
Japan travel zatsu day 1 [Twitch VOD]

Hi I’m Alex ( •̀ ω •́ ) I like video games, seals, and food!
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Yurui (@ojigi5)
3D Model
Dollie Hitsujida

Uh uh uh hello hello hello I am sorry for the terrible terrible terrible microphone quality but you got to work with you got to work with what I’ve got which is the that that it sure is a mic yeah it it sure is a mic

Listen I did the best I could I did the best I could with what I could get with this like $25 microphone I did the best I could this is going to be the most scuffed stream I’ve ever done in my entire [ __ ] life Xbox Live Lobby isar shut the [ __ ]

Up all right I am this is going to be so scuffed this is going to be embarrassing all right I’m going to switch over you guys are going to [ __ ] laugh at me oh my [ __ ] god dude this is the best I can do I cannot get vtube Studio to work on

This [ __ ] hotel Wi-Fi so you’re just going to have to deal with seal stair for like the next hour or so I am so sorry but I literally cannot get this piece of garbage to work I don’t know why it’s not working I’ve changed the network to a private

Network work I’ve done whatever the [ __ ] I can everything except for downloading [ __ ] iTunes which I don’t want to do and I just it it doesn’t work and I’ve been having problems with vtube studio for like the past couple weeks anyway so I don’t know I don’t know you guys are just

Going to have to deal with it I’m so sorry we have this [ __ ] scuffed ass mic and then we have the [ __ ] the the PNG did I try using a USB connection well that’s the thing Murray is that like it only USB connection only works if you have iTunes on your computer and

I don’t have iTunes on this computer nor do I want to download another stupid [ __ ] piece of software onto my [ __ ] computer so I mean I could try it but I’m like 90% sure that it doesn’t work without um iTunes let me let me say hello to

Everyone let me say hello to everyone I I neglected that Lumen hello Cooks hello edl hello Murray hello bro beef hello Ace hello Creepy Pasta fan hello grim hello uh let’s see I I think that’s everyone I think that’s everyone H the breathing noise shut up don’t talk about my breathing noises Roto

Hello oh I listen I’ve I’ve done the best I could I have the video broadcast turned up all the [ __ ] way I don’t know why I I don’t know why I don’t know why it was a Zer so I actually didn’t have a strong zero last night because by the

Time I got to my hotel it was like 11:00 p.m. and I just wanted to go to bed actually I couldn’t even buy one anyway because the comia I went to there was no one there and you need to like they they had self checkout and you can’t buy

Alcohol at self checkout and like it was just it was just empty there was no one in the store like there was a guy in the back but like I I I saw him very briefly but like I just wanted to get in and out because I was so hungry I didn’t I

Didn’t get any food on the plane I was not able to buy food on the plane because like I I I took like a discount Airline which was actually pretty good I I I would recommend zip air if you’re looking for like a cheap flight to Japan

But um I basically had to have food beforehand and I I had like a little muffin with me on the plane but it was almost like almost 10 hours with no food so and then like by when I got to when I got to the um the airport I was like oh

I’ll get something to eat at the airport and then everything was closed and I was like okay I’ll get something to eat when I go to I was like Delirious with Hunger I was I was [ __ ] Delirious with hunger and so like I really regret not buying something at the comedi that was

At the um hold on I I’m going to have to mute every time I this thing doesn’t have a tap to mute H because then I had to take an hour train ride to the city and then from the city I had to take like a 15-minute train ride to get to my hotel because when I I also got on the wrong I bought the wrong train ticket

Too because the train ticket I was I I I was so I was tired I was delirious and I was supposed to get the train ticket like I it was fine because basically there’s two stations right next to each other um there’s like uneno station

Which is the main one and then there’s a smaller Uno station which is run by a different like operating line and I got the one that went all the way to the smaller station as opposed to the one that went to the other station where I

Could just do a direct transfer so I had to walk across the street to like the other station that was right across the street they landed haneda though I Ed at Narita I do not recommend if you go to Japan un like try to go to Narita

Because it’s so much easier to get to Narita I mean to haneda to from haneda to Central like Tokyo than it is from Narita because Narita is like an hour away from Central Tokyo so I had to take like it’s literally in the sticks it’s an airport in the [ __ ] sticks is

You’re you’re not wrong about that cooks it’s literally in the sticks um but I I I got on the wrong train and then I was just like I was like when I got there I was like oh wait there’s an ichiran at the station I could go to

Ichiran it’s like 11:00 p.m. no one’s going to be at ichiran and I get to ichiran there’s a [ __ ] line I’m like okay I guess I’m going to the hotel so then I go to the hotel and I I just put my stuff there I just go to the

Cini I grab a bunch of food and I no I I did I did eat what what did I have for dinner um I had like I had um onigiri and I had yakis SOA Pon and I had some tea which was fine it was fine it was a fine dinner

And I had ComEd food for breakfast today you look like you want to rip off your face I do because I’m so mad that I can’t get btube Studio to work it’s it’s really making me mad this is so scuffed I’m actually upset about

It we good now I mean I don’t think so because Oh you mean like in General yeah I’m I’m okay for now I actually woke up so I went to bed around like midnight and then I woke up at like 6:00 a.m. which I was not happy about because

Like this this happened to me the last time I came to Japan as well where I got in really late and I was like I’m going to sleep for like 12 hours and then I sleep for like 6 hours and I wake up super early and nothing’s open so I just

Kind of have to like dick around in my hotel room for like a few hours until things like start opening up um so it’s actually it’s actually 8:15 in the morning right now which is earlier than I normally get up so I guess it’s jet lag like I know exactly what’s going to

Happen my yeah my internal clock is [ __ ] my internal clock is totally [ __ ] what’s going to happen is 3 hours from now I am going to pass out and then oh and ni thank you so much for your 4mth big Slappy subscription thank thank you yeah that nose sound stuff dude my

Allergies are so [ __ ] bad like my B my allergies were bad on the plane and they were they’re bad now so if I sound stuffed up it’s also the microphone it’s also because I am those two reasons jet lag accidentally making you a functioning member of society by waking

Up at an appropriate time I know yeah but I wanted to get like a fresh coffee from the comini um damn it it’s already cold but like I said there is no no one there it was empty so I just had to get one of the

Hot um bottled coffees which is fine how long am I staying I’m staying for like um I’m I’m going back next week actually sometime during next week I’m going back um so not not for that long like a week and a half more or less

Um but let me oh man the plane ride the pl ride was actually not too terrible so I got I was in a window seat and the middle seat was empty and there was a lady sitting in the aisle seat so overall it was fine you know no one in

The middle seat I had room to myself but I was I don’t I must have aten something before my flight because I was having really really bad um this is this is like kind of TMI I was I was having really bad like gastrointestinal issues like it wasn’t

Like I had to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes but I was just really like uncomfortable tummy hurt kind of stuff so I was just like I I didn’t sleep on the flight at all I can’t sleep on flight so I was awake for like 11 hours

Or so are the soccer blooming yet not yet they bloom at the end of the month so but you know the flight itself let me let me let me let me tell you my review of the Bose quiet Comfort two headphones I complained about this there was a baby

Behind me I did not hear that baby for the entirety of the flight because these earbuds noise cancelling is so good highly highly recommend the Bose quiet Comfort to earbuds if you’re looking for some really good like noise cancelling earbuds because like I did not hear that

Thing at all like it could have been crying screaming throwing a fit I didn’t hear any of it they’re they’re expensive there was a Christmas gift just just not sponsored but you know and they lasted me like 8 hours that thing well I don’t know if it

Was a boy or a girl I don’t I don’t know what it was it was a baby it was a [ __ ] baby I don’t think that babies this is going to sound so good I don’t think that babies have personhood I think that once you get to about 5 years

Old you you develop like because yeah babies aren’t people yet they don’t have Consciousness like until you develop a ious you’re not a person right like they’re just like it’s not a kid it’s a baby so it’s it’s like yeah it just occurs me that the vtuber is moving

Don’t trick me like that Ed don’t trick me like that would if actually you know what I could do oh my God you know what I just realized I could do hold on hold on I could I could I could do this I could literally just move it with my

Mouth yeah I I’ll I’ll do this I’ll I’ll do this since I don’t know how to do the PNG tuber thing I don’t know the PNG software or whatever so I’m just going to like I’m I’m just going to like this is this is yeah this is what we’re going to

Do oh no I have to sneeze oh [ __ ] I need to be you know what hold on one second I have a really good idea I’ll be right Back Okay okay there we go okay there we go I’m I’m back I’m back the Alex the cam puppet show wait is my model breathing oh you’re right actually I think my model does have like a breathing like um not toggle but when you when you rig a live

2D model you can basically make it like breathe like even when like make it look like it’s breathing even when the model is not like um like being rigged or being puppeted I should say so actually I think it is um it’s it’s very subtle I just noticed

That I’ve never sorry I’ll I’ll do this so it doesn’t freak you guys out um I I literally never noticed it before because it’s so subtle but wow where did I fly to I’m in Japan right now um I survived the Boeing 787 cuz like it’s it’s yeah you’re using vtu Studio but

Not just a PNG yeah I I I don’t know is the hotel nice it’s a crash pad Hotel it it’s not like it’s not it’s not that it’s not a nice hotel it’s just like it’s a crash pad it it has a bed it has a desk it has a bathroom that’s that’s

It that’s it it’s it’s not like oh this is a it’s not it’s not a Hilton right it’s not a Hilton it’s it’s more like a business Hotel it’s it’s a m little line but it’s it’s my room is [ __ ] tiny like my room is literally so tiny the

Bed takes up about 75% of the room um I don’t even know how they got it in the room in the first place but um just on vacation yeah yeah just on vacation just on a vacation like I barely have room for my suitcase granted my suitcase is very

Small but it’s it’s it’s a tiny room but you know what it’s fine I don’t really need that much space um oh Jesus and I just took my allergy medicine too going to have to go and get some Claritin from the pharmacy later I think yeah literally literally 1 ft of

Walking area I’m not even not even kidding it’s it’s so tiny is it more furnished than majima’s Place honestly it’s about this well it’s about the same it’s about the same to be honest with you cooks I swear to Christ I swear to [ __ ] Christ I’m going to [ __ ] mute myself right now

Oh my God I hate this piece of [ __ ] Mike I knew I should have shelled out for the $30 one I knew I should have shelled out for the $30 lavalier mic yeah Cooks you R you made me feel self-conscious how could you do this to me I’m get it I’m good [Laughter] It oh God hello welcome in welcome in oh do I still have coffee left but you know what is something that I realized is that I’m probably not going to be able to do a drinking stream at my regular time because it is 8:00 in the morning

Right now I’m not drinking at 8:00 in the morning so if you do see me do a drinking stream it’s probably going to be at like 6: to 9:00 a.m. eastern because that’s like yeah that that probably like 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. eastern so if you wake up early you might get to

See me drunk out of my [ __ ] mind I I I can’t drink before like even like like 5 o’l I don’t like drinking before 5 o’clock to be honest with you but yeah I’ll I’ll I’ll get some extra fuzzy hello welcome in I I survived my my trip I was like really

Nervous when I got on the plane because like I have this like my let’s see I would say like I when I was a kid I had such an autistic fascination with like you know those like pamphlets you get like they put them in the seat pocket of the plane and

They have all like safety information on it I was obsessed with those when I was a kid like I would take them out and I would stare at them for [ __ ] hours and I was like looking at cuz like I do that whenever I get in a plane I I

Judge the plane based on like how good their safety instructions are right and like okay so I got on the plane and like it taking zip air which is like a discount Airline right um and it was fine for what it was it was fine but the

Plane was not a new it was not a new plane it was not a new plane it was definitely old there were scratches and marks in the plane the seats were kind of like worn and I am a professional plane judger I think I’ve taken enough flights to be able to judge plane

To be honest with you but I’m looking at the safety instructions and I see it’s a 787-8 I believe is what it was and I was like uhoh 787 that’s a Bo those are the planes that have been exploding recently haven’t they so then I like I I like quickly to Google search

On my phone before like I I lose my connection and then like like 787 news and it’s like oh Boeing 787 the door flies off Boeing 787 is being grounded or whatever and I’m just like oh God I need to pray to Jesus right now because I’m afraid I’m going to

Die so it’s like every little every little bump and every little like Shake I was just like oh I’m going to die I’m going to die right now but you know what’s weird about me is that whenever I’m in a situation where I feel like I’m in

Danger I feel very calm I feel like you know what if I’m going to die then that’s fine I I accept my death I will not run from it I will I will accept it because this is the way it’s meant to be and I feel like that’s a very

Depressing way of looking at it well not depressing but it’s like weird like I don’t know like I’ve definitely been in situations where like I I feel like oh I could have possibly died but I was just like totally calm in that situation like if it happens it happens

Right there’s like nothing I can do about it so like why why worry about it why why why fight you know well just just accept it just just accept it you know it’s it’s fine it’s fine um but let’s see yeah this is this this is the time God chose for me this

Is the time God chose for me so who am I to go against his wishes actually just die oashi yep that’s me that’s me yeah like it it’s out of my control so so why worry about it like there’s this time oh it it’s so hard for me to

Describe this where like I was snowboarding and I fell down into the snow like I was going down a hill and I fell like head first down the hill and my snowboard and my legs like the the force caused my knees to like Bend back towards my like if I was bending my

Knees so my knees were bending back towards my um like my back right and the back of my snowboard hit my helmet right above my spine and in that moment I am sure that if I was not wearing a helmet I would have [ __ ] died it would have snapped and severed

My spine completely and I was just in that moment like oh I probably would have died if it weren’t for this helmet all right I’ll get back up and I’ll continue this is fine like dying for some reason like I’m so I’m so twisted and F [ __ ] up

Welcome to my Twisted mind but like dying genuinely doesn’t give me that much anxiety like I get more anxiety out of dealing with people but like dying doesn’t really give me that much anxiety unless it’s like the idea of like being tortured or dying in a very painful way

Like if it’s if it’s fast then it’s like whatever I don’t care but it’s like yeah I have my priorities [ __ ] up I suppose God gives his most unstable planes to his sloppiest seals yeah yeah I suppose so h i I have to um I’m meeting my friend

Tonight and I just hope that like I’m going to be awake for for like cuz we’re going out to dinner and I just hope I’m going to be awake I actually bought myself a a monster a pink monster if you will I don’t know if you guys have tried the

The pink monster oh spicy noodle hello welcome in the pipeline punch is really good I I love the pink monster the pipeline punch it’s it’s quite good it’s it’s very it’s very Punchy and sweet it is very delicious but you know what I’ve never actually had I’ve never actually

Had um the white monster before the the sugarfree one I’ve never tried it before I’m kind of scared too cuz that’s like that’s like the Boomer drink cuz wait does this thing have sugar in it cuz it says um it has juice in it oh well I I can’t read this because

It’s all in Japanese but you’ve had the strawberry one is that is that the new one maray is that the new one that just came out mango Loco oh the mango one is really good too I really like the mango one the mango one is super yummy it tastes like battery acid what

Flavor is white monster even supposed to be like is it just supposed to be like sugarfree or is it supposed to have a specific flavor it’s been out for 6 months let me let me look it up um you can hear my keys clacking too oh the zero sugar Ultra I have not

Seen this they don’t stock it at my um the place where I usually buy it so I don’t know I don’t know I’ve never had it before what do I plans to do in Tokyo just hang out um I have some stores I want to go to going to go to uba because

There’s a store I want to go to in uba I hate uba I got real with you guys uba [ __ ] sucks how long is your bit rate so here’s the thing this hotel has ethernet I am connected to the hotel’s ethernet and I did a speed test it’s

Crazy good the Wi-Fi is like mediocre but the ethernet is crazy fast and that’s the beauty is that like I can plug my laptop directly into the ethernet so you are getting some some nice kilobytes yeah it’s one of the hotels where every room has an Ethernet cable

Thank Christ I I don’t know if the next hotel I’m going to be at has ethernet but I’m very lucky that this one does I think it’s because this is a business hotel and they have like they anticipate business people doing business things on ethernet like

Me if I you know what I’m scared of though I’m scared that they’re going to like throttle my connection because streaming does use a lot of like data I’m afraid someone’s going to come knocking at my door and basically tell me like you have to stop using the

Internet like that’s what I’m really afraid of because like I mean I have it’s it’s my I mean it’s not like I’m doing like 4K streaming but like oh Royal beef thank you so much for the 100 bits now this is business related exactly thank you so much thank you thank

You uh yeah this is this is big business right here I’m I’m making money I’m working here I’m working this is It’s a zoom call it’s a zoom call if anyone asks I’ll just say like I’m I’m working on my zoom calls for my job it’s very important and it’s very long business

Meetings because I’m very high up in the company no one would [ __ ] believe that no one would [ __ ] believe that you heard it first guys the streamer spends all her subscriber money on ethernet options and hotels I didn’t even know this hotel had ethernet to be

Honest with you it’s technically a job I don’t really think I make enough money off of this to say it’s a job I don’t think that I do I don’t think that like $50 to $100 a month is enough to really call this a job I maybe someday but maybe

Someday it’s high level Slappy seal fish oh BR loock hello welcome man welcome yeah let’s see ah someone asked me something that I wanted to answer oh God no that’s not what I want uh no not not not big hold on someone asked me something oh that’s right I was going to

Talk more about going to uba oh yeah I was going to talk about how much I [ __ ] hate uba uba [ __ ] sucks dude it’s overpriced as [ __ ] and people think it’s it’s like the only place in Japan you can get [ __ ] anime merchandise it’s like no you can get [ __ ] anime

Merchandise anywhere in Japan you can get in Nya you can get in Osaka you can get it in Fukuoka you can get it like in [ __ ] Hokkaido you can get like wee [ __ ] [ __ ] anywhere but people are like oh no it’s but I have to go to a

Because that’s where all the enime stuff is and I have to go to it’s like go to [ __ ] what’s it called H the place in ulaka um Ulta Road go to [ __ ] Ulta Road and suck up that place [ __ ] that place is [ __ ] great and it’s cheaper too I’ve been to both

Places 90% of the time things that they sell at akuba are cheaper like in like other places like it’s it’s literally half like I when I live near ulaka there was like there’s like a mini uba in the area that I live to but um

Like I would go to a used game store the games at the used game store were like $1 to5 but if I went to uba those same games were like $10 to $30 it’s crazy they Mark stuff up just because it’s like a tourist place that’s in Tokyo

Don’t go to [ __ ] akuba don’t waste your money there go to [ __ ] Osaka go to ngoya go to Fukuoka don’t waste your [ __ ] money in akuba unless here’s the thing AA is good if there’s a very specific thing you are looking for if you’re looking for a very specific thing

Or you need to go to a specific place that is only in that location then it’s like that it’s like whatever like I get it but just going there because it’s like also it just sucks to be there in general because there’s nowhere they don’t have comini there they there’s

Nowhere to [ __ ] eat besides shitty ass [ __ ] maid cafes that are going to going to like charge you for shitty food like I never been to a maid Cafe and I don’t want to go to a maid Cafe because I know that the food is [ __ ]

Sucks and it over it’s overpriced and I don’t particularly I don’t I don’t think I would be able to deal with a woman talking to me because it would just make me too nervous I I wouldn’t be able to deal with a cute girl talking to me it would

Make me too nervous I don’t I don’t know how to talk to wom were I close to techology no no no no no i’ I’ve been there before though and it’s like I I I don’t think I could do that I this just it’s too much

Of a social thing for me to be honest with you I mean maybe my friend cuz I remember my friend was one time like hey we should go to a maid Cafe maybe she’ll ask me again this time I don’t know if you go to a m Cafe for a food you’re

Missing but that’s the thing is that those are like the only places to eat in akuba like there’s like it’s it’s it’s hard to find a place to eat that’s not a [ __ ] maid Cafe is what I’m trying to say you’re going to have to like walk

Like 10 blocks or take the train somewhere else because it’s just like you if you want food you have to eat beforehand or afterwards ever went to a maid Cafe I’m cringe but not that bad yeah exactly ex L exactly like this is cringe bro this is [ __ ] cringe this cringe I don’t

Want to I don’t want to do that um cuz what okay I’ll be real with you guys like what I want to find in uba actually let me look at my Um let me look at my map here oh you know what there is in uba there’s a royal host in uba I [ __ ] love Royal host I want to I want to go to Royal host um I need to go to lanin bang and another store and another store

There’s like a few stores that I need to go to have you been to one of those restaurants where you don’t interact with any employees oh yeah yeah yeah ichiran yeah I love ichiran ichiran is great like people say that ichiran is mid and it’s kind of expensive compared

To like where you can get you could get Ramen for like 500 yen but ichiran is like 1200 I think so it is kind of expensive for what it is but it’s really [ __ ] good dude I love ichon it’s it’s great and it’s introvert friendly which is

Fantastic I could get pizza burgers and Sushi all within 5 minutes of ubba station oh the station you’re talking about the station I’m talking more about like the northern side of uba like um oh there’s there’s a Family Mart there oh okay really cuz the okay maybe

It’s just because like the first time I went I got lost and I I couldn’t find any food or whatever yeah that’s what happened the first time I went I got lost I would go to maid cafes to support women of a proud feminist oh listen I don’t I don’t know

How PNG tubers make their models move or whatever so this is like the best I can do this is the best I can [ __ ] do I really hope I can fix this thing because I do not want to have to do that for like the remainder of my time here I I

Don’t want to do this for like the next you know 6 days or whatever that’s that’s going to be a pain in the ass um let’s see what else oh I need to go to the pharmacy it’s like uh it’s like kind of cold here as well like it’s not like

Snowing cold but it’s it’s pretty it’s it’s mildly chilly I would say you meeting any old friends yeah I’m meeting one of my friends actually better than cutting open your model’s mouth and moving it up and down wait can I do that hold on hold on hold

On hold on hold on let me let me check something Um no that’s not going to work okay wait ah no no that’s too too small hold on a sec um can I okay no I I don’t know how to do that all right South Park Canadian oh sth for Canadian tuber shut the [ __ ]

Up I actually do have like I mean to be honest with you I could probably figure out how to set it up on my own like I’m sure there’s like a Google somewhere over there it’s like oh PNG tuber software I just don’t want to be a

[ __ ] PNG tuber dude I just don’t want to be a [ __ ] PNG tuber I really don’t she’s basically Canadian no I am not I am not Canadian I’ve never even been to [ __ ] Canada I would like to go to Canada but I’ve never been to Canada I

Want to try the all dress chips that I’ve heard so much about it sounds magical you’re not at home you get to pass for the PNG yeah yeah that’s true that’s true H let’s see hold on I got to blow my nose Again oh you know what I’m planning on doing I don’t know what day I’m going to do this um but I want to go see they’re so they’re removing hold on they’re removing the Gundam in Yokohama and I want to go see the Gundam before they remove it they’re removing

It at the end of the month plus I want to go to Yokohama anyway because I’ve never I’ve never been to Yokohama oh speaking of Canada there’s this image I saw it was like a proposed like thing where it was basically like the East Coast Quebec and like it was basically

Like Eastern Canada and Eastern us like unite to become one country and there was there was a comment on it that said like if Americans had to deal with like Eastern Canadian politics they would kill themselves cuz it was like it was like most of the

East Coast it was like New York um Chicago like Pennsylvania and like and I’m just looking at that and I’m like I don’t want to be in the same country as Montreal no I don’t they’re going to make me [ __ ] learn French dude I don’t want to [ __ ] know whoever

Whoever like made that image is a psychopath let me see if I can still find it was it on Instagram or something oh my God I I don’t have it anymore but I was just like dude that’s that’s [ __ ] psychopath made that I don’t want

To I I I don’t want to I I I don’t want to have to deal with the French I would prefer not to I mean they’re not even French though they think they’re French but they’re not actually French they’re like knockoff French people in sh we shall Jihad these [Laughter]

Quias yeah they they they say they speak both French and English but I think they’re like critz cast Hello Discount French they’re literally discount French like it’s so funny because like from what I’ve seen of like French Canadians is they think they’re French and they

Want to be French and they want to be accepted by France but France is just like who are you again who who the [ __ ] are you like they don’t they don’t [ __ ] acknowledge Quebec at all they don’t they don’t acknowledge Canadian French Canadians is French but it’s like French Canadians want to be

French so badly it’s it’s very funny to me it’s it’s very much like like H it’s it’s just funny it’s funny the French tree quec is like the Spanish treat us oh my [ __ ] god that’s that’s yeah that’s kind of I I guess so French be like Canada

Who yeah exactly exactly oh my God H but you know I so I’m going to be taking the train well I want to take the train down to Osaka but I think they raised the prices because last year when I was looking at the prices of the

Shinon S like from where Tokyo to where I want to go it was like maybe $80 to $90 and then when I was looking at it like yesterday it was like $103 I was like why did it raise the it was I swear to Christ it wasn’t that

Expensive and when I went like when I was here like two years ago it was also like 80 to $90 so I think they raised the price of the shin conson which I’m not particularly looking forward to because I’m going to have to spend like $200 to get there and back which

Actually like I mean I I knew it was going to happen regardless because it’s it was actually cheaper to fly in to Narita and then go down to Osaka than it is to get a flight directly to Osaka for whatever reason um cuz it made me think

Like oh maybe I should book a flight from Osaka to Naruto but then I would have to go to the airport and that’s I I I I prefer not to spend time in airports there’s a new class of travel on the bll train no I’m talking about like the

Normal class not even like the fancy one just like the average one and it was still expensive and I was like oh that’s a little bit weird it’s a little bit weird I don’t remember it being that particularly expensive oh yeah let me tell you guys

What I ate for dinner last night so actually no I already told you what I ate for dinner let me tell you what I had for breakfast so I had um I wanted like I said I wanted to get uh pison from the comini but there was no one

Behind the counter so instead I got some pizza bread which [ __ ] was really [ __ ] good like it was cold it was not warm but it was really [ __ ] good it was basically just like bread with tomato sauce cheese and onions on it oh that was so good and then I had um a

Curry Pond as well which was which was mid but it was like good mid and then I had my uh coffee my cafee if you will I should actually PNG tuber software let me look at this PNG how to PNG Tuber what program do PNG PNG tuber maker on Steam oh okay cuz there’s also the Discord fugie as well the Discord fugie but I don’t know how to [ __ ] use the Discord fugie I’m like cuz I okay so I’m so mad about the vtu studio thing um and I’ve looked

At their connection issues and troubleshooting page but I think if I want more help with it I’m going to have to go to the Discord and I [ __ ] hate that [ __ ] dude why does everything have to be locked behind a [ __ ] Discord why is it so hard to just make a

[ __ ] page on your GitHub that says like if you encounter these issues please do this if you encounter these issues please do this I don’t want to have to go into your your [ __ ] your cut cord and have to scroll through pages of people just talking stupid [ __ ] just to

Find an answer to my [ __ ] question I hate Discord I really do I I I don’t like it it’s it’s so [ __ ] annoying p& tuber plus I mean if it has Plus in the name I’m assuming assuming that you have to pay for it

Um but I could I set up my fuk no because if I was doing a fugi I would have to be connected to Discord it used to be easier to just find stuff in forums yeah exactly exactly my apps help page direct to our Discord which has a link to our GitHub

Which redirects to our Reddit that’s that sounds like kind of a lot it sounds like kind of a lot like I mean I suppose like the plus side of the Discord is it allows you to interact with the dev directly or if like I can

Put my problem in there and the dev can like directly respond to my problem but it’s still like kind of annoying to have to do it Reddit mention Reddit mention oh my God I’m so stuffed up like if there was a way for me to like move this on my own without having

To I’m just wiggling my [ __ ] Mouse dude I’m just wiggling my [ __ ] Mouse h i will I I might have to try the plug-in method later cuz I would prefer this to be working cuz I also tried to do my 3D model as well and my 3D model

Didn’t work either so I think it’s a problem with like vtube studio and the connection issues cuz vtube studio is weird with connections it like has to be a private Network it have to it has to be like um some stupid [ __ ] I don’t know oh monkey hello welcome in welcome welcome welcome

Um but yeah my favorite PNG tuber azarashi Alex yep that’s me your favorite PNG tuber haa 3D Alex would be weird AF you’ve seen my 3D model before crits cast you’ve seen my 3D model haven’t you I have a 3D model that Dolly made me I’m pretty sure you’ve seen it before

Um have I have maybe you haven’t maybe you haven’t you know what let me let me let me you know what just just for you just for you I’m going to load it up I’m going to load it up just for you crits cast just CU I want to show

Off the amazing hard work that Dolly put into it it’s probably not going to move though it’s probably not going to move is the laptop going to explode it should be fine oh there we go there we go I have my my Jacket there we go you got a ref sheet I do not have a ref sheet extra fuzzy this model is not my model it’s a um it’s it’s it’s like a I mean I paid for it but here I’ll I’ll do woo I’ll show you guys this turn

Around yeah but but Dolly made this dolly made this for me and she’s making my new model as well let’s see can I move this up a little bit there we go yeah it it looks so similar right it’s so good it’s so good it’s really fantastic cuz this model breathes as

Well you know what do you think is more creepy the the 2D model or new model 3D or 2D uh 3D it’s going to be like an original design um but do you think it’s creepier like with the 2D or is it creepier with the 3D cuz it’s like with the 3D it’s

Definitely moving more right it’s definitely moving more it’s less creepy okay oh God my computer is like huffing and puffing all right I didn’t bring my um uh my cooling pad with me my laptop cooling pad so you know it’s it’s I’m just I’m just raw dogging it with

This the fans are going the fans are going maybe I should turn this off silently breathing unblinking full of rain yeah yeah that’s it so let me yeah maybe maybe I should try to connect it again hold on I’m going to I’m going to try to connect it one more time

Um oh if I brought my webcam I would probably have been able to use webcam tracking YouTube Studio okay let me waiting for Connections three oh let’s try this nope that did not work there was no words to describe how absolutely Furious Alex is right now

She’s managing to hold it behind a smile is astounding yep that’s me Leep motion tracking no that’s not what I want um [ __ ] connected vssf clients okay what if I deactivate it or reactivate it what if I do this waiting for connections yeah this isn’t going to

Work it’s I you know I think it’s it’s the problem with um doesn’t your laptop come with a cam no this laptop does not have a webcam um which I I prefer it that way anyway um and I’m not g to buy one because I already have one I’ll sit

My mail ass down and listen to Alex’s anger I’m angry because I can’t get B2 Studio to work that’s why I’m angry yeah this is is this is not working this is not working okay I I I don’t know what to do to make it work I’m probably going to have to do

Some like Wi-Fi Shenanigans in the oh wait hold on a sec settings is airplane mode on no airplane mode is off um maybe Bluetooth maybe I need to turn off Bluetooth why is Bluetooth on in the first place I don’t [ __ ] know it’s you know it’s probably because this is like

Technically a public network and vtube Studio doesn’t like public networks but I have do I know anyone who has streamed from a hotel before do I know anyone who has personally any other YouTubers no I don’t I don’t actually I I don’t so we’re just going

To have to deal with this for the time being oh my God I I just I’m going to I don’t even want to listen to this stream because I know the mic quality is going to going to be so bad I’m going to be so [ __ ] embarrassed the mic quality I’m just

Going to like listen to it for 5 minutes I’m going to want to die like this is like probably a good mic for doing presentations but not for like not for streaming it’s it’s basically like a headset I’ve heard wor from people streaming in their home don’t worry okay

I I I tried to do EQ and make it sound good but it’s just it’s just it’s so shitty dude it’s so shitty one of my friends streamed from a con and the audio was rough it sounds you said thank youo thank you oh God I have to mute again hold On wonder if you could trick vtube studio with the VPN I am using a VPN it could potentially be the VPN but I have never had any problems with the VPN before cuz I normally I normally stream with the VPN use vtube studio with the VPN and

It’s never been a problem um let me actually take a look Uh IPv6 no use custom DNS I don’t let’s see cuz vtu Studio okay vtu studio is split tunneled from the VPN so it shouldn’t yeah vtube studio is not being used with the VPN okay I I don’t know I don’t know it’s it’s got something to do with the fact that this

Is like Hotel Wi-Fi I think and it’s like a public network but not really a public network um yeah I don’t know I I may have to join the Discord I don’t want to join the Discord oh my God so did you guys like I I’ll talk about it it’s fine I

Don’t really [ __ ] care I don’t really have anything better to talk about like did you guys see that um prism project is being uh shut down which is like came out of left field like even the talents were surprised about it from what I can see um

It really sucks for them but it’s kind of like what has been happening the past like two months we’ve just like all these corpos have been imploding like I I don’t I don’t know why they’re shutting down but like it’s like yeah industry collaps I mean it’s

Really good that they can keep their models and they keep their IPs it’s really good that they can do that like they probably had to fight for them but I don’t know something is going on in this industry right now and it’s not looking good for like small to

Midsize corpos I mean like was prism project like a midsize corpo or like a small corpo I mean they they were backed by Sony but what what like was weird to me is that they’re backed by Sony and yet I very rarely saw oh hi Cod welcome like I very rarely saw Sony

Promote them cuz I very like I very rarely saw Sony actually do anything to promote them like I know I knew of some streamers but cuz like um I don’t know it just doesn’t seem like Sony was promoting them that well from what I could see like I think

Some people were like I know one of the talents she was supposed to have an album come out and I don’t know like if that’s still happening for her I Shiki Shiki something is her name she’s like a Catgirl and she was supposed to have an

EP or an album come out I wonder if they’re still doing that but yeah and then and then on the other hand we have like Brave group I’ve heard about Brave group expanding and buying like not buying but being involved with Idol and stuff and like Brave group

Expansion it’s kind of like what is happening right now what is happening right now am I still sick it’s I’m stuffed up and it’s also this microphone that’s it’s it’s both things it’s it’s both things Sony is a mega Corp you can be backed by them and never get on their

Website this is true this is true um it’s like being backed by the mo I don’t know if that’s like a great way to describe it but it’s kind of like I I still do think that advertisements are really one of the best ways for a vtuber to get promoted

Because it’s it’s hard to promote yourself it’s hard to get people to care about you as a vtuber and from what I like Idol when they were doing their thing they did advertisements and they got like a ton of like success from that and then I saw on my on my Twitter feed

That globy globy who just just debuted a a new gen like several months ago they’re debuting another one and I’m like that’s too soon that’s that’s way too soon like you’re you just debuted genen you’re doing another one that the New Gen has like more than six

People and it’s like what that’s crazy that’s way too soon that’s way too soon yeah ni pilled really ni pilled like I have nothing against them personally but that just that I don’t know that gives me bad vibes there something about that gives me really bad vibes you can’t drown

People in New streamers exactly exactly cuz like not to be like rude but like I have not heard that much about globy like their streamers like I I saw that they debuted but I have not heard or seen that many like no I haven’t seen any clips of them

I haven’t seen that much promotion of them and it’s I don’t know it just gives me the ick it just gives me the ick to be honest with you that like oh we just debuted a generation 3 months later hey we’re debuting another generation it

Gives me the ick it really does I don’t like that arlos hello welcome in it’s it’s it’s really red flag red flag cuz like globy was globy under um who were they under C what they what what were they under they were under um were they under Brave were they under Brave as

Well I think they might have been under Brave globy is brave okay yeah like the expansion thing is really actually no that’s not true the only one I’ve ever really heard about was pppa Pebbles worth the other ones I haven’t really heard anything about but yeah it’s a brave group okay

Like it’s not to say that like any of the talents themselves are like untalented or bad streamers but it’s just like if you want your talents to be successful you have to promote the [ __ ] out of them you have to involve them in projects you have to promote what you

Have and get people interested in them because just having a debut itself is not enough to get people interested in them like I it feels like I don’t know like they think like oh we’re a corpo we’re going to debut streamers they’re going to get big just like Hol live but

It’s like Hol live is like on a whole another level you cannot like if you are a small to mediumsized corpo you cannot expect to debut a streamer and just have everyone in the world instantly fall in love with them like I’ve said this before but like one of the hardest

Things about being a streamer is getting people to care about you and I don’t necessarily mean care about you in terms of like like your well-being or like your um like stuff like that I mean care about you as in people who are willing to take time out of their day to watch

You and to be interested in the content you produce and I mean if you are a naturally like very charismatic person that’s you know that’s probably going to be easy for you but if you’re not um it’s going to be it’s it’s going to be harder it’s it’s going to be harder

Creeper hello welcome in and like I don’t know I I just think it’s h and there’s even a thing on there that says second gen auditions open are there second gen auditions still open let me let me check get ready for the next Generation

Globy Gen 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight eight talents eight that’s that’s too many four boys four girls after you just did what are they doing what are they doing eight and a gen yeah that’s crazy yeah I mean that’s true you’re right Chris cast that’s true of just like

Streaming your content Creation in general like it is very hard and it’s like it’s tough you have to really there’s a lot of competition out there you know and what what was the thing I saw like I think it said there’s like a statistic I saw that the majority of twitch

Streamers have one to three viewers like the top like one I don’t know what it was but it was like the majority of twitch streamers have like one to three viewers and it’s actually quite rare to get over like that much so I mean like all things considered I’m I’m pretty

Happy with is where I am you know if I’m doing better than the majority of people then I then I have like nothing to feel bad about right um yeah they need more exposure like what are you doing if you’re not promoting your your talents cuz like that is one of the

Reasons why I want to join a corpo is because I want that promotion I want I want someone to promote me to put me out in front of potential like thousands hundreds of thousands of viewers you know I want that promotion because I that’s that’s what I want and

It’s very hard to like I I don’t have the money to buy like a YouTube ad for myself i’ I’ve done it before it wasn’t that expensive but I don’t really want to do it again but I I want you know I want to grow I want to be big my main

Goal is to blow up and act like I don’t know nobody oh like it’s it’s it’s definitely I I love that video did I apply to flor’s agency I don’t that that that’s sus I don’t I don’t trust that [ __ ] that’s that’s not a real thing that’s like a

Joke I I don’t trust that that’s like yeah I’m I’m very particular with like I I have applied to corpos before I will say that I have applied corpos before some I they didn’t even watch my video they didn’t even watch my video they just threw out my application like they

Didn’t even watch the video that I worked hard on and that’s a little depressing but I know where I want to be and I have my eye on you know I have my eye on certain agencies that I think would I would probably do well in and

That I would also like I I I I think are good agencies like I don’t want to apply to an agency just to be in an agency right I want to apply to an agency that is going to support me and give me the tools and the resources I need to grow

That is the purpose of joining an agency if I’m not getting that then I might as well just be [ __ ] Indie because there’s no point in there there’s no point in even like doing that like what the [ __ ] like I want to join an agency because

You know it would be nice to be able to do this as a job you know cuz I just I I know what I want out of this I know what I want out of the tubing and yeah hold on I have to wipe my nose

Again I know what I want is what I’m trying to say and I know what I don’t want and I know how to I have I’ve had my fair experience of bad jobs I’ve been on the sinking ship before and I I I I know what to look out

For in terms of red flags like I know what to look out for she wants power and she wants [ __ ] yeah I want power and [ __ ] that’s that’s what I’m about you guys know me so well um but yeah I I know what I want and I

Know that if in order to get what I want I have to be a good at what I do and also extremely lucky because like the chance of me getting into an agency that is going to do the things that I want them to do is going to be kind of low because

There was an agency I applied for and they actually watched my video which I was happy about um you know that’s already a step in the right direction but you know what I think a lot a big problem not really a big problem I think in general like agencies they always do

This thing where they say like you don’t have to have any experience and it doesn’t matter how many followers you have but that’s a lie that’s that’s clearly a lie like they’re not going to pick the person with like no experience in content creation they’re not going to

Pick the person with less than a thousand followers they’re not going to like that’s just it it’s it’s a lie it’s a lie you know and I feel like I have to learn how to stand I have to get to a certain point before I you know get to be taken

Seriously by potential agencies like as I am now I feel like I am not good enough and and you know that’s clearly reflected in the pack that you know my auditions have been rejected like they don’t see me as valuable they don’t see me as good enough they don’t see me as

You know being a you know potential asset and that is something like it’s it ties into like personal and professional stuff um but I think Kobo had no online presence before she auditioned but her skills and voice put her over the edge really is that true I I did not know

That if big if true big if true if you can’t do the time step up your crime I I have never heard anyone say that before cast what are you talking about i’ I’ve never heard anyone say that before what does that even mean I do that for work when people

Apply for Affiliates I kind of feel mean about it but it’s just part of business yeah like I think that’s also like a big thing about being like it’s true of life but it’s also true of being a content creator is that you have to learn how to

Stand on your own two feet before people start taking you serious or before you start to get anywhere and you know like I’ve seen like like one thing that I’ve seen is like Indie like one to two views kind of complaining that like bigger vtubers don’t want to collab with them and like

I kind of see where they’re coming from with that but I also like feel like if you are like essentially a nobody it is kind of like a bit of not necessarily A brand risk but like how do I say this like there’s this thing I’ve seen like called cold call

Collabs which is basically like you collab with someone who you’ve never talked to before it’s like when I go on Twitter and I see people like I’m I’m just going to like rant right now I’m just going to rant about like the state of things it’s like when I see people

Like go like oh hello I’m like a new vtuber I’m looking for friends reply to this post if you want to be my friends like that’s not how you make friends that’s not how you that’s not how you make friends like that’s that’s not how it works like in life and in this

Industry in general like it’s it’s just weird like these things happen naturally because like I don’t know just like you don’t know what the person is like they could have views that are very like you know the opposite of yours they could have like a very you know toxic personality they could have

Like it’s just like it’s it’s engagement stuff yeah you’re right Marie um but it’s it’s just like it’s it’s not it’s kind of sad and pathetic but it’s also just like you have to learn like you you have to be on your own and learn how to stand on your own before

You can start like you know networking cuz networking like at least for me networking is hard like I I I never like ask people to collab like I I’m more comfortable people ask me to collab because like I just there’s very few instances when I actually like I have to

Know the person in order to like ask them to collab like it’s it’s hard for me to do that cuz like I just I have this thing um where it’s I it’s in like real life as well where I feel like if I ask someone to hang out if I ask someone

To like I feel really bad I feel like really sad and pathetic when I ask someone like hey do you want to hang out do you want to do you want to go and get lunch do you want to like do this I feel so sad and pathetic when I cuz I feel

Like I’m asking people to like I’m I I feel like I’m begging for attention I feel like I’m begging for attention and it makes me feel like really sad and pathetic like oh no one no one cares about me so I have to go out of my way to like beg

People to like pay attention and care about me because like I I don’t know like I know that’s like not true right I know to deep down it’s like not true and that I it’s like all in my head but it’s kind of like like I

Just I don’t know it’s just whenever I like have to ask someone to like you know hang out with me or talk to me I feel like I’m basically just like like please pay attention attention to me I’m going to die if you don’t pay attention to me I’m so sad and pathetic

Please I need attention like that’s how I I feel yeah like Lumen you get it you get it whereas like when someone else like contacts me first I’m like oh I’m valuable someone cares about me you know someone is interested in me someone finds me like an interesting person to

Like welcome in yeah we we’re we’re a little bit scuffed here today someone finds interesting enough to actually talk to that’s so crazy and wild my self-esteem is like through the roof um get someone to be your manager and reach out to people for collabs on your behalf

That’s actually a good idea but I feel like most vtuber managers are like scammers like I like if it was like a Coro and I had a manager but just like I don’t know just like everything I’ve heard about like Indie vtuber managers has been like negative like oh

This is like a crazy person a quote Oh Oh a quotation mark manager okay okay fake it then pretend to be your manager yourself wait Chris cast that’s actually a really good idea what if I set up a separate business email like Alex azarasi manager at and then like I I I

Just I LARP as my own man [Laughter] sure but like here’s the thing though I’m a really bad liar and eventually like the truth is going to come out like I’m just I’m just a bad liar in general you lar put on a joy voice I’m I’m a bad liar I’m a really

Bad liar I can’t lar I can’t I can’t pretend I’m just not good at lying so I feel like that would probably like not work for me and eventually like it would come out and I’d get a twit longer written about me like Alexa zashi is lying about having a manager she’s been

Laring as a manager and having conversations with people pretending to be someone else for the past year I would get a twit Locker written about me just pretend better just say Alex is a really big fan of your content and she’d love to work with you oh plus she’s not even a real

Seal with a TI tww gaslighting of BL oh my God you could you could say that’s gaslighting like someone could actually like like here’s the thing if I got cancelled I would want to be canceled over something funny and while that is funny it’s also kind of embarrassing like sad and pathetic embarrassing

Like cuz it’s like if I were to talk to people that I look up to and I’m really like I respect and I have to pretend to be not me that’s just like that’s just so sad and pathetic that’s just so sad and pathetic like hello this is Alex aari’s manager

Miss um who’s who’s someone that I really look up to um like hello Mari marien my name is Alex ozari manager I was wondering if you would be interested like I couldn’t do that I couldn’t do that like that’s just that’s just H I couldn’t do that as long as you wear the

Fake mustache whenever you’re posst because your manager is just part of the B oh miss fakest name coward I am a coward I am a coward I have I have never denied the fact that I am a coward I am absolutely 100% a coward uh I think I need some more

Coffee but I can’t get any right now I should have bought two bottles of coffee huh two seals in a trench coat exactly exactly she can’t even beat the tart tart Tartarus demon I can beat the Tartarus Demon I’ve beaten the Tardis demon before he’s easy to

Beat that’s the guy on the on the bridge right oh yeah he’s easy to beat just just get some [ __ ] lightning and beat his legs he’s easy he’s easy get Dolly to be your manager and then be hers in return wait that’s kind of a genius idea actually

Wait has that ever been done before two vtubers pretending to be each other’s managers wait that’s kind of hilarious what the [ __ ] that’s actually really funny set up each other’s play Dan is that really pretending that’s actually kind of funny that’s actually really funny but like I feel like Dolly

Has less brain worms than me so I don’t think she would really need a manager cuz she as far as I’m aware she doesn’t like have as many brainworms as I do but I could be wrong I could be wrong about that and she’s just better at like hiding them than I

Am if the nii drops anything to go by yes it’s a thing oh yeah oh yeah actually now that I think about it that was one of the allegations right that was one of the allegations cuz that that oh boy yeah that’s that’s something all right that’s

So one of many one of many that’s so wild though that’s so wild cuz I saw this post that was like that was like showing um some of the wages of like the positions that nii was like hiring for and a lot of them were like barely like not even above

Japanese minimum wage like they were like barely anything and it’s like how how do you expect to get competent managers if you’re charging less than minimum wage I mean they probably don’t they probably just need those seats filled and they want you to be a student wait that’s a thing wait they actually

Want you to be a student that’s crazy minimum wage part-time high schoolers that’s so crazy they’re smoking crack over there they’re smoking something I don’t know what they’re smoking but they’re they’re smoking something Jesus Christ like publicly traded company and you’re pulling [ __ ] like that that’s

Insane that is Goofy I mean the I need to turn the heat oh but if I turn the heater on it’s going to make noise oh it’s a little chilly in here I’m just going to have to deal with it imagine being a 30-year-old lie for being managed by a 17-year-old dude that

Would be so crazy that would be so crazy dude oh my God turn the heater on but it’s going to it’s you know the microphone is going to pick up pick up the noise I’m like 90% sure it’s going to okay you know what let’s let’s do an experiment Let’s do an experiment

Um you probably heard the beeping okay yeah you guys can tell me I just turned it on right now it’ll take like a couple of minutes to um kick in but oh it’s it’s it’s dare I say a little bit a little bit chilly a little bit nippy if you

Will am I in a microwave yeah I mean basically basically basically I I mean it it might as well be you heard them beeps I’m taking back my sub what are you talking about you heard the beep but no air okay God I I literally have n video broadcast turned

Up all the [ __ ] way I don’t know why it’s picking up all this crap unprofessional beaming don’t say that I’m like H I’m like debating on whether I should like wear a mask cuz I feel like work a mask is going to help with

My allergies but I also if I like wear a mask and I’m sniffling people are going to think that I’m sick and I don’t want people to think that I’m sick because I’m not sick you sound like you’re in a V on a v i I did take my allergy medicine

Though should wear mask just generally yeah that’s true that’s true I’ll probably wear one when I go out tonight cuz we’re going to be in a crowded area um but oh I need to figure out where we’re going to go for dinner ah where are we going to go for dinner

There’s so many so many places occupa station like in orbit no my my I’m not taking my friend’s acuba she doesn’t she doesn’t want to go to Uba I I like I don’t really wear masks anymore because the last time I wore a mask in public I got like harassed like some guy followed me for like three blocks like yelling [ __ ] at me because I was wearing a mask and like that scared

Me so bad like he just like saying like crazy [ __ ] like calling me like all kinds of like names and just like talk like it was it was really scary and like since then like even if I really want to I haven’t like been wearing a mask like

Even though I really want to because I’m like terrified of like that happening again cuz it was really scary cuz it was like it was kind of in the evening and I was by myself and there was no one else around and I was scared like there was

No one else around and this guy was following me for like three blocks just screaming at me it was really scary um and it it’s common here like it’s it’s pretty normal here I’ve seen plenty of people wear them like actually you know it would probably the heater is turning

On now because it’s cold and it would keep my face warm um can you own a taser in your States I I don’t know to be honest with you I really don’t know I’d have to look into it also I feel like with a taser I would be scared of accidentally tasing

Myself I would be scared of like accidentally like using it on myself or like accidentally like pressing the wrong I would be scared of like hurting myself when I’m using it cuz like that’s like one thing that kind of like scares me about things like those things is just like accidentally like hurting

Myself in the process because I’m a very clumsy person I am I am very clumsy so it’s it’s a little bit like hard for me to sort of yeah with the Old Spice I’m scared of like the [ __ ] pepper spray too cuz what if the wind blows and it gets in my

Eyes as Well oh my God let me what day is it oh is my clock still in it is okay so it’s Saturday for you guys it’s Sunday for me boy that’s a little bit confusing okay okay can you guys hear the heater no or is it only when I’m talking

No okay good so someone in the chat is going to be like I hear the heater it’s so loud it’s a nice heater too oh it’s nice and toasty in here now I’m so happy it’s Sunday in Scotland it’s it’s Sunday where demo man lives actually demoan

Lives in like the US doesn’t he technically you heard oh really you can hear this oh my [ __ ] God that’s crazy that was me rubbing my hands together oh wait when does my when do my classes start my classes start in two days okay no heater sound okay just hand rubbing

ASMR you got to moisturize yeah it’s [ __ ] dry in here dude it’s it’s [ __ ] dry as [ __ ] I should I should do that actually I’ll do that in a little bit when I’m done with stream plotting ASMR you sound ashy my hands are dry this heater is a bit warm can you

Turn it down a bit you know what it is kind of warm it’s like on 22.5 right now I’m going to turn it down to like I’ll turn it down to 21.5 I can usually hear what sort of flooring people have but I don’t hear your heater okay that’s good

Then that’s good ah so much better now I you know what’s a really popular coffee chain in Japan is Tully’s Tully’s Coffee but I don’t really like Tes that much like i’ I’ve had their I got their coffee this morning um but it’s just it’s kind of mid to be

Honest with you to is mid it’s like slightly better than Starbucks but not really by that much to be honest with you like even the like the 7-Eleven coffee is actually really nice the 7-Eleven coffee is better bent like most copes here she’s going to need a shower I

Literally took a shower when I woke up this morning I literally took a shower this morning because when I got off the when I got off the plane I got back at like midnight and I was just like you know what I’m just going to pass out and

Like whatever time I wake up tomorrow I’m going to going to take a shower yeah it’s it’s it’s Saturday it’s Saturday in the US right now I am 18 hours ahead approximately a hold on okay I just needed to blow my nose I’m like H wondering what games there’s

Got to be like I would like to do I don’t really plan on doing a just chatting stream for every day that I’m here I am I going to stream tomorrow that depends on what time I wake up tomorrow we’ll see I I I don’t have a set

Schedule for what I’m going to do um Let me let me take a look at my games folder cuz if I have some like low low not low quality but low um resource intensive games I could do not a lot okay we’ll find something got to zip out no problem Cooks have a

Have a good evening Day morning whatever time it is for you Windows pinball yo wait do I have Windows pinball wait do I have wait wait wait Xbox Xbox let me let me open the Xbox app do I have I have Solitaire do I have Windows pinball oh maybe I

Do I I don’t really soliter does not interest me hold on wait I could play pegle pegle is on Game Pass pegle is like pinball um no they do not have Windows pinball anymore okay pegle pel’s fun okay I will I will download pegle and we can do that

Sometime eventually cuz this is like what are what are the specs for pegle does it say I mean this is like it was released in 2007 it’s released in 200 [ __ ] 7 it should be fine okay I I’ll install oh no do I have to sign up for

EA EA play with Game Pass ow that was loud your use of the EA app is subject to the EA user agreement customize setup create desktop shortcut do you want to allow this app to make changes in your device downloading stuff okay that’s what we’ll do later

This week then is we’ll do pegle pegle pegle pegle any any any pegar in the chat any any any peggers here Peg champ Peg champ I love that a lot of a lot of people have I’ve never played pgo before I know a lot of people have played pel a

Lot of YouTubers but I I have never I’ve never I mean I have never pegged before nor will I ever so God willing I ever have to H don’t even want to think about that to be honest with You but you know what I was surprised about is that the Wi-Fi on the plane was actually like surprisingly decent um for what it was cuz I’ve been on planes like like it it was like so basically the plane you know how most like not most

Planes but a lot of planes have like screens on the seats right this was an old plane so it did did not have the screens on the seats so I was basically just like phone and computer the whole way through um which was but the Wi-Fi was

Actually not that bad cuz I was able to post on Discord and post on Twitter without like that much of a problem um which was which was pretty good for me anyway uh except like my messages took like 3 minutes to send but they had a

Small selection of movies and one of the movies that they had was Dune Dune I love Dune so I rewatched Dune I was excited to rewatch it but the movie was in 720p and it had hard encoded Chinese subtitles on there like it didn’t let me choose the subtitles the subtitles were

Just like literally on it and they were in like I don’t know Chinese I don’t know which one but I was just like so confused because I’m like this flight is going to Japan so why are the subtitles hard and CED in Chinese I legit think that was a bootleg copy I do

Too I do too to be honest with you it was very strange it was a discount Airline yeah it was a discount Airline like it was it was very strange but I I watched Dune again um I was going to watch something else but my computer ran out of battery and I didn’t

Really feel like getting the charger out um they it was literally looked like a torrented copy too like it appar like there was like what weird is that like on on the top of the screen the words Japan would flash for like every every like 2 hours or so just like the word

Japan was on the top of the screen and then it would disappear like they’re just like oh yeah by the way this is like this is this is Japan we’re going to Japan it was like okay but it was weird it was literally like one two three movies that’s how like weird it

Was was but they also had the Matrix re Revelations or the whatever the new one is but I I didn’t end up watching it I was kind of like going in between like watching and like listening to music and like trying to sleep and failing miserably and

Feeling like I was in purgatory and wanting to like get out because like being in a place I I hate being in Planes it’s like being in a shitty metal tube in the sky it’s it’s not fun for me um and so I was like just like counting down the hours I was

Like okay 6 hours that means after 6 hours we’ll have 5 hours okay it’s 5 hours after 5 hours we’ll have 4 hours okay it’s 4 hours after another hour we’ll have 3 hours and I was just like going down like that um and like you love flying do do

You love being on 11-hour flights Aloha Gator do you do you like being in like a somewhat cramped airplane for 11 hours my ass was hurting so bad after that flight dude like my lower back was [ __ ] killing me I was like I wanted to cry because it just like being cooped

Up in that seat for like 11 hours oh my [ __ ] god dude and like that doesn’t even count like it was more than 11 hours but like it was just oh it was it was it was not and like even sitting in this chair I’m like getting flashbacks like oh I

Don’t want to you know what actually wait a minute this is a wireless mic I can stand up I can stand up and stream oh my God this is crazy I can literally stand up and stream but now I can’t see chat because it’s too low on the table

Um out of the two dozen flights I’ve bents on like 20 of them I’ve had a row to myself that’s [ __ ] crazy I’m so jealous that’s cuz it’s like when you have a row to yourself it’s like it’s bearable it’s bearable but when you don’t it’s kind of like you’re in

Purgatory and you want to you want to die or you feel like you’re dying or it’s just it literally feels like I’m in purgatory like I’m just trapped between like two Realms and like I need to leave but I can’t leave because I’m trapped in

The sky and it’s like H it’s it’s not fun it’s not fun but I’m here now I’m I’m I’m happy I’m flight maxing straight plane core took the metal bird pill plane core huh yep yep like how do pilots deal with that like I am I am like the passenger and I am

Uncomfortable how do pilots have to deal with sitting there for like 12 to 18 hours I mean I know there’s like two pilots and they like switch out but like it’s not like they can really go anywhere they can just like stand up or hang around cuz like what do they even

Do up there cuz aren’t like most planes BL going to sit down technically like on autopilot like they don’t have to do anything do they just like read a book or like I don’t know play genin up there like what what the [ __ ] do pilots even do they just nap maybe

Maybe ow oh my God I just bumped the computer let me let me see like what do pilots do pilots fly the plane the whole time on planes with autopilot it’s a full without an autopilot it’s a full-time Hands-On job um Auto lands huh Pilots typically fly the plane during takeoff and

Landing the P here the pilot is playing gen [ __ ] I’m opening the door oh what do airline pilots do during Cruise r/ Aviation let’s let’s find out um monitor instruments navigation and radio talk with the flight attendants get some in drink coffee I mean it sounds like kind of a

Boring job but it pay Actually I don’t even know if a pilot play pays that well because like pilot school is really [ __ ] expensive and there’s actually like a pilot like shortage right now because the FCC I believe they made it so that you have to spend like an extra

6 months or something at Pilot School which is like you would have to pay more money for that I think a lot of Pilots are people in Pilot School just like gave up cuz they’re like I’m I’m broke cuz I think like Pilots do make a

Lot of money but like pilot school is also very expensive so I think they’re in like crippling debt I don’t know if I had to take a guess I could be wrong though but they they definitely do have like an air to them you know when you’re

Like walking in the airport and you see a guy and he’s like a pilot and he’s like his back is like his back is straight and he’s like holding his pug like luggage and his chin is up and he’s just like walking face forward and you’re like oh yeah that guy’s a pilot

That guy’s a Pilots oh but you know what I think also a lot of Pilots are like not a lot of Pilots but I think like a good chunk of them are like um yeah I was going to say Murray for former Air Force former Air Force yeah cuz like

Yeah going to Pilot School that’s crazy that’s expensive VR set into the cockpit you know there is no as far as I’m aware there is no rule that says you can’t bring a VR headset into a plane because they say you can’t have devices that emit radio

Waves but I don’t think that VR headsets like emit radio waves cuz I was worried about that because I have like a like they let you use a Bluetooth headset on a plane they let you use an apple Vision Pro on a plane so why can’t

You use a VR headset in a plane why can’t you bring your Oculus with you playing flight civil flight play there isn’t rule that says dogs can’t play basketball cuz like I’ve seen videos of people bring their like apple Vision Pro onto the plane

Um so and that’s like almost a VR I mean it’s like an AR headset but like that’s like almost the same thing you could probably well wait does an Oculus require a Wi-Fi connection hold on you bring a VR head head set on a plane checked bags

Yes okay I mean you can bring it through TSA can you bring an Oculus Quest too on a plane yes you can but the FAA guidelines treat it like a laptop large device you can use it okay so you can use it oh so you could actually like use

Your VR headset on a plane that’s a fun way to spend time I mean other than the fact that you would look like a crazy person but I don’t I don’t think anyone particularly cares about that H H let’s yeah yeah definitely that sounds like something good cuz like I I

Saw this article about the Apple Vision Pro saying it was giving people like um like migraines or something and I was like that’s like kind of normal with VR isn’t it cuz I remember when I first got my VR headset when I when I

Had one when I had my psvr um for like the first couple months I was only able to use it in like like an hour or two at a time but then over after a little while I got like a custom to it and I was able to

Use it for like longer periods of time it was the same way when I got like a 4K television like I would watch TV and after a while my head would my eyes would just start to hurt and so I’d have to stop and then like eventually like my

Eyes just got used to it can you bring a Nokia brick from the 80s and play Snakes on the Plane probably I don’t see why not I saw this I saw this post I don’t remember if it was on Instagram or somewhere else that basically said that like Eminem is still using a

Blackberry and like even though like they don’t support them anymore let me look that up real fast is that like a real thing I saw or did I just make that up how do you no Eminem still uses a Blackberry in the year of Our yourl Lord 2024 by complex

Magazine it has been discovered that the Lose Yourself rapper still has a Blackberry the Revelation was shared by DJ woo kid who shared a photo of him Eminem and d12’s Mr Porter hanging on a couch where Eminem is using a Blackberry wait he’s actually using a Blackberry what the [ __ ] wait

How no the Blackberry was like it was like the the hold on is this a real word I’m about to use like an SAT Word yeah it was like the progenitor of the smartphone oh I used a big word I’m so smart the Blackberry was like the progenitor of the smartphone I believe

Something like that the phone has been defunct since 2022 when Blackberry shut down its servers it is unclear what kind of functional it M&M’s device has or how he can still use it he probably just uses it to play Snake he probably just uses it to play Snake to be honest with

You wait have you guys seen that video of the Eminem Freestyle hold on where where the [ __ ] is it this is this is Oh’s worst freestyle wait wait this is it this this is it hold on hold hold on wait is this it oh no no that’s the remix that’s the

Remix this is this is it this is it oh wait but this might be is this dmca no this is it this is it okay okay okay okay hold on let me let me turn this off turn this on okay this is Eminem’s worst freestyle it’s fun for me just to grab a

Boob plus my penis got an attitude Oh wait we’re we’re listening that again hold on hold on it’s fun for me just to grab a boob my penis got an attit it’s fun for me just to grab a Boob oh my God I I love that one I love that one penis I love how he says it like that penis is he writing a bad lib it it kind of sounds like he is oh my God the full thing is like 5 minutes long but that’s like that’s like really

The funniest Part I mean I I will say that like it does take a lot of creativity to be able to Freestyle sometimes it’s really funny sometimes it’s really funny spitting spicy hot Rhymes Like a four-year-old in an outside s that it does sound like something a four-year-old would write doesn’t it

Like a four-year-old who watches like too much like adult television shows like he stays up late with his older brother to watch like South Park those were like you know like oh my [ __ ] god there’s like a reason why children should not watch those shows and it’s

Like every child I’ve met when I was a kid who watched like adult television shows like South Park or like family guy or whatever or like was allowed to play like rated M games was the most unbearable like piece of [ __ ] on the planet like they were

Those kids are bullies you you know like the kid who like gets all his socialization from watching like South Park with his brother he goes to school and then he like you know starts calling other kids like slurs and [ __ ] they grew up to be kid

Shiters they grew up to be little shits that’s what they grew up to be back in my day was the kids obsessed over beus and Butthead yeah like go back to [ __ ] go back to [ __ ] Barney dude like you’re you’re sixy years old watch some watch SpongeBob watch SpongeBob play play Cool

Math Games what the [ __ ] are you doing watching like Family Guy and playing Call of Duty what the [ __ ] like like stop stop like you’re not you’re not better than the other kids just because like you’re allowed to watch like grown-up stuff like I actually did like a research

Paper on that for one of my classes and generally speaking the reason why kids like should not be allowed access to things like social media and like you know adult contents in general is because they don’t have the ability to differentiate between socially acceptable behavior and disruptive problematic Behavior they just see

Behavior and emulate it because that’s what their brains do I mean granted there are adults who don’t see the difference between these two types of behavior but children are sponges their brains are sponges and whatever like even if you think like oh they don’t understand it like they don’t like it’s fine they

Don’t get it like it’ll go over their head it will not go over their head they’re going to internalize it and they’re going to think that like oh Kenny called someone the the Epler in South Park so I can call someone that I don’t like the Epler too and then Jeremy

Gets detention because he calls because he called his teacher the Epler in the math class you know Cool Math Games shut down two years ago oh really Rest In Pieces rest Rest In Pieces Cool Math Games you’re just going to have to go to Like I don’t know they don’t have flash games anymore what do kids do on the Internet there’s an Fur yes French French that’s that’s the UR French Roblox that’s it thank you maray Roblox I mean I would I mean Roblox is like Roblox is scary though kids can get groomed in Roblox I would not allow my child to play Roblox no no way no way

Like yeah there’s not really much I don’t even know if there’s any place on the internet a kid could go and not get groomed to be perfectly honest with you that’s a little scary that’s a little scary that’s so that’s a little that’s a little scary H that’s that’s too bad

Yeah we’re we’re not going to see the results of I mean technically there are people who are the result of like spending time on the internet and like they’re okay but you know there’s there’s definitely people who are more susceptible to like how should I say this like being

Groomed than other people and it’s it’s very unfortunate that that is the case but like it makes me very GL like sometimes I am very glad that I am like very like suspicious and distrusting of people because it has allowed me to like like I I can pick up on people’s habits

Very easily and like I can I can tell like I see the type of person people are like if I meet someone for the first time I usually know within like the first minute and a half if they’re like a good person or if they’re like a bad person

Because like I have I have met people that like I just like immediately knew something was off with them and then when I talk to my friends about it they’re like no what are you talking about like he’s he’s fine like you’re you’re you’re crazy like no he’s

Friendly he’s cool he’s chill like you don’t need to worry about it and then like later I find out like oh yeah like my friend was like oh yeah by the way remember so and so he’s actually like a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] and I’m just like

I knew it I feel so Vindicated I knew there was something off about that person the longer I see the stare the more it comforts me you will stare into the Seal’s eyes you will stare into the Seal’s eyes you are getting sleepy you are getting sleepy no don’t fall asleep

On me don’t fall asleep on me don’t fall asleep on me guys don’t fall asleep on me I got to hold on my nose no not resident sleeper anything with resident sleeper oh no there goes chat uhoh oh boy oh boy oh that’s right what was that

Game that just came out that’s like a survival world with steampunk night Andale has any ofone have anyone tried that game has anyone has anyone here tried night Andale before I don’t particularly like the aesthetic but I do like like the survival aspect of it a PC

Won’t run it really heard it needs more time in the oven I probably spelled that wrong night Andale game is it available on Steam it is available on Steam it’s $30 rating 6 out of 10 that’s not particularly great oh it’s also on the epic game store as well cringe

Um let’s look at let’s look at some of those Steam Reviews wrap up those Steam Reviews uh let’s see is it on here no hold on a second uh wait what’s this game oh that doesn’t look interesting uh night Andale $30 mixed reviews yeah that’s never sign

Oh it’s early oh no wonder it’s early access $30 for an early access game what is with these companies making Early Access games that cost more than like $15 that’s goofy that’s goofy it’s early access and you want me to pay $30 for it what the what how much are you

Planning on charging for it when it’s done what there no no no no no no what what are the requirements minimum Intel Core i5 16 gigs Ram GTX 1060 70 gigs it’s 70 gigs huh yeah you should be playing me to play test your [ __ ] ass game exactly

Exactly they suck you in with the we fix it later and they very rarely ever do yeah exactly like I still I’m still I still can’t play slime Rancher 2 because it’s so poorly optimized like I it was like when I tried playing those um Indie

Games there was like a few I couldn’t play just because they were so poorly optimized like on like I don’t have a potato PC I have a 390 and a ryzen 7 like it’s like a above mid-range right and if I can’t even play like a very

Simple like not even like a [ __ ] demo game if like melts my computer from doing that that’s goofy that’s crazy can’t recommend this game right now the crafting system needs a massive overhaul um needs to be a distinction between the types and quality of resources yeah it definitely seems

Like it it needs work for sure I mean it does have some good reviews but everyone says like it’s early access and it’s not perfect so just like expect that going in oh I’m getting hungry Again let me see it’s almost 10 so maybe I should go to the market and get some food uh cuz there’s some there’s a market not too far away from here that I could go to um do they have fresh food there though I can get some chips oh it’s a small Market

Um could get some noodles yeah I’m I’m going to be eating Kini food for like the majority of my trip because I just like actually unless there’s like a restaurant nearby I can go to let me let me let me look me look hold on I know there’s a Yoshino but I don’t

Really want to go to Yoshinoya um let’s see you know what I actually need to go to the bathroom so I think I’m probably going to call it here and I’m getting hungry so I think this is probably a good place for me to call it Coman food

Slaps dude it’s so good like the food I had this morning was really delicious it was really awesome it is cheap too I spent less than like $5 for breakfast it was it was great it was really good um let’s see here I don’t know that I’m going to be

Streaming tomorrow I may stream um when am I going to stream I may stream the day after tomorrow I’m not totally sure I like I’ll try to make a schedule I don’t think no there’s no point in me making a schedule just expect kind of random streams you’ll

Probably see a stream like around this time or potentially really early in the morning if I get crunk so we’ll see who knows maybe I’ll even stream tonight or perhaps tomorrow morning for the rest of you so yeah the schedule is whatever Alex feels yeah it’s weird for me not

Having a schedule it’s weird I’m not used to it I’m not used to not having a schedule it’s it feels very strange for me I don’t like it uh let’s see if there’s anyone we can raid um let’s see let’s see I think I’m going to send you guys over to

Cle yeah so I’m send you guys over to ctle um but uh yeah before I go I hope you all have a wonderful morning afternoon or evening wherever you’re from a little carbonation and I’ll see you all next time Bye-bye

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