucked um but yeah that was

It basically is Luke oh squirreling squirreling did you say squirreling I heard spiraling squirreling oh is is Luke on too send him send him my love bro send him my love um okay 200 M we got to get get in the right lanes okay get into the right two lanes

Here oh shoot there these two that sucked all right we’re going to have to do a u-turn at some point no no no I’m in the right lanes I am in the right lanes Haya so good for me maybe am I in the right L

Maybe I think I’m in the right L Google is giving me the the blue arrow of correctness verying oh yeah no this is right this is right squirels when he quickly jumps from topic to topic thanks to his ADHD yeah I’m pretty sure I have ADHD too pretty sure it’s all good it’s

All good when it say in the hood I I have pretty hard HD I think but I just I just got to accept it you know about theed opportunity but at least you’re on their RAR now yeah I guess I I I yeah I should have like really completed the whole thing but

When I I didn’t get my full crew together I didn’t even finish off my showing them my rates or anything like that but hopefully they’ll consider me in the future maybe I can get on the radar in other ways if they come but yeah no I’d love to be as photographer

Or camera guy that would been amazing amazing just got to keep putting yourself out there you know that’s that’s the thing just keep putting yourself out there ha so anyways um oh was it margin I have the word squirrel in my head oh I’m going to check the chat again

Alox the thing is with word salad I’m not I mean I need time humanism margin and depos it that’s it humanism margin and deposit I need to I need to I mean it’s word salid right now cuz I suck um um I don’t know man

Uh I I mean I could I could sit down and write it down but right now I don’t know if I’m able to riff we’re very very much underneath the uh the highway here we’re getting full bars though it came back and we’re getting full bars nice um it’s true yeah

I I I heard your last chat there so um um three words I can’t I my brain I don’t know if I can do it I’m going to I’m going to butcher it so bad I like I’m struggling to stay awake um I don’t know it’s going to be bad

Dude like I I’m really don’t have the confidence to do it right now can I can I get back to you on that can we do a ra check on that your human beond the margin oh that was like a a hi coup dude maybe you guys can do it for me Um I don’t know um oh no I don’t know I I I I can get the first word maybe some stuff for the first word I don’t know if the second word uh that was good Jay Vlog you guys you guys try man you guys give it give it a go that’s that’s

Awesome I my seriously my brain is struggling to hold on right now hold on to just like talking and being awake and driving I don’t know if you give me another task like my multi mully tasking ability is like at negative 1,000% right now um besides that I’m talking and

Driving at the same time that might be my um might be my limit right now dude so please forgive me yeah you can tell us the long version of your origin story oh is that ibraim the long version of my origin story um Alx how about in

The morning when I’m more fresh you got ke from Oh oh everybody’s rhyming I see everybody’s taking the time in the chat to drop some uh verbs and words it’s all good J said change topic best for your Gage salt and pepper lemon or hot sauce m m lemon or hot sauce that’s a tough one for your KAG I would

Say lemon if you want to keep it simple and and really enjoy the the the juiciness and the oiliness of the carag but um I know chica would say um hot sauce for sure hold on I need to my eye is not getting itchy okay scratching my right eye there

Okay we’re good all right all right all right wow suddenly a lot more traffic in these beds here um my origin story well I was born you mean my origin story of coming to Japan I think I already taught that or said that this morning I don’t know if

You’re on oh you might have left at that time Ibraham Ibrahim I don’t know um I want to know so I’m I’m a I’m a big fan of Japan I love the nature I’m sorry I love the people that’s it people just do it for me

If humanism is the norm it leaves a narrow margin to conform depositing your brainstorm your desire to perfectly perform nice dude that was that was very succinct I like it I like what you did with that nice dude very oh I did hear it I just thought you mentioned there was a long

Version oh oh oh that was you very boring game I think um the long version would like I would go like and then uh after I got off the plane I did this or I don’t know um maybe I did give you a detailed version

Um oh yeah I can I guess I can give you a few more details here and there um hold on let me just double check yeah we’re on we’re on the right Road this is like basically just straight Road for the next I don’t know next little while K toy

Station okay you know we’re like in we’re kind of in O soccers right now we’re going over the one of the bridges um yeah no worries haa just relaxx no no it’s all good I know this bridge I’ve my bicycle over this bridge a few times um I will say this

Like coming to Japan the first time in Yokohama was like a dream come true and I never knew how deep it would affect had affected me you know hindsight is 2020 is so clear and looking back all of those things like getting the magazine or the the comic about ninjas being into video

Games and Anime a little bit at bra name ha yes relax but not too relax we have to keep him awake for the drive that is true that is true no you’re keeping me awake guys you making me stimulated it’s all good um what was I going to say

Yeah uh in hindsight all these things led up to me and my love of Japan when I got here it was amazing in high school it was a dream come true and every day I was exhausted you know when you go to a new country and don’t know the language

And the people are new and everything’s new you take in so much and I was young back then I was like 15 16 no 17 16 17 a lot of energy but you’re just exhausted and I was doing homestays and touring and not getting enough my mind was soaking it all

In but uh even having had that and buying a Duma I think I bought a Duma if you don’t know what a daa looks like a paper masade Pringles uh guy the the pupils are not filled in you make a wish fill in one pupil keep put on a desk or

Somewhere that you uh see on the daily and then you feel in the other eye when your wish comes true I think that really that was the connecting thread like having that wish that I I promised myself I said I I announced it on the on

The like the last week when I was in Japan I said I have a dream my dream is to come back to Japan you know that was it it was so simple I think it was to come back to Japan and stay longer than 3 weeks in my mind I just added that

Stipulation and I kind of lost my way a bit in University uh I mean I strayed from that dream uh kind of put on the back burner and uh wanted to become a Drama teacher I was trying to figure out my my major my Niche and

Um and so it wasn’t kind of working out I it like either being a French teacher or a drama major and being a Drama teacher it sounded good on paper but in reality wasn’t really um working out for me I thought it was going to be easier

And then my best friend Chris at the time said Le why don’t you just go to Japan and teach English you you love Japan you love sharing your knowledge with people and you know you’ve been there before and you told me about your dream of going back to there everything seems

Like that would be super clear for you and you know what it was I was like yeah that’s exactly it that’s exactly what I need to do and it’s scary though it’s scary moving to another country and um moving away from your family it’s scary not knowing what your future is going to

Hold but I just I just I I worked towards it and did it the long version of Leo story in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth was formless and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep yep exactly yeah yeah it’s a very very long story but um

You know there’s so much doubt in my mind and you know I can kind of Akin that to what doing YouTube feels like oh this beautiful beautiful night view guys uh I’m going to have to show you on the right here turn the B to the right a bit

Beautiful beautiful night view we getting there I don’t know if you can see that just like the cityscape and whatnot it’s absolutely absolutely beautiful anyways um where are we oh we’re we’re not even in downtown ‘re in 10 that area look at those Dy uh those really big uh oh people are coming

Coming into the right lane we let them merge yeah let them merge it’s all good I guess some sort of accident happened the police uh oh they they stopped someone on the road oh shoot I should have showed you guys that sorry the police no no don’t end the live

Stream said and God said let there be light at and there was light and God saw that the light was good he could do better and created the and he saw the was good I like that origin story that really that was really dope I like what

You did there um so anyways like a lot of impostor syndrome like am I really able to do this am am I going to be okay um getting a job there and it’s really scary to be honest uh luckily I went with my ex-girlfriend that time and she

Was a catalyst to help me out it didn’t work out with her but um you know she’s happy married to another Canadian guy when she went back to vancer is living there now I think and uh you know works out for me too cuz I’m I’m living here

In living my dream that’s just the way it is but um I find YouTube very much the same like am I am I really worth this am I going to get it you know deep in your heart you’re like you really really want it but then you just got to go you got

To go you just got to do it put yourself out there hit that record button just start and and things will happen and yeah luckily luckily for me like I knew that was one of my what do you call it underlying threads in life underlying iy guy or reason for

Living and I was like yeah Japan is it like Japan is where I need to be and I know a lot of other people do feel that way or where they they come here and then they feel that way um and and so it’s my wow we got a lot of people on

The on the bridge like walking and riding bikes across interesting and so like when I see someone with that same passion that same direction I’m just like dude let me help you you know and I I’ve I’ll I’ll do whatever I can you know to guide them because I didn’t have

Anyone really guiding me I didn’t we didn’t really have the internet back then and didn’t know anyone who I I think I met one or two people who got to Japan and uh lived here and worked here but it was few and far between and it

Just it was really new territory for me now there’s a lot of tutorials and what to do online and you see people’s experiences but back then everything was so fresh and so scary and you did it you know you did it where are we I know this Tower this whole

Muchi no we’re going to warsi this bentencho oh yes this is the gate Tower I was looking at this this hotel on the on the right it’s got a really nice onen park we’re actually I was thinking of maybe staying there with chica for her birthday weekend but we

Ended up uh where do I’ll go to shck instead is fine said how long did you live in Japan before the magic dispersed and it simply became home oh yeah I would say honestly I think it took a good 3 years in my first 3 years

Like 6 months or stuff I would be in my bed in in juo in in Osaka and in the middle of the night like maybe 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. I’d wake up and be like oh why am I not in my bed in Canada like where

The hell am I and I I look I’m like oh yeah oh [ __ ] I’m I’m in Japan it was of those like Pinch Me moments is this real I was still having that the first like 6 months to a year but about 3 years took about 3 years tourism is vastly

Different from living here yep it is true tourism is vastly different but also like having the the real impetus to want to live here but then again I I hear more and more on my tours people saying maybe we should live here how how

Hard would it be to live here cuz a lot of people are not happy with some of the countries that they’re living in and you know for many different reasons and I’m just like yeah you know Japan’s got something going good for it and I understand that um at the same time I

Hope it never changes like the more people you get over here as long as they’re respectful too but I think they do they want to come over and actually retire here or live here and be respectful like I know um uh Buck let’s go wants to retire here

I know so many people that want to live here amox you know you’re you’re here for the most part so the J Vlog J vlog’s here then we were walking around with a pocket phrase book and for mundane things yeah right yeah for sure it was a different Japan and

Even the the the generation before us who came they were more Trailblazers there weren’t that many English teachers yet and I know some people from that generation they’re really good friends of mine and uh yeah it’s just uh it’s so interesting all the youngins have YouTube and tutorials and like meetup groups and

There’s so much more support and and information which is great which is great it’s awesome okay I need to turn left here all right all right we’re at b a lot of forigners here actually staying near here uh I think because of that hotel and it’s close to

Usj um univers studiio so you can stay at usj or you can stay kind of close to it benenti show is one of these these places I used to do Capa around here which is pretty cool but um yeah so that’s yourself said I remember the tiny

Cell phone I had ringing at 7 a.m. when I was in bed at T Plaza it was my brother calling from Canada that was in 2002 when cell phones were so tiny right J vog said # Google translate T Plaza right right Tama Plaza is that in um in

Tokyo but yeah you know everybody’s got their own connection to Japan and um road to Japan like some of you in the chat have never been here before but maybe now you’re really interested in coming um and uh you know my whole thing was like the history The Geek stuff the

Video games the anime um and then I discovered the the people and the culture and I think a lot of people are coming for that now once they come here they’re like oh my God the culture the people people are so respectful there it’s so safe here you

Know um you know back in the clay uh has been here for 3 months now and he really understands like it’s just I’m sure he wants to live here as much as he can because it’s it’s just I guess better in in many ways you know it’s not perfect it’s not a perfect

Country but there’s a lot of good things going on we’re just talking about like today on my tour we’re talking about inflation and this and that and it’s really good for visitors coming here but um I remember in the ‘ 80s Japan used to be at the top of its economic game and

Everything was expensive and so you know times have changed but Japan for the most part essentially has remained the same I think um in many ways culturally and with values of discipline and politeness and decency and safety and all that stuff right uh yeah I remember there’s this um

Article in the news after um the big to hul earthquake though the earthquake with the reactor and the title waves and stuff and it said I think in what you call it USA Today the Highline was why are why is there no looting in Japan you

Know and we talked about that today on the tour and I’m just saying like it’s that sense of respect the sense of um don’t take what’s not yours may have invented bureaucracy but the Japanese definitely final for it do not experience this just as an example not complaining just an example of daily

Life experience yeah no that’s true yeah Bucy for sure Plaza is in Yokohama y there were some gangsters that didn’t appreciate my appreciation of their cars oh really wow I wonder what they did you know was it was a different you know in 2002 even then like you know there was a

Little bit of misunderstanding or hostility I think um2 I came in 2003 I was in ough so ‘s a bit of a different vibe and people are just more relaxed let their hair down there yeah there’s gangsters here and there Yakuza or chimpa or whatever but for the most part

Osaka yeah they can get mad at you they they say their their voice but it just to to me it just drops on death shoulders I don’t give a [ __ ] you know um I mean and I would if I needed to I would dish out some some [ __ ] back

To people if they gave me if they harass me but the thing is for me I don’t want to get deported like I that just you know if someone was aggressive to me and uh wanted to start a fight I could but at the same time it’s not worth it it’s

Not worth it to get to just like or whatnot but uh no I think I I I got into a fight um in Japan almost got into a fight twice one was like some drunk Japanese that like was almost right over my girlfriend and he blamed

Her the other one was this like gay guy who was trying to hit on me in a nightclub and he kept bumping into me and yeah and and both times I just didn’t want it to escalate even though I was pissed and and whatnot um I just hadd to let it go oh

Yeah yeah the only form of violence was uh that I could have really let go was like me pushing that box down and that figure today right like the only the only way is violence right alox with that with that push box thingy I haven’t seen any other crane game plays with

Those huge big rubber push things so I’m just like that is a that’s an amazing score that place is like freaking awesome when it comes to that so I’m like oh yeah let’s go and that was fun to drop that that figure you no it’s interesting I’d love

To do like story time with you guys and get your opinions and your origin stories and all that stuff oh the Cedric yeah um I think so alox just to answer your question 3 years seems to be like the magical uh not magical the hump uh of people stay in Japan it’s like

The what’s the word I’m looking for f chrum the you hit a certain point and then after that it’s due or die it’s like you’re going to stay here forever or you go back home and never you don’t come ever back what’s the word I’m looking for Peak not the peak the

Um threshold that’s the word I’m looking for threshold and um they say after 3 years you either decide to stay in Japan forever not forever not be a life for but or long time or you you you head back and so for me I just knew after

Even after like one or two years I think I want to stay break do it or don’t yeah the breaking point yep Breaking Point the threshold yep those are all good good ways to say it for sure said I’m lucky in that aspect I’m a

6’5 in Big F people tend to find other smaller guys to protect masculinity against especially in Japan yeah that’s true taller than every else that is true man you’re a freaking giant yeah dude here I’ve been tempted to move to Japan but I would need to secure another income

Stream no I hear you I hear you dude you got let me in dude let me the freaking thank you I thank you awesome yeah yeah that’s the thing we have to think of other ways to make income you know I came here as an English teacher and that was my my

Thing well I’m 5 minutes 8 seconds eight you’re 5 minutes 8 seconds you’re 5’8 okay I said 5 minutes 8 seconds I’m like what you’re 5 minutes 8 seconds but thick I’m like whoa what are we talking about here I see the chat is 5′ 8 in okay okay 6 minutes 5 Seconds

It keep saying 6 minutes 5 Seconds my God oh my God that’s too funny the the TTS has broken me the TTS is it your 5 minutes 8 seconds 5 minutes 8 seconds but I’m sick I’m sick but but I like I go in 5 minutes 8 seconds oh my

God what the hell TTS y broke me y broke me like alox broke me with with the squirrel Chestnut thingy squirrel Chestnut thingy believe enjoy theual to Fat the J and believe name allers are to loose aoud face but stuck you know I had the opposite problem one of the uh people the

Passengers on the tour to they asked me what is something that was really hard for you to adjust to in Japan and I said there are two things you know my first 6 months to year one was um the lack of multiculturalism in the sense that I

Come from Vancouver in one day I could hear like five or six different languages one of them being Osaka Ben you know and I missed that multiculturalism then missed that idea of everyone just you know being from different countries and all living together and then two was when I was

Teaching English here because I look Asian and there weren’t that many Asian teachers at the time I guess it’s different now and not there wasn’t like YouTubers doing IRL and and the Japanese students who were learning English had not gone abroad so much so they had this

Image I guess that all English speakers are non- Asian so when I first started working at the English school I’d be like waiting for a late student with my stud and Tai waiting in the um you know the teacher uniform waiting in the class to him and the student would look in

Look at me see an Asian person like oh oh I must have the wrong room that’s not the teacher and then like a non-asian teacher from a different classroom would have to peek their head out was like oh and point at me and say Sensei Sensei

He’s the teacher you know I learned from a very quick um at a a very you know short time that I had to make myself stand out I was maybe playing the part too much I was looking Japanese and feeling Japanese and conforming too much which I thought was the the plan like

You know when I come here I want to fit in and whatnot but in the end for that particular job and even now I I’m just used to standing out I’m used to making myself feel different than the rest and I don’t care if people they can hear me

Speak Japanese but they know right away I’m not Japanese you know and and I’m not trying to put in their face I just like had learned from a a young not a young age but from a a young early start here I had to like let them know that

I’m not 27 years not saying I’m now but not living alone and living with someone that loves to make foods that do not promote weight loss I’m working on it oh damn son oh know we’re going through parts of oh beautiful nakima where are we now um I think we’re oh yeah we’re

Namba passing Namba this is actually a great little what do you call it driving tour for me when they were hchi now it’s actually quite fun doing this bit of a driving tour uh and [ __ ] scary when I hear like these bullu these um basically little biker

Gangs um I don’t know if they’re running red lights and going to run into me or they’re at a different plane here but yeah yeah know this is one of the main roads coming from H Machi and this will take me up to Nara we’re going to go up

The hill of holla later guys by the way just let you know and um yeah yeah so I had to differentiate myself to to make them make the students understand that hey I I am a teacher and even even when I was uh playing clubs in a in a bar in

Foreign bars here and I would be speaking perfect English in front of everybody being the front man singing English I still get like you know people who don’t know me come up to me like man dude can I buy are you a beer damn your English is good where’d you learn your

English and they automatically think I’m Japanese I’m like yeah I always joke it I’m like yeah I learned in uh Vancouver Canada for like 20 years I’m like oh really yeah you sound so Canadian I’m like yeah I’ll tell them later dude I’m not Japanese it’s funny so you know it’s

All good though it’s all good when it’s in the Hood um so that was something I had to adust to uh and it’s it’s fine that’s my identity now believe I did powerlifting for 16 years I’m not calling anyone fat but the Japanese BMI calculation is different from Western version normal

BMI at home is overweight BMI in Japan yeah oh yeah for sure what is the boss M body mass index what is the fat content that they want you to be under is it under 25% 20% that something like that I don’t know it’s been a while

Since I’ve looked at stuff like that I can see someone else’s um pedal in their TV always bonus and they’re full on watching uh some TV it that no worries and the BMI is a joke when it comes to muscle right right man i’ I’ve been um walking a lot

More now that I’m a tour guide but haven’t been really losing that much weight um not like um working out or anything uh but but the endurance like be able to walk a lot more and go up Fushimi and come down and yeah that’s been that’s been helpful

It’s basically a lot of walking SL light hiking I think I’ve lost a little bit of weight since being a tour guide for the most part but I in the in the slower months I pack it back on I guess yeah are we going to go up to Old doie I guess we

Could we could go up we should go up Cho are we’re going to miss it I think we’re going to miss it okay let’s go up I know I know I know yeah let’s go up the sky highway let’s go down in sky highway yeah Che people these are basically like free highways

Here in the middle of this downtown part of Osaka I love it I actually love flying in the sky highways it’s quite cool it’s quite cool son these are basically freeways we now like you see me driving this sometimes uh on the way to work the opposite way and I say oh now

We’re passing by Waka castle and whatnot said I did while working part time at Golds help out a fair M when her car jack broke by wrapping the wrist straps around her bumper and holding up the of her while she put on the wow dude powerlifting nice you used to work at

Gold nice I am a firm believer in the Caribbean heavier equals Health really I didn’t know about that it’s funny funny okay and then there’s another pit of this chew old Odie uh it’s quite cool it’s just like it bypasses all the lights and you go in the sky highway still I think I’m still on here it is but being muscular mes body type

Restricts you from buying clothes in regular stores in Japan I think I’m still on the sky highway I don’t know let’s keep going just for fun fies just for funsies let’s see where it goes I think we’re I think we’re good sky highway believe in yourself said yeah

From 88 to Mid I was the only one there who always put away my weights and everyone else’s so they gave me a job oh oh wow cool hey wait a minute believe in yourself did you change your name because of what I said last time

I’m sorry man I’m sorry if you made I I was totally joking and you know it just slipped out so I’m sorry but um believe in yourself sounds more I just noticed that I was like that’s hey that’s a little bit more more grammatically correct to me but I do

Like believe on yourself fur are you from I’m about about 40 minutes from home and the maybe until we get to the Valhalla Valhalla Mountain it’ll be another 30ish minutes so yeah another 40 minutes bro if I taken the highway would have cut that time almost in half that’s all

Good it’s all good I do I don’t mind don’t mind this drive at all it’s quite nice we like a castle on her left oh nice this one believe in yourself said wait what do you mean oh I have at times liked your stream with all of my brand accounts okay

Okay thank you man I really appreciate that no so you have to believe in yourself and then believe on yourself yourself okay said sometimes I forget to change back to my main account it’s all good man it’s all good no I just noticed I was like hey did you just change that

Because of what we we were joking about last time um it’s all good man I appreciate you I do yeah dude I’d love to love to meet you next time you’re in Japan let me know i’ I’d be down to hang and maybe you can help me with the

Spare tire if I if I need to replace it you know and I don’t have a jack you know just believe in yourself you know we just kill you some I don’t have believe on yourself though then will be someone else I always I always thought

The chat said Believe on on yourself it was it saying believe on yourself said wasn’t you always believing yourself and believed all over himself did I say wasn’t there should be a Belial over yourself too in yourself I’m still planning on it getting the passport rened next month oh

Awesome man awesome so no no I thought the chat always said believe on yourself or was it just just the way it believe in yourself just the way TTS remember that that was funny the J Vlog oh man maybe your thing of Rober yeah wait a minute is this yeah is this not

Robert believe in your said that is what I sounded like believe in yourself said it sounded like that is believe in yourself wow I’m so confused now I am Robert Brooker yeah yeah you are believe in yourself yeah yeah you are yes yeah yeah yeah oh wait what you seriously I

Thought TTS for the longest time we have changed the voice oh was it always saying believe in yourself but to me I was hearing believe on yourself cuz we’ve changed the voice I updated my my chat phone and now it’s got this like younger version is the the first one is

Kind of like British is sounding and now this is like hi my name’s Tracy welcome to the Gap you know that kind of voice and I can hear clearly hear beli in yourself but the other other one maybe it’s said like believe on yourself believe on

Yourself so I’m like is it believe on yourself that’s an interesting way to say it and that’s why I came up with the and we we believed all over you oh my God oh my God ha I’ve been listening to you all wrong Believing on this different thing oh my

Gosh I’m so sorry language is so difficult so hot language is so 5 minutes 8 hours 5 hours8 seconds oh my God believe in yourself said when I first found your channel I had my old account which I no longer have access to Ray ding stre Ray you just came at like the

Weirdest time and like we’re all like oh yeah and then Theo just believed all over yourself like said the brand account was still believing yourself okay I must have been just like really misinterpreting TTS yes big big ups for fraan slips here oh my God what the Hecks what the heck M what

The heck we’re going down in the sky highway all right let’s do it R mod welcome welcome name said Le is so touched that he’s crying now oh my God that’s right it’s cuz you guys believed all over me again thank you for believing on me all the

Time oh my God I had I’m sorry that’s my bad I swear to God this whole time I was like yeah that sounds really weird believe on yourself but as far as believing in yourself I suppose you can practice and [Laughter] to actually try to drop that they have

Some interesting games there but the push game isn’t that bad actually I was I was doing it quite bad today I’m going to I’m going to get better at it I will uh just readjust myself to those settings this is why we need a practical believing sock in a stylish designerd out nerd

Out haven’t even started face with stuck out T oh my God nerd out oh my gosh this so funny yes I can imperfectly believe on myself it’s true hi yeah we did it I wonder why I’m okay with these long drives um when we were moving to Nara I did

That that long drive you know to save money and not take the highway and I would drive that d drive like two or three times a night just believe in yourself bringing some of our stuff outd out nerd out nerd out nice nice one nerd out thanks for nerding out on

Meox said Do You Believe on life After Love by share oh yes believe yourself H there oh man I just love the alt we got oh man please don’t make any more names that where did you move from move from Shaka theck I remember that time I shared the knowledge of the Posh

Min nice yeah I moved from a shinos Saka station area we live like 5 minute walk from that station to and was this before I met you alox yeah I was live streaming some of it I rent basically a big van I rent it all night

Because it was like super cheap it was like 3,000 yen from 900 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. instead of uh you know at the time it was like kind of during the pandemic I wasn’t sure I was doing for work and I needed to save money on the on the move and I

Would just yeah I just wanted to move stuff myself so we would pack it up and just bringing boxes and I would do the one and a half hour drive to Nara on these on these exact highways and and other ones or these exact the city roads

And it would be like really late at night and no traffic right so let wasn’t going to let me in so yeah how far are we from the destination we’re about 30ish minutes out it was during AAP influencer stream they were all crying from laughing oh man that’s cool yeah rayco we’re about

30 minutes out 35 minutes out but we’re going to go up the the mountain of Valhalla I call it Valhalla because the stream signal basically dies there said wow multiple 1.5 drives overnight sounds tiring yeah I know for some reason I’m not tired very bring not tired when you

Do these then again this is the guy who’s driving back and forth on 4our sleep I know like I’ve done it before it’s not the best thing but I’m I’m and these roads are pretty straight like so I don’t know why my my dad was a a bus

Driver and stuff and so maybe it’s in our DNA I don’t know I don’t mind driving I was you saw me driving in Hokkaido in the snow driving everybody everywhere up the mountain this and that it’s driving is kind of Part of Me I’m Actually I took a different route this

Way so we can spend a little bit more time together I don’t mind add an extra 5 minutes but I also like the drive up that mountain better the other one’s like a really really windy road and I think it would be dangerous today so uh

I’m going to I’m going to do a little bit of a longer detour believe in yourself I have driven a city bus it was great fun really interesting Got three prizes discovered a new crane game place made friends with the staff there uh he uh he he let me live stream it and man he was great it feels like another cool place I went back to the place where I all started with me and um me and Clay

Played there in at titto station and I dropped another um another one so while it wasn’t the best return rate it like 1,300 1,400 Yen per per box I I dropped three and they’re good prizes they’re amazing prizes and I’m very happy with the amount I dropped on each one um but

More importantly like it’s it’s nice to find I’m all about finding good places and I want to share those with you guys you used to 4 hours sleep from teaching I did I really did yeah cuz it was swing shifts I I would come home at like 10 11

And the same like you know I I I’m I’m into the am I’m like playing games at night and online games and whatnot and then I would sleep at like 2:00 in the morning and then wake up and go to work uh uh at 700 you know or leave the house around 7

8 so I’m used to this it’s not good um actually now that I’m freelancing I’m I was getting more work uh more sleep but during these crazy times I’m seriously working like 18 hour days like it’s or 16 hour days not getting much sleep um

And it is it is concerning cuz like I want to be on be fresh especially if I’m driving so much but yeah no I uh I I do understand it’s not not good but having you guys here like this really helps me if it if it if I weren’t

Live streaming yet I’d probably just be like listening to a podcast or listen to other stuff to help me my content I I do kind of uh listen and uh look at other content creator stuff or or um YouTube tutorials and things like that while I’m

You know driving but i’ rather just uh hang out with you guys it’s kind of fun kind of fun you know it’s helping out the channel by getting exposure and uh interacting with you guys and uh I think the drive streams are fun they’re kind

Of chill when I see Luke doing a drive stream I it’s it’s mesmerizing to be honest it’s mesmerizing seeing all the scenery pass by and then having people in the chat engage with each other and it’s kind of cool it’s almost like you don’t want to look away just in case you

Miss something out said previous Alo was watching downtown on late night TV that’s right nerd out nerd out said but wouldn’t it be boring without us it would it would be very boring very boring name without you you’re not burning the candle from both ends you’re just throwing it into a

Furnace that’s right it’s just melting instant what do you call it um sublimating it’s just sublimating that’s what it’s doing all right we’re going to take this big Curve I’m going to go I’m going to go here snap I had to go cuz it was like I would have stopped right in the middle of the street there at that speed so had to go had to go all right where are we I don’t know where we

Are oh no we’re getting closer to K I’m not sure are these guys actually turning left I’m not sure if they are I’m let this guy pass and see alox say oh yeah turn instantly we are back to a thick liquid of SW what back to fix taking some

[ __ ] I’m not sure what you’re referring to but it’s okay is it here where I turn oh no it’s not here it’s the next one sorry okay it’s next one I could I thought that was a left turn there that was weird meled wax oh oh okay okay okay no

I got it now I got it got it that was weird cuz I couldn’t see in front because of the big truck so this is the left turn I’m supposed to go left turn all these people on the bikes on the left left Turn H maybe I should drink one more algra verying name said smiling face with open mouth and tightly closed eyes you know I’m really really glad you guys do like these these Drive streams I I do appreciate you guys being on here with me I think it’s fascinating you do get

To see a different feel of Japan you know from the mornings to the night and we get to chat we have the you know the how are the tours going kind of thing it’s it’s a nice um it’s a nice way to hang out to be quite

Honest oh hold up is this the way that’s the way down it wasn’t clear on Google Maps so okay that was the way all right all right we could have still went on that side street which I’ve gone Before Oh my God another yellow alox said the drive stream is an excuse to hang out and tell double on Tundras yes tell all them double on Tundras yes you’re correct it’s true it is an excuse to hang out and I don’t know do you like the the changing scenery I find it

Fascinating to be honest like when I see other people when I see Luke do his Drive stream I think it’s it’s really cool um there’s something like stimulating and engaging about it all the time you never know what’s like right around the corner kind of thing and the pocket does a really good

Job of showing you how it’s lit at night actually the the night streams look amazing with all the colors and how they’re saturated and whatnot okay this guy is so now we can’t even see the lines on the road now so uh you’re just kind of going by Fields there for a

While okay there we are going pass this guy cuz he seems suspiciously like not sure which lane he should be Inox said Ando is trap driving the car captive audience the car captive yep yep very ring said it’s nice to hang out and since no one can see is it can all hang out and no one would know oh my God that’s too funny that is too funny you guys are

Killing me today man you’re absolutely killing me that is hilarious the the that was I didn’t expect what you were going to say and that totally took my i s you broke me again you broke me again Captain look what you’re doing look what you’re doing to at verying name song Memory triggered

Swinging in theze oh God oh my God are you seral Alman said how’s it hanging short sh and to the left oh man you guys jungle boys FL s next oh God I’m too funny you guys are too funny my gosh believe in yourself said at very bra name I

Leave that for the ladies a okay I got to turn left there a turn off here Supposedly there it is we are cool cool we’re taking the long way which is good said bonus of being an online teacher just put on a shirt and teaching your pamus alox it’s true a answer a you are not incorrect not incorrect myk God no it’s true that is the um that is

The perk of going online right dancing is great exercise can we head to the right here yes we can wow they got all the signs and everything that was a big inflatable construction worker dude looking thingy okay whoa whoa wonder where the lines were okay okay it’s all kind of

Confusing cuz of this extra where the heck do I go I don’t think we go straight now oh it’s a det said at nerd out in Japan that is jokingly called rival style attire I can’t go straight on this road Google wants me to go straight everybody

Else wants to go straight they are redirecting traffic due to construction so what are we going to do what are we going to do when we come for you that guy just totally cut me off it’s all good though what the heck I think I’m supposed to go around here

What yeah there’s a roundabout way that was interesting okay we just got redirected full on I know all of our car navigations are now kind of going the same way I think I’ve had to do this once before this feels oddly familiar and I’m sure the guy in front

Of me I’m going to be following his every move if he’s also on this redirect y he’s going to turn left Yeah yeah this is the way this is the way said careful ATO there were mased people with lightsabers they were there were they sure Were there sure were Captain yeah I know I think I’ve gone this route before too it was a similar um dourish route oh man I’m going to um quickly take some algra my nose is really starting to get plugged up here oh Excuse me give a second guys on I can’t find

It okay here we are what it says turn left no I think we go in there yeah yeah he he’s trying to figure out the same thing yeah yeah we do go in there it’s true this is where we go believe 2.8 m y Japan was the first place I discovered I have

Allergies oh yeah said right at alox you are not incorrect we joked about people at the conv store shopping in their pajamas now I do it also this is such a weird weird detour I’m telling you that guy in front of me he’s Google’s tell me him exactly

The same thing and he’s a beginner soon you see the green leaf magnetic thing on his his car nice car though Wasabi again oh yeah yeah listen to the Wasabi shot Wasabi shots can we get some uh green stuff in the chat give me some green stuff in the

Chat you see his I think this time the blue pill okay what’s shots can you see their you see their Green Leaf what’s shots here we go cucumber cucumber cucumber cucumber CU cucumber cucumber CU oh oh damn that was a hard one damage a fire oh damn it

Yeah yep give me the greens give me them greens oh Wasabi shot in the house said that very bra name is you hear at the dashb you know he’s popping the Blu ah you guys are hilarious you guys are making me laugh other times I’m making you laugh you guys are getting me

Today you’re getting me can you can you say that again in the he just it’s a bro can you can you do that in the chat again R and that made can you do a hard a hard one can you do the emotional damage again Ray but can you make it longer like

Emotional damage can you do it like that can you make it say that in the in TTS that’s your challenge right [ __ ] I’m going to do one more while I’ll be [Laughter] shot oh my god oh [ __ ] one more oh [ __ ] believe inem that’s to funny dudes two fun Can you guys hear that what the [ __ ] it’s hilarious hilarious dude emotional D okay we’re good there’s no like other they really got us on that detour like full on detour oh my God your emotional dad you like it’s like the guy Steve Chen or no Steve L

Lee and Arnold Schwarzenegger and the TTS had a love child he like emotional D that was crazy [ __ ] love it love it mate love it y so believe in yourself said Sten he Stephen he that’s it thank you ah so funny dudes so freaking funny dudes that was that

Was so good so good yeah so nice damn that was so oh my gosh that you guys are you guys are killing me today you’re killing it when are you going to do your Asian tour come on I’ll be your photographer I’ll bu your uncle to your Roger let’s go let’s go

Oh that was more than emotional damage that was what was Sai damage man D St she Steven she hilarious too funny dude both zoku can you guys hear them can you hear the the motorcycles freaking loud break out break oh sorry nerd out nerd

Out said if I take Le I want be able to show my face in it’s true you’re correct that’s where um Tokyo Explorer goes all the time the motorcycle sometimes yeah yeah they’re freaking loud dude they’re freaking louded man you might need to get gas tomorrow

Before we head out it’s quite a long drive today tomorrow is going to be nuts going to definitely have to uh gas her up before we uh head out is a sh this is the one this is the way all right said it’s where he lives yeah yeah

Yeah yeah no we had uh we had a beer once me him and JJ we talked about stuff he was he’s really really great guy really awesome okay where do I go I go here that’s right this is like the Pachinko is place there’s like a big Pinko something around here

Sh yeah I do an English camp for a school around here yeah there’s the big bagio and it says Texas and the KOCO ich on there and the ramen ich ich is that ich ich Sak ich sakaka maybe looks like a icham it’s not ich yeah that’s the Bellagio but it says

Texas it’s got the same pattern as most Bellagio ones I swear to God though it says Texas right in the back right there I ever need to go Texas I’m here come to Texas and have some ity ran ra man hi yeah in [Applause] R said or maybe they have Pinko yeah oh at at top of the mountain that would be kind of weird they do have Pingo at the bottom of Eco Mountain at actually eom M station I’m so glad I’m not addicted to Pinko I don’t really I’m

Not in it in it at all buted rice CED rice CED rice rice rice very said looks like the not didn’t work out out isn’t the national chain foren believe in yourself maybe I think it is but it look like R Curry and rice Curry and rice Curry and rice Curry and

The Ki for the it was the he for ich and then the the the the Ki for Saku like Sak or say Saku Saku meaning to make so it’s Ichi and make so I think ich Ran’s a different different kanji I don’t know what their Ron means

But oh man we’re on the road again excuse me all right we’re getting closer and closer valala people you must salute give us the pretzels and wings and something to help send us to Valhalla cooked rice or whatever just send us to Valhalla we’re getting there we’re getting there me friends actually you

Know where it keeps going on until we get to the tunnel once you get to the tunnel it’s the tunnel of Valhalla not just the mountain of Valhalla the tunnel getting Closer yeah let’s go to Valhalla send you send it I think we needed the crane game stuff the uh the staff was giving me like a whole bunch of extra credits he gave me like three extra credits or something I’m pretty sure he did he put a whole

Bunch yo I one of your lives shart what’s uping face hey so good to see you sh of heart yo you’re going to you’re going to help send us off we’re going up the m howdy yes the cherry blossom sound Great all right man say hi to the wifeu wifey have a great one alox thank you bro uh have a great one dude thank you peace peace out and thank you for being on the vertical by the way uh sh heart you came in just for

I want to let you know shart we got monetized yeah we got monetized now alox said have fun y’all and keep you arms above your covers I was watching the crane game replay just before I saw this live nice nice the crane game replay was fun righto have thanks dude I appreciate

That yeah have fun Al thank you man uh maybe see you in the morning commute if you’re up it’s going to be late for you um yeah sharf heart it was it was a really good session for the crane game stuff you know I don’t mind if my

Batting average or my dropping average for crane games isn’t as good as long as we’re having fun and we’re learning something or making connections and we did both today uh we did all those things today and we dropped some amazing prizes party face super I’m happy for

You thank you thank you yeah we finally got it got it for the Win yeah no I’m definitely going to go back there tomorrow probably spend an hour or so in that area and then drive it out to Kyoto or I could I could take a nap in the car that that could be a possibility too but Uh I don’t know we’ll see just got to you know just do it do the tours one by one get through them kind of thing well they’re fun they’re fun yeah and doing cring games here I’m glad you watch the replay thank you Sharp heart

How you doing by the way nice to see you it’s been a long time been a long time long time since I left with you okay we’re going to Valhalla guys if if the stream dies and I can’t revive it you know we had a great time and we are

Sending you off um give me some wings give me some uh wallhalla emojis if the stream goes send send it off with some really fun interesting emojis once we go to Valhalla if we go I’m sure we’re going to go at some point I think we go

Through a tunnel we go through a tunnel at the end and that’s where we send it basically so let’s go up the mountain tomor h Yep keep going up actually I keep saying oh the signal is pretty good as soon as I say that bam it just dies it just dies it yeah

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