
ماسبتش فيها شبر ما صورتوش | المدينه القديمه بتطوان | الجزء الثاني | المغرب | Morocco

طبعا المدن القديمه في المغرب كتير جدا وغنيه عن التعريف
ولكن البعض منهم ليه شكل وطابع مميز
منهم المدينه القديمه في تطوان واللي اتسجلت كتراث انساني وعالمي من منظمة اليونسكو
قررت الفها شبر شبر وافرجكو عليها
وكمان نتعرف على قصص حواريها وبيوتها
ان شاء الله تستمتعو معايا
رمضان كريم

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جولة في المدينة القديمة تطوان 🏚🌍
Tetouan city (north of Morocco)..Vintage city tour
“زور بلادك” تأخذكم في جولة سياحية إلى مدينة تطوان
لعشاق المدينة العتيقة تطوان 😍🇲🇦🇲🇦 😍
جولة في مدينة تطوان من باب العقلة إلى الخاصة – WALKING IN OLD & NEW TETOUAN – MOROCCO
مدينة تطوان المغربية ( إم المغرب ).. إحدى عجائب حضارة الأندلس- Tetouan
أجيو نساريكم في المدينة العتيقة لتطوان، زنقة زنقة، درب درب
بيوت مدينة تطوان العتيقة
جولة بأحياء المدينة القديمة في تطوان🪬


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جميع فيديوهاتي السابقه


Welcome again from Morocco. I am in Tetouan. This is the second time I have visited Tetouan. Today I am taking you on a very large and very deep tour of the old city. Last time I was in a

Very hurry, and my time was short. My visit to Morocco was short. This time, God willing, I will photograph it very extensively with everything. It is beautiful. There are some secrets that I knew. I will tell them to you, God willing, during the video. Follow me until the end.

You will like it very much, God willing. Welcome again. We will continue our tour together in the old city of Tetouan, which is really very special. Let us delve deeper. We have arrived together in the Mellah neighborhood. Let us continue. And we discover

The true hidden beauty that exists in the old city. Let us visit the Al-Mallah neighborhood, which has many sweets. This is considered adjacent to the old city and next to the Royal Palace along in a very beautiful assortment of traditional Moroccan sweets.

Here there are all the sweets in their shapes and types, sweets for different seasons, celebrations and holidays, in addition to nuts and yamish shops. With all its types and shapes, a

Very beautiful popular neighborhood. The atmosphere here is international, it reminds me of Hussein here in Egypt, and the same weather during the month of Ramadan. The only thing is that I will not be here in Ramadan. The weather will definitely be different and more beautiful. I love these places, guys

. This is the hip market, I think, because there are gold shops all over the right and left. The place behind me is called Souk Al-Hout. Souk Al-Hout was a fish market in the past. This area now has cars selling various Moroccan products, and its appearance is completely different. I mean,

The banners and explanatory signs here, which are located in the old city, are considered the most distinguished in the entire ancient cities of Morocco. Not only will they recognize you. The main tourist attractions in

This city will also guide you to the movements within the city. They used stones in a specific way to pave the roads and alleys here in the old city to help you move in the old city

And go out and enter it with all simplicity, the main streets from which secondary streets branch off and lead you to one of the city gates where you will find them. Three parallel lines in the text. If there are only two lines, you know that this is a dual road.

This is an exit that takes you to one of the main streets. However, if there is only one line, you know that this is a small alley or a limited road. Either it takes you to the entrance of one of the houses or

Houses, or it takes you to a completely closed place with many people. You don’t know this information, and a lot of people get lost in the old city, and they used to ask to get out, to enter, or to get to one of these gates. The

Colonel’s alley is still not big, and it’s full of perfume shops. The smell of spices wafts from everywhere here. As long as I was walking, I could smell the scent of perfume everywhere. Even black pepper, cardamom, various spices, even roses, the smell of roses here everywhere

, from the quiet areas of the old city. Step into the crowded areas. There is a shower full of people, a soul full of shopping stores. The times that really help me the most , I feel that I am happy because I know I walk like this in the

Popular neighborhoods. Or in the middle of the old city, the old cities. Among the people, I feel that I am one of them. I feel that I am Moroccan, and this is the thing that helps me the most

. Right now, I am in an area called the Upper Market, all of which are shops, all of which are shopping services, food, sweets, vegetables, fruits, and many used things here, and the truth remains that this is one of the most places. What I

Adore is as if I were living here, as if I was living in one of these houses, as if I were in the middle of a large family. I feel a real different atmosphere, I swear, from the tourist places and from the heritage places here, I feel

A spirit of prayers upon the Prophet, oh, my God, pray upon me. Remember God as you walk, for prayers upon the Prophet, and do not be distracted. Peace be upon you, O God. Prayers upon the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Long live the rational heart. Oh God, prayers upon the Prophet and the mention of a waterfall. Oh God, pray upon me. As there are very many traditional crafts and industries in the cities of Morocco, such as Fez, Meknes, Marrakesh

And others, Tetouan is also full of crafts and traditional industry, and the old city here is full of workshops. Lal arrived at the house on the day of the day , the day of the day, the most lively place in the entire old city. I mean, God willing,

Very many people, directly next to the door of the anecdotes, the area of ​​the cemeteries. I am sorry. A simple correction. It is next to the door of the tombs, not the anecdotes. In fact, I see it as very large and very spacious. It takes a hill or a mountain. In a

High part, in a low part, directly next to the old city, I entered and recited Al-Fatihah for our dead and all the dead Muslims . As far as the eye can see, there is the modern city of Tetouan, then the old city, the other side . Now I am on my way

To the Kasbah, God willing, the ladder is coming up from my head, with a khamam. We are walking in the darkness of a traveler without a lit lamp. Tricks are forgiven in the days, my road is

Maliyya, oh woe, oh woe, I am afraid we will say that I am back, and I started to stay up late with him, night, night, oh night, oh night and arrows, oh night, oh night, oh night, oh night, and

The entire Tetouan valley from above from the Kasbah. The view here is very beautiful with… The mountains and the Kasbah Valley are there, but there are some renovations. I could not enter it and take pictures of it from the inside. They also call it Kasbah. Sidi Al-Mandhari, from the 14th century, a

Very beautiful archaeological place . Destiny ruled and the written acted, and oh knowledge of the unseen, see how the situation is, and whoever chose to be defeated in this world because Hubble was defeated. Do you see the people who live here

In the Casbah, how did they get out from under this? They are all big people. Honestly, how about them? There are very many crescent moons , and its flaw is that it is vertical, meaning it is not smooth like this. It is a little tiring. This is good, oh night and oh

Night, oh night, night and night, and master is with me, night and oh night. Within one day in the city of Tetouan, you will go beyond more than a century of history, in the Kasbah, you will go beyond

The 14th century in mosques and mosques. Tetouan, which is very large, dates back to the 16th and 17th centuries. As for the Jewish Quarter, I can see the period of the 10th century in it. Neither the old city nor the city of Tetouan is full

Of it, listening to the sound of birds. The calm is strong and beautiful. It is long. Unfortunately, our tour in the old city has ended, but we still have many visits and videos

In it. Tetouan and Magh, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for watching. Even if you like the video, please don’t forget to support us with a share, like, or Subscribe. I will always see you well . h


  1. "للمره التالته يوتيوب توقف بث فيديو من فيديوهات القناه وأضطر اعيد تحميله, لو حد عارف ايه السبب يقولي من فضلكم"
    اهلا وسهلا بإخواتي واصدقائي المتابعين الكرام

    اولا كل عام وسيادتكم بخير وصحه وسعاده ورمضان كريم وتقبل الله مننا ومنكم جميعا صيامنا وقيامنا وسائر الطاعات

    اشكركم من كل قلبي على الدعم المستمر

    دا الجزء الثاني والأخير من جولتي في المدينه القديمه بتطوان واللي بجد بحبها جدا

    اتمنا تعجب حضراتكم ومتنسوش تشيرو الحلقه

    رجاءا ملاحظة اني اصور معظم فيديوهاتي في فتره معينه ثم ابدأ في المونتاج والنشرللفيديوهات لاحقا

    ممكن بعدها بشهر او اتنين او حتى 6 شهور

    وفقا لظروف عملي ووقتي وسفري وهكذا ونظرا لأني اقوم بكل شئ بمفردي تماما

    إعداد الفكره ثم السيناريو ثم ترتيب السفر وتجهيز المكان والتصوير ثم المونتاج ثم التدقيق والمراجعه ثم ……ثم ….. ونهاية بنشرالفيديو

    مجهود مضني جدا وبيحتاج الكثير والكثير من الوقت

    ده لأن فيه ناس كتير بتستغرب اني بانشر فيديو مثلا في شهر مارس الحالي عن شهر اغسطس السابق

    هذا فقط للتوضيح

    رجاءا مساعدتي في نشر القناه وتوزيعها على قدر الإمكان

    ان شاء الله تسعدو معايا بكل جديد

    اشكركم من كل قلبي ولا تنسو إفادتي دائما بسلبيات الفيديوهات حنى اقوم بتعديلها مستقبلا

    ورجاءا كل اصدقائي على الواتساب برقمي التايلاندي من فضلكم إعادة التواصل معي على الواتساب في الرقم ده +201112635555 لأني لغيت الرقم التايلاندي وشكرا

    عاش المغرب

  2. تحياتي وسلامي لك اخي الكريم
    شكرا لك على جميع المجهودات والمعلومات
    حفظكم الله ورعاكم واطال في عمركم
    جزاك الله خيرا

  3. عمل جيد إحترافي برافو تبحث جيدا عن المعلومات عن المكان الذي تزوره وتعطيه حقه قليل من اليوتوبر من يقوم بذلك مرحبا بك ببلدك وتحية إخواننا في مصر

  4. تقولون اللي يشرب من النيل يرجع ثاني و اللي شرب اتاي المغرب لابد يرجع ثاني هذا إذا لم يقرر العيش إلى الأبد هههههههه

  5. فيديو جميل عن الحمامة البيضاء مدينة تطوان زرتها أكثر من مرة وكأنني أراها أول مرة بعيونك شكرا لك يعجبني طبعك الهادئ وأنك تستمتع بالمكان الذي تزوره قليل من يملك هذه الميزة كثير من الناس يمر على أماكن جميلة لكن لا يستمتع بها يمر مر الكرام

  6. طيبة أهل المغرب خلات الكثير من مشاهير ونجوم العالم يستقرون بالمغرب زائد الأصالة والحضارة المغربية الأندلسية والطبيعة الساحرة اللي ممكن تعيش فيها أربعة فصول في يوم واحد أو ديما مغرب

  7. اهلا وسهلا والف مرحبا في بلادك وانمنى تكون نسيتي ما وقع لك في الميريا أيها الاستاذ الكبير وأتمنى لك الصحة و العافية والتقدم والازدهار

  8. ما شاء الله تبارك الرحمن اللهم بارك فيديو جميل جدا والله يحفظك.
    حتى الموسيقى كانت جميلة .و مناسبة..
    مرحبا بمصر في شخصك الكريم.
    تحياتي الخالصة.
    عبد السلام ابو إلياس من ألمانيا مر من هنا.

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