
🇯🇵 Okinawa Family Trip Part Three – Day5 – Day7 | 沖繩親子遊 | JAPAN OKINAWA FOR KIDS

Welcome to my family travel vlog, If you’re looking for some fun family activities in Okinawa, Japan. Then this is the video for you. This is part 3 of 3 videos of our time in Okinawa

00:00 Nago City to Neo Park Okinawa | 沖繩名護市 去 名護自然動植物公園 | Day 5


Mapcode :206 689 725*11

09:41 Neo Park Okinawa to Tomari Fishery Port | 名護自然動植物公園 去 沖繩那霸泊漁港 | Day 5
Mapcode:33 216 115*34

10:39 Tsubogawa station to Kenchōmae station (Pokemon Store) | 沖繩那霸壺川駅 去 県庁前駅 (沖繩寶可夢中心) | Day 6

12:30 Omoromachi Station (Shuttle Bus) to Round 1 STADIUM | おもろまち駅 坐穿梭巴士到 Round 1 STADIUM (從單軌鐵路Omoromachi站鄰近的DFS免稅商場乘坐穿梭巴士即可直達) | Day 6

13:27 Back Hong Kong | Day 7

#沖縄 #ネオパークオキナワ #那覇市の泊漁港 #ポケモンセンターオキナワ #那覇
#NeoParkOkinawa #TomariFisheryPort #PokemonStore #RoundOneSTADIUM #Okinawa
#沖繩 #名護自然動植物公園 #泊漁港 #寶可夢中心 #名護市 #那霸
Thank you very much for watching! See you in the next video!
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Nago City to Neo Park Okinawa Neo Park Okinawa to Tomari Fishery Port Tsubogawa station to Kenchōmae station (Pokemon Store) Kenchōmae station (Pokemon Store) Omoromachi Station (Shuttle Bus) to Round 1 STADIUM


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