
A trip to the Immortal Land of Japan, Okinawa #Okinawa #Japan #India #Love #travel #friends #trips

A travel vlog to Japan’s Prefecture called Okinawa which known for blue beaches, marvelous mountains but also for being the land of immortals.
It is one of the healthiest places in the world because of very healthy diet and beautiful lifestyle.
Places visite in the video:
1) Naha
2) American Village
3) Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium
4) Okinawa World
5)Ocean expo park

दिन दिन भर हो प्यारी बातें झूमे शाम गाए रातें मस्ती में रहे डूबा डूबा हमेशा समान हमको राहों में यूं ही मिलती रहे खुशियां दिल चाहता है

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