
First impressions of Sapporo, Hokkaido

Sapporo travel vlog – snow festival 2024

It’s freezing but yeah let’s go let’s go saporo heyo I just got to Hokkaido I’m here at seoro I’m so excited well it was a very very long flight but I promise you it was worth it it is worth it every second of the way I had to change like

Three flights to get here but it’s absolutely worth it this place is incredible sapora is beautiful and especially now that there is the snow Festival uh it’s actually the biggest Festival in the world the biggest snow Festival in the world and it happens once per year so it’s actually February

And today is actually the first day of the festival I have to pick up my luggage go to the hotel take the train take a taxi go to the hotel it’s been a long flight but I can’t wait to explore saporo let’s go so now I’m I’m going to

Take the train there we go I’m going to take the train and then I’m going to take a taxi to go to the hotel I’m going to give you a quick tour of the room of course this is my first time in suppor actually so yeah I’m so excited okay

Okay I just got to the train station I’m about to go outside and grab a taxi oh my God it’s so crowded like I didn’t expect saporo to be that crowded to be honest but actually it’s the fifth uh biggest city of Japan in general so I guess it makes

Sense okay let’s go outside oh my God and yeah this is a PO oh my God it’s so beautiful look at that oh my God I love it what a beautiful city and I haven’t seen anything yet there’s so much snow like it’s amazing I can’t wait to see

The sculptures the snow and the ice sculptures hopefully they’re all set up by now so yeah I’m going to go and grab a taxi uh the hotel that I’m staying at is called Park odori Hotel something like that the location is ideal because it’s in the park like in odori park so

The location is pretty convenient there are go Taxes I Oh my God it’s so slippery I think I SLI like twice ooh how beautiful I’m just going to ask you a simple question from a scale from 1 to 10 how cute is this what do we have here some traditional food I have no idea what that is let’s check it

Out so I didn’t see any vegetarian or vegan dishes but yeah oh my God I’m speechless take a look okay today I spent the whole day at the snow Festival it was amazing the sculptur were breathtaken and you could see all these work that these people have put into to create these amazing

Breathtaking sculptures it was literally amazing I highly highly recommend if you’ve never been to shoro to the snow Festival before I think you have to see that at least once in your life and if you want to watch my full walking tour of the snow Fest

I will link it down description of the video so now I’m going for dinner it’s a bit late because I was planning to stay for a couple of hours to see the snow festival and the sculptures but there were so many that I spent like the whole

Evening so it’s a bit late now and I’m not sure if I will find any places for dinner uh I want to have Ramen so badly but I saw some restaurants that they were closed or they were closing at 8 8 or 900 p.m. so I’m not sure if I will

Find some proper dinner so I wanted to try this uh cute dress this is actually a dress but because it’s freezing and I froze before for all these 5 hours that I was outside walking in the snow I choose to combine it to match it with this uh lovely hoodie and this Pandy

Holes this uh lovely leggings which are very thin so I think I’m going to be freezing it again but I think the outfit looks cute so yeah let’s go for dinner yeah let me my it’s less crowded I think thank thank oh my God it’s freezen but yeah I’m not going to stay

Out for a long time because it’s very cold uh and I’m starving so I’m looking for some r I want to taste the traditional Ramen if you know what it mean like the real real traditional Ramen not the American Ramen if that makes sense so yeah I’m looking

For a restaurant I think it’s over there pretty amazing during the nighttime as well incredible incredible and I haven’t found some Ramen yet it’s super crowded so yeah I’m trying to make my way uh to a restaurant because I need some hot hot Ramen yeah let’s find One okay this is a traditional restaurant I’m so excited because I found this traditional restaurant it doesn’t have an English man and I am sitting on the floor I’m actually going to have dinner on the Floor so that was the traditional Japanese food I guess uh it was a nice place the people were very friendly very polite very nice but I didn’t enjoy the food that much to be honest but it was very affordable so if you’re looking for a uh uh for an affordable place if

You’re on a tight budget uh This is highly highly recommended uh however not my favorite uh kind of food it was too row and too spicy for me and also too little like I’m a bit hungry after dinner right now so yeah that was it for tonight so tomorrow I’m going for skiing

Oh my God uh I haven’t skied for like ages so it’s going to be epic we’re going to have some epic fails morning morning first impressions of Japan and especially of hokido and saporo Japan uh first of all I have noticed that uh the Japanese people are

Very polite they’re very kind very nice people very friendly so adorable and I have gotten this impression from everyone there’s not even a single person that has proven otherwise everyone is so friendly and polite and this is really amazing the food is not that impressive so far I mean last night

It wasn’t my cup of tea uh you won’t see Sushi and ramen that much for some reason because you know the western civilization thinks that we we tend to think that uh Japanese food is all about Ramen and Sushi which is not the case at all so this really blew my mind and

Today uh at the breakfast buffet I saw that because I saw so many different dishes and I am full I had such a lovely breakfast but I need all this energy because today is ski day I’m going to be skiing for hours well the temperature is

-9° at the moment which is is freezing but yeah we’ll see how this is going to go I’m in my ski pant as you can see right now uh I’m going to be dressed very warmly I haven’t skied for like 6 years so it’s going to be epic just got

In my ski outfit and ready to freeze my out nice hello okay thank you thank you oh my god oh here we are I need my mask or my glasses I can’t see anything another C what a lovely day it’s the absolutely it’s the perfect day for skiing like look at this

Weather oh my God there’s actually no security and I’m kind of scared this is kind of scary like there’s no bar like okay oh my God I’m just enjoying this beautiful day pido is so cool for skiing like I didn’t even know uh the reason that I got here to Hokkaido and

Especially saporo uh was for the saporo festival for the snow Festival that’s all I wanted to say but I was like okay there’s some skiing options let’s check them out oh my God look at this breathtaking view like I can’t even believe that this is incredible take a look I can’t see I’m

Blind blind blind go let’s enjoy the view what a lovely day I mean yesterday it was freezing like literally freezing and today look at this beautiful day it’s Amazing what a beautiful day today I spent the whole day skink I enjoyed it so much but I had to wait for an hour because the bus has some sort of technical problem or I’m not sure it was out of service and as a result everybody

Was waiting for an hour in the cold and also I wasted an hour for my vacation but I guess this things happened so yeah here I am but I am running late once again so I spent the whole day there and there was that delay for an hour and

Then it took me one and a half hour to get back to the hotel and now I’m not sure if I’m going to find any restaurant open at this time because last night I had a problem with that I struggled to find the restaurant uh at least the

Restaurant that I wanted because I want to try Ramen so badly but I can’t find a place but anyway I have this warm hoodie it’s really cute I love the color and this little skirt and of course some uh over the knee boots so yeah that’s my

Outfit not very warm because that’s it that’s just a panty hose and it’s -10° outside so yeah I want to be stylish I don’t want to be warm tonight I really want to find some Ramen and yeah I’ve been thinking about Ramen like all the time all the time

That I’ve been here hopefully I’ll find some today uh I’m going to go to the Festival again to see the sculptures but it’s so cold that I’m not sure if I can last for a long time but yeah let’s see how that goes it’s freezing but yeah let’s go let’s go Aoro I want to take some cool photos not cool at all not phing uh just kidding look at that incredible Right all right I got my photos but I want more I always want more photos I would not eat ramen now and I’m going to find them I’m going to find those Ramen Okay that was a lovely dinner the food was was amazing amazing okay uh yeah I’m so tired I’m exhausted so yeah I’m about to go to sleep good night morning morning what a beautiful day in saporo finally last night I got 10 hours of sleep actually more than 10 hours because I

Was so exhausted I hadn’t slept for like 3 days and if you combine the jet the long trip and the exhaustion of the trip it was so much needed I feel I have energy right now I want to see more I want to explore sapora more so I’m going

To go to the Buddha temple and the MAOI statues in teino Cemetery today and after that I’m going to go to the Beer Museum because as you may know saporo is very famous for its beer so yeah I can’t wait to see all that and after that

Probably I’m going to walk to the uh Market um I I’m not sure if it’s a night market or just a stet with shops and bars and restaurants uh the street that I accidentally found last night so I want to see that more do some shopping

And see what’s around so this is my outfit for today my belly is out so I’m going to be freezing again but who cares I mean you know you can’t be very stylish if you’re in a very cold environment but yeah yeah I try to be so

Who cares yeah let’s go I think yesterday was a bit warmer but still uh the day is beautiful I can’t wait to go to the teino cemetery and see these amazing Mai statues and go to the Beer Museum as well I’m just going to go and

Take the Subway and then I’m going to take a bus uh to get to the teino CET Tre oh my God it’s so slippery see ice is kind of dangerous here thank You here we are I just got to my come ey cemetery and can you see behind me you can see them all statues but yeah I can’t see a thing due to the Sun and all the Reflection from the snow but yeah and I haven’t got any sunglasses with me I

Mean I would have never have imagined that I would need sunglasses oh there’s a fire there’s a little fire there it’s pretty cool okay and there’s a small path uh between the snow as you can see hopefully this leads us uh to the statues oh my God I can see them wow

They’re huge I’m going to show you in a minute and I’m going to go to the Buddha temp in a minute boot So I’m going to give some coins for prosperity and abundance so amazing so incredible wow that was really really Cool here we are look how amazing these statues are like it’s breathtaken look at that view wow incredible oh my god look how huge it is like the stone heads this is uh a copy of the stone heads actually let’s see Okay here we are I just got to the Beer Museum and I can’t wait to see what’s inside so you have to remember that uh there is no entrance fee if you don’t want to do the beer tasting so it’s basically for free but if you want to do

The beer experience and the tasting you have to pay a fee let’s see today had such a good time in the takino cemetery the Buddha temple was so amazing everything there was so fun spent like 2 or 3 hours there and then the beer Museum was also very cool I

Didn’t know so much about saporous beer but that was really interesting and I’m ready to go out for the last time for dinner I’m going to walk again through the Festival because I want to see more sculptures I want to take some more photos this is not what I’m wearing

Actually I’m wearing a crop top as you can see here but I can’t go out like that because it’s freezing outside so I’m going to go out with this sweater and then I’m going to take it off when I go to a restaurant or something like

That or maybe I will take it off just for the photos so yeah and I have some flared pants like it’s glittery I don’t know if you can see it on camera it’s one of my favorite pair of pants it’s very comfortable and also very shake so

I really like that so yeah I’m looking forward to the last night in saporo try This thank you all right the dinner was lovely it was so good the food was amazing uh oh my God I’m so excited uh because you know sapora was so great I loved saporo I had such a good time here I’m a bit sad because I’m living tomorrow morning

But you know I have these memories like it was it was an amazing experience after all so yeah stay tuned for more if you want to see my Tokyo Vlog because I’m going to Tokyo I’m flying to Tokyo tomorrow morning if you want to watch my

Tokyo Vlog stay tuned I will link it down description of the video and I will see you in my next video that

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