Fuji-Q Highland might have been the scariest theme park in Japan, and it is the only one in the world with a view of Mount Fuji. We were very surprised when we arrived here, realizing how underrated this place is. There are not many people here, and surprisingly, all the rides are super fun (not that I dared to try all of them). 🤓
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🔗 Fuji-Q Highland Pass

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#japan #mtfuji #themepark

It’s the steepest roller coaster in the world can you see the M Fuji there’s M Fuji right behind the Roll how was it Good we are at Fuji Q Highland okay so it’s it’s still early right now so there’s not too much people yet and right now I’m at Naruto Park you can see it looks kind of like the Naruto world and we’re going to try the 3D

Right over there I don’t think I will be riding the scary ones because they they look really really scary and really tall just I’m not a I’m not someone who loves adrenaline behind us is the steepest roller coaster in the world and look at the feud though

Can you see the mon Fuji there’s M Fuji right behind the roller coaster so Lardo will try because he doesn’t want to no I cannot guys and I even looking at it makes me super anxious are you sure yeah let’s try okay you we we pay for it it’s okay

Byebye okay a little bit facts about Fuji qu there’s around six big roller coasters here and you can actually come and play just one or two of the rests and pay per ride I think per ride is around 1,000 yen but we get we got our

Pass from get your guide It’s 6,900 Yen and you can play every ride here if you love adrenaline and you want to test yourself then you should probably get the pass and write everything cuz the weight time here is not as bad as other team parks in Japan like Tokyo Disney C

Or us us Japan yeah the roller coasters here are you see it’s like so big so high it’s not like in some th Parks turns out there are some rights that you need to pay extra if you already have the one day pass so you have to look for this one day pass okay if you if they right one they pass okay then you’re you’re good to go I’m proud

To say that I just wrote something but it’s this one yeah I’m so lame I know but that one is faster than it looks guys it it’s quite fast it’s spinning quite fast [Applause] like look at his face so where were you I Tred this the steepest roller coaster in the world and

This I think this one is also hold the record as the largest coaster with no overturn yeah there there was no like turning on yeah no turning no like what Flip or what yeah just just a straight road but with speed yeah I heard it’s really fast it’s 130 kilm per hour yeah

For me personally I like this one even though that one is the most steepest the steepest roller coaster in the world but this one I like it for me the adrenaline is this one I I get better adrenaline here and wo turning turning like it’s so fast the

The speed is not not not down oh it it didn’t decrease the speed at all okay and they write it there it’s the most thrilling coaster inq okay so this is the must try TR we’re going to try the zon one so what is like it looks like a motorcycle okay and oh like this yeah yeah I don’t think it’s that tall so I still have the guts to do It okay we’re done with so on it’s actually faster than it looks so you’re going to be in a motorcycle position and then when it starts it’s just going to blast and then it keeps turning and turning and then later it will go backwards so yeah it’s it’s a bit

Extreme actually all rides here are extreme so it’s not for little kids or if you’re afraid you’ll be like me like you won’t really write a lot but if you want adrenaline everything here will give you that let’s try another ride called foodi Airways okay the Fuji Airways is

Definitely not scary it’s a 40 ride and the screen was so huge it’s covering um like half a circle and you’ll feel like you’re flying over Mount Fuji and the area around there so it’s kind of like a sseeing right because you will see on

Top of M Fuji and you will be inside a plane and riding there it’s okay Here he comes looks like he just got his adrenaline shot hey yeah done how was it it’s good was it scary it’s meat really yeah it’s not it’s not that fast it’s not that fast we are going to ride the water like water slide is and uh it’s going to be

Wet so we bought green coats we’re going to take our rain qus later how much rains our rain qus are 200 y uh the here rides a lot well I just wait and see him being spin over in the air okay hopefully this won’t be too scary but it looks fine so let’s

Try we finished with the water ride actually the rain Co the rain coat is not very use useful for us because we don’t really think there’s any like splash of water but I saw some other people they’re like incredibly wet so up to you it’s only 200 Y and the track is

A bit longer actually most rides here they are longer than rides in other places like usj or Disneyland maybe they really focus on being having like the right experience more than the more than I don’t know it’s different it’s just longer here it can take up to 5 minutes for each ride We’re walking over to uh Haunted Mansion and from the web website it’s saying that this is the largest Haunted Mansion in Japan it is around 900 M long and you will walk inside the mansion and it will took you it will take you around 40 minutes but it’s not included in the day

Pass so you have to buy a separate ticket it’s called The Labyrinth of fear unfortunately the tickets are sold out which I’m very very glad okay so uh the day is coming to an end they’re closing pretty soon and we’re going we’re going back to our

Hotel yeah so what do you think of Fuji Q I like it it’s very good for adrenaline Seekers I like it all all the attraction the r the rides it’s very adrenaline I like it I like it so much I don’t like it yeah it’s different than

Other them parks that we’ve been to where they sell the uh characters the animations here is pure adrenaline so yeah see you tomorrow bye-bye w

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