
大阪を探検しよう でんでんタウンと新世界。Let’s explore Osaka! DenDen Town and Shinsekai.

Come and hang out with me as do some figure hunting as well as play some crane games.


Please hop on the Lito Express to experience A Lito Bit of Japan!

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#osaka #japan #dendentown #figures #livestream #cranegameprize

Yo yo yo what’s up people let’s see if this thing is on this thing is on like Tron uh let me get into YouTube here and see if I can connect the the wireless mic this time that was kind of little bit a little bit getting in the way of

Me actually connecting to uh the live stream or to the pocket funnily enough all right let’s looks like we are here and I’m going to double check it looks like we’re let’s get that going on okay I’m going to turn off all right turn off that to the Wi-Fi

Hey audio what’s up finally Leo is back on stream alanox what’s going on yo yo we can get some pretzels in the chat Fang in the house PE PE p yo yo yo guys we we did what we need to do um the stream is looking a wee bit choppy hold on let’s

See uh the health Fang off said pretzel pretzel pretzel pretzel pretzel I think I think we’re live I don’t know did we just die I hope not looks like looks we’re still good but for some reason it’s really really choppy on my end let me could be uh could be the Wi-Fi itself

I don’t know I got the Wi-Fi like right in front of us now so let’s say hi I think I heard that going on Leo said Leo said hi and I’m pretty sure we’re hooked up to the speaker here JBL clip let’s connect it up it looks okay on your end

Awesome awesome that’s good we’re connecting to the JBL let’s turn it on again I guess I uh might have went to sleep here all right all right now we’re on and it’s going to be probably really loud so let’s turn that down a bit say

Yo hey hey hey looks good on your end that is excellent I’m going to keep refreshing the stream all right yeah looks okay and uh text to speech looks okay too hey there hey there we go awesome awesome I think like you can’t say that about yourself that’s that’s uh that’s too

Much now we’re going to try one more d it is quite going to have a shower shower face with stuck out T and wind all right have a shower shower it’s all good and there’s one more thing I got to get on here is if uh seems like clay was

On his DJI mic yesterday oh and there are yo to hey you’re doing your best it’s all good I’m going to now try the DJI mic 2 see if it works and if you guys are able to hear me all right there so let’s give that a try let’s turn it

On and start Rec the stream connected and used for audio input 100% battery remaining we’re going to record on the thing itself and we’re going to clip it onto here all right how is that now um check check check is it peeking or not can you hear me clearly let’s

Let’s check funny cuz I can’t hear it too clearly I’m just waiting until the the mic goes back onto the stream um here I’ll put in the other yeah looks looks like it sounds okay right what do you guys think okay and I’ll trade that share that with um

TTS or is the is the sound cutting in and out how is that said hold on I think it’s just my iPhone all airpod setting here just give me one second airpod setting conversation awareness that’s what is going on okay there we go all right all

Right I think we’re good I think we’re good now is there a Lut filter that can be turned off sound is clear but a bit tinny no there’s no Lut filter not that I know low filter that can be turned off not not that I know of clear but a bit Kinny

Um yeah no these uh microphones do sound tiny they don’t have as good a low low end but what we’re sacrificing for that is wind noise so if it’s and also um it kind of helps out with I’m going to turn turn off the uh stream now uh not the stream

I’m going to turn off the the sound in my ears just just to check okay guys we’re going to uh turn around and uh let’s head out into Namba um was was going to say is yeah we’re still getting some pretty windy gusts here so don’t want to um

Maybe the wind noise isn’t a bad thing but also what it does is when there’s copyright music in the background it also helps with that all right guys I have till roughly 5:15 let’s say 5:00 to finish up this stream because I have another two or tonight we’re going to do

An Osaka night tour and uh yeah uh I got to head over to where we’re going to start the tour up but what I’d like to do on this stream is to one show you some good places to find figures uh there’s like two or three

Stores here that I like o there’s a crane game place I’m going to check this out but I don’t think it’s the best uh it’s just already squirrel syndrome Oo we got some Joni here um a lot of takoyaki ones which is mainly just luck Al said it definitely

Isolates your voice better and removes background noise yeah that’s exactly it okay so these are not really the the hashii that I usually do oh there’s a little poke poke um holes in the paper until it drops one uh okay oh yes I I bought I had to

Buy this one this a really cool figure with wings and stuff okay but not the cran games that I I like to play these are more games of chance which is fine and uh interesting they still have the uh Ichi for this all of the good prizes are

Gone this is not a a game they say yeah it it is does help for isolation uh main thing is for wind noise stopping okay I can hear Oh okay okay that was that was me um listening to my voice on the the stream here so yeah we just passed the Warhammer store it’s actually on that side there but now we’re on Ulta road which is like your main maid maid hangout where all

The maids are and they are probably kind of shy away from the camera so I’m kind of trying to keep this Incognito a bit but the three main places we’re going to go to is animate I actually have to check on a pre-order for someone here and then lashing bang which is the

Figure place right up beside it uh there is a nice super potato here but uh they don’t have the figures I’ve been looking for so we’ll have to go to to Super potato another day when we have more time and uh there’s a few other small stores right by here that have figures

This place has got more like gasa gashapon features I will have a look but their their prices are crazy they do sell these um lucky bags and books are broadcasting now yeah I’m broadcasting now hey you hey what’s up hey you speak English really well awesome yeah I’m I

Suck at these like I I do love all the Pokémon cards and stuff but I’m more into the figures so last time I was here there was a female staff who was telling me about the lucky bags yeah yeah yeah yeah so I was actually looking at that

But did you have I didn’t see this last time is this new this um kui is this new Ora it’s a it’s original one oh okay cool cool all right well maybe when I have more luck NE next time but really yeah not not today che check your luck check my luck

Check my luck maybe maybe this one easy one I I I really suck at that I I’m wondering if there are colored balls there there are balls though right yeah what is the single card box is red box is red red know you know but yeah Nissan your English is great um I

Will have to come back next time though next time okay oh what is the name Amusement space force force yeah Amusement space force What okay if I have time I’ll come back again I promise I promise yeah thank you bye hey that was that was really cool and he spoke really good English too um that was surprising uh yeah the other female staff was there last time we were here doing the geek

Tour she was in the back and I I kind of checked out that place yo yo what’s up Stephanie Watkins Stephanie hey yeah remember we were like getting our figures and stuff on here how you doing um is it possible to put the market in a more secureity there’s a fair bit of

Wrestling sure um yes by the way uh Stephanie we are doing a little bit of a like a stream kind of a geek tour I’m going to put the mic I don’t know where else to put it I try to open my what you call it thanks for letting me know Alex

Tried to open my jacket but it’s really cold uh let me see hold up let me see the magnet on this thing is super strong but it’s not going to get through all of this what do you call it all of this down jacket stuff this is the other

Store um Stephanie I don’t think we had time to go to this store we mainly spent our time at here I’m going to put it you guys in my pocket it’s going to be hard with the wrestling though okay let me know if there’s less less rustling I don’t know

We’ll see I had like a loose strap that was maybe rustling around with it but um Stephanie yeah we were more at where were we we’re at uh vul and we’re doing our thing there but this place is uh what’s it calleda Gap arer that’s right the uh C game R something something

Watkin said it is hot another 40° face with stuck out T what are you looking for I’m turning down the TTS just a little bit I have a crane game that I’m looking for today for delicious in Dungeon uh that I is just dropped from

The crane game so I’m going to go to shinsekai later go to my favorite crane game store wow that’s a c CID Stephanie you were telling me you’re into what are they called the pop figures what are the figures with the bobblehead kind of things um those are cool and remember I

Was telling you what the good prices were it this tea is a good price let me know if the wrestling noise is better um this uh shiny colors emotional lens idle Master okay she kind of looks like contential cupets there speaking of contential cupets now I mean

I can get these I know what a good price is now I was telling uh Stephanie when he came here like this is a pretty good price anything for 1,000 yen or lower is a good price they have excess of the shy figures I actually I I grabbed this or

Dropped it from a crane game this is a fantastic price actually hey darl what’s up this Naruto ain’t a bad price either um and I’m going to see if I can say hi to the owner here awesome oh this is the Kagawa girl yo yo what’s up

Alox um is it possible to put mik in oh I think you already said that Jeremy good morning wrestling is much better you’re practically gone good good excellent thanks for letting me know um if you can get anything around 1,000 yen uh Stephanie you got that great deal on

Aor this is an amazing deal that is a great deal I actually have already have two of her I bought her twice but that is a great deal I love this figure because it’s got a weapon and it’s got terrain on it oh my God I don’t need a

Third one but that is a fantastic uh price 1,500 y for this this is relatively a new Sakura Miku uh noodle stopper this is a pretty good price too it’s hard to find it any cheaper than that if I don’t pick them up today um I

Might have to come back here later like if I don’t get them from crane games I might have to come back here this is a fantastic price wow this is for heaven Burns Red what a for me I just love um figures with interesting items this has

Got a weapon and it’s got terrain it’s got terrain on it so there we go oh we had to have some Japanese copyright music you guys can probably hear that um this is a cool place because it’s got stuff in showcases that is very nostalgic uh Jordan on the last group

That I brought here was geeking out on all the Dragon Quest or/ Dragon Warrior stuff there’s a final fantasy kooi that is dropping March 2nd I’m so all over that on the lawon I’m going to drop at least 10,000 hopefully to get the cloud figure hopefully but look at these

Amazing cloud figures wow yeah is it’s a cool I was thinking of you you say you like the poses where they’re more Dynamic and stuff um I’m the same I don’t like uh I don’t like poses where there just them standing around guys we’re going to get out of here because

Uh the signal is probably going to degrade but there are some there’s some good deals here some older older figures as well and uh some good prices right uh the king of artist series around 2,000 Yen that’s a good price um yeah this guy this is a cool

Cool figure too his character’s got like this symbiotic I don’t know dragon alien thing on his shoulder uh the chain man figure this just dropped uh that looks fantastic I’m going to pick up more Ur yatu coming up soon too um but yeah I’m either buying the figures at a good

Price or trying to win them at crane games um but yeah that that this is like one of the stores and we usually come here cuz he he’s open a little bit later like just let you know everything closes up around here around 8:00 but this guy

Whenever I’m with a tour we come in here like the last thing and we’re keeping him open but he knows we’re going to buy stuff right so wow that what a fantastic price on that figure this yonet Sunshine mirror that is not a bad figure either

She’s got like the cat wand thing going on 1,000 yen I might just pick that up I think that’s a good price and if I didn’t um if I didn’t have uh one of these already I would pick that up too the Q yeah the uh someone picked up

A TAA I actually I think I bought it online for for more expensive than that so yeah I I this is a really good deal danger copyrighted yes I think I’m I’m going to pick this up this is a pretty good good good price and uh looks

Like a pretty a funky I like I like this uh anything that’s kind of like DND D Lord of the Rings fairy tale dragons and wings and all that stuff I really like what we have here we got some Tokyo revengers of course the Cutie girls are

Nice too all the Bish Jo we got Dr Stone a Dr Stone figure if I was into Dr stone stone ocean oh no that’s from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures sorry what is this school idol project that’s not bad good price uh la love live that’s pretty good

Pretty good value to be honest okay I’m going to pick this up or should I should I come back later smiling face with smiling eyes hey what’s up should I pick this up or should I come back later I mean I got money to drop for the thing

Welcome back I’m going to there’s four here I’m going to put this on layover I think I saw I saw it last time I can’t remember but let’s have a walk around 980 that’s a that’s a that’s a good price damn all right let’s let’s keep going F welcome back welcome back so

That was uh gy rja uh just past you like yes yes and I do like anthropomorphic RAC girl speaking of the anthropomorphic animals we have the girls with the cute uh cute ears and and other animal ears as well get it Stephanie Stephanie’s the eggar on she

Get it just get it yeah I love it um Stephanie this is the other store we went to uh what is it called Figure hobby Goods poar it’s called poar um this is pretty cool too let me see if uh just look at all these cool figures uh this

Is I think you didn’t pick up your Zoro here but you picked it up at a different place uh This Is The Bargain Bin hello 500 yen for this yes this is a noodle stopper yes oh my God 1,000 yen for that that is a great deal 300 wo wo

Wo we are getting some crazy deals that is a crazy deal these are perfect noodle Stoppers oh my God I saw these two here last time um the contential contet for 800 I think I bought that one here last time these are fantastic look that’s even okay these

Don’t include tax but still dude dude if you’re into um Kim NOA Demon Slayer these are Fant 380n for Tokyo Revengers dude I don’t have that many guy figures but for that price that’s fantastic what the hell I Pi up the set of from this Ah that’s right that’s right you came back

To this store and got it the cute pet of Princess Mercury yes oh my God I’m not like ly and eight yes I’m usually not into these but I think dude these are just too good deals to pass up right now um I’m going to put these in a basket

Like right away um yes yes I’m so glad and you got to sent me pictures of those right when you’re when you’re done uh getting around uh this is a pretty cool one we were looking at my hero Academia stuff this looks like a funky figure I I

Could like see someone dressed like this uh in in Osaka just walking around just like this that is amazing what a crazy price dude dude I locked out let’s goang okay I’m get the one I get one I’m going to there’s no there’s no basket here so I’m

Just going to have to bring them in this is crazy I’m going to get this this oh my God this this um I already know what the good deals are this the desktop decorations they’re okay they’re kind of cute for that price that’s good I think I already actually have this

Already um what an amazing price and now see people are seeing me I’m going to walk walk around with with these hold on and uh yeah people are people okay F I’m going to get this one just for you that’s actually a pretty cool cool uh one I’m going to uh turn up

The wow this is crazy A crazy deal I have to get a big bag hold on all right look at look at me look at me see excuse my excuse me look at me dude I just got the the hul of the day this the Hall of the Day just hold on a sec okay just a second guys justce just a sec Here hi he um okay guys uh just have to be in cogo here I’m looking for this nooder one I can’t really get around here oh yeah and there was another one we saw here that was really good nice so oh the Rascal um oh these okay they’re way too

Expensive here I’m going to head out excuse me sorry it’s just really tight in there oh my God what a amazing find though did I pick up these girls I don’t think I think I did but you know what um I’ll put the TTS on in a second I don’t think

I did I pick them up let me have a quick check I don’t think I really need them uh oh shoot I picked up two of these guys by accident um let me see if I can exchange one of them uh hopefully it’ll be okay I don’t

Don’t really need two of them and I’ll just probably pick up one more hold on yeah just give me a sec guys I’ll get back to the chat just once I figure this out there’s no like basket or anything so I couldn’t really check and uh yeah

Let me just see if I can which one probably I I’ll just pick them both up and I’ll I’ll tell them to exchange it there we go kind of cute um yeah they’re fine can okay Che side going just s he are all I all right guys so this is what

Happened I wasn’t able to return it cuz she said you can’t there’s like no returns uh but the figure was 380 Yen or something like that for four bucks so uh what’s going to happen is it’s going to be good painting practice for me 380n 400 Yen for two of

These guys and actually I do need stuff to practice painting with so that’s not bad took Avengers this guy’s got like um he’s got a birth mark on his face which is interesting another interesting thing is they’re reusing bags from Yodo Bashi which is kind of cool there some

People trying to get in the gachon so I’ll get out of their way here and let me get back to the chat in a second all right I already I already dropped a whole bunch actually I’m just looking for really good deals and stuff right

Now so um I’m probably going to have to get a bag at uh at Diel or something or or put this stuff in a locker later let me get back to the chat here real quick uh Frank I can’t say but I want to drop by thank you for dropping by uh Frank

Yes thing got one yes little yes I got it you’re happy like a baby at a candy store exactly I pick up three of them set like Lu yes I remember that awesome awesome um guys we’re going to go into animate next yeah let’s go into animate next I

Got to look for there’s a pre-order that actually someone wanted um again I gave her a private tour and uh she pre-ordered something here so I’m going to check for it and then uh send it to her um if it came in it should have come

In by now wow we already did a bit of a a loot haul that was roughly probably dropped about 5,000 yen on a lot of figures already how many figures was that 1 2 3 4 probably 10 figures so we’re coming out to roughly close to 500 y a figure which is pretty

Awesome uh let’s see how the um how the S holds up here should be pretty good I believe it was on this floor yeah it looks like it was this Flor okay this is where you got a lot of no stuff oh yeah here you have oh you’re going to get

Some oh my God this like huge lineup you’re going to get some uh music here for sure this is going to be like the copyright stream all right guys if you don’t know what animate is it is like a big anime store that has tons and tons

And tons of memor of your favorite anime we got the new Gundam movie play in the background just tons of stuff here I will definitely have to mute out most parts of this part of the stream and uh there was a specific one that she was

Looking for uh and they don’t have a lot of memorabilia for it so we got stuff on pre-order some of it is like random blind bags but what do we have here we have God G gz I’m just starting to get into anime myself from the newer anime tell me in

The chat what type of anime you guys are into ravisha what’s up hello hello welcome do you ever see Coca-Cola stuff um no not at this place I mean besides actual Coca-Cola uh there is a store right by Nas station on the way here called what’s it called again

Um oh shoot the name eludes me but it’s it’s more of this kind of memor stuff from America um andies or something I can’t remember and this stuff this place is packed uh I’ll have to put you guys down in a second here yeah just look how busy it is What did this s hi hi okay Just going to check just going to check I they’re just going to check if they have it or not guys so give me a second see if we can put you oh that’s the Zoom there we are all right if you haven’t been to animate there’s they have them all over the place Ario General visha hello again eight viewers let’s click let’s go guys um I like the five Brides anime and Sailor Moon and Alien Invaders yes Demon Slayer too a

Lot cool cool so I got stuff brushing up against the the pop wind Pop um phone is full jjq welcome welcome to the stream I’m getting into the the five Brides uh I think it’s called Quint I know Okay okay hi there’s one for speaking of um the five Brides there’s they call it in Japanese meaning the quintessential quintuplets and I I see the the I see the display sheet but I don’t think it’s actually out yet For y hi okay so they have the the raffle the koogi that Stephanie and a lot of other people I’m showing around Japan now are are trying out and some people are getting prizes like the one piece ones uh the other group I took around recently they got two two big big

Um One Piece figures uh you know it is it is luck though I’m saving my money for another contential contu one dropping on March 1st I’ll show you what it looks like here we’ll go around um let’s go around guys oh my God all the c music in and

She said it’s this particular one that’s already on display is dropping from tomorrow it’s already in the Showcase here and uh it doesn’t excite me that much uh they’re cool they’re from tomorrow and they look like they are ready to like clean up house uh and they cute yeah there’s there’s something about

Like um the the there they are wow I think there’s only is there only one per each I’m see the oh there’s two per each which is good with a total of probably 80 draws um so that’s that’s pretty good uh we did the

Blooming days one I got um I got a an a my yaa which is my favorite nice uh they have the new Gundam one dropping and these are dropping all from tomorrow so um yeah no I’m probably not going to get these ones but the other one which is

Like a 10e anniversary one that’s happening dropping March 1st definitely going to going to get so I’m going to get out of animate anime’s like six floors of anime guys just six floors of fullon anime at The Bleach corner here we got like an event space at the very

Very top it’s anime to the maap it really is okay and I got my my loot already guys I want to announce something else um the five rides oh yeah she I want to go down um is that what it’s called called in in English cuz

I’ve translated and I’ve seen it as um the quintessential quintuplets but uh yeah I know is it is it a different one is this the five Brides is this that what you’re talking about it looks like it would be but they for me they’re kind of like the new

Version of a Sailor Moon which which I really like okay let me get back to the chat e didn’t seaweed sack nice Jeff Harrison welcome to the chat um old Tako Haven exactly that’s what we’re doing to today otaka Heaven it’s otaka Heaven stream uh

Demon Slayer too and a lot yeah I I’m getting oh dungeon hun there we go this is the one I’m into it’s called delicious in Dungeon all right we’re going to go to lashing bang which is connected to animate now they’re actually Shar probably um probably merged together to a

You no no in Japanese are called the five Brides okay okay this is is is a different one can you do me a favor jjq and if you’re able to find the actual way it’s written in Japanese could you copy and paste that in the chat that would be amazing cuz I don’t

Know which one you’re talking about um interesting interesting all right this is the Showcase and these are way some of these are not safe for the stream but I’m going to show them anyways oh wow there’s the OverWatch Diva one yes yes um our friend he likes

Son Sono super sonico he’s trying to get one of those and these are like at least 10,000 y or higher the ones up here to look for it on EB Japanese to get the rare things they call okay okay the five braids Brides but was it was

Different than the one I I showed you right is that correct awesome okay uh what time is it I have to do a quick time check and is 410 okay got to finish the stream up around 5ish and I want to make sure I get my crane

Games on because there’s stuff uh I need to get today stuff I need to drop um besides this money this is the whole dragon ball section 1,000 yen per piece unopened pretty good price pretty good pricing I have to admit once you get into the 2,000 range for these prices

It’s it’s getting a little overpriced uh the Ichiban kji stuff this stuff you can only get through the Raffles if you’re going around like 2,000 to ,000 that is reasonable uh this uh you know and and depending on the size you get into like the dragon ball sizes they get like this

One is worth 10,000 it’s the same it is the same oh okay okay five Brides yeah yeah I can totally see it um it’s way easier to uh to to say I guess ooh the king of artists series is really good and this is where Stephanie got their unopened ichang

Kji um ichang kji Zoro which I happen to uh they got me jealous and I had to get one after too I got it online on marotti uh wow and I’m really into noodle stopper figures okay um let me see this room’s holding up for ichang koi kui k u ji yeah not

Ichiman coochi coochi would be mouth Ki is is Lottery wow look at this one yeah speaking the the brides um without the box they’re usually cheaper but these particular ones um are going for oh my God 11,800 this might not be an ichang kji one I don’t know yeah but some of

These are pretty wow look at that this one piece uh what’s this guy’s name again I forget wow amazing so sometimes you can get um good deals when they’re open but these ones are Expensive okay okay 5 F Brides yeah I do see it as quential QQ yeah that is the same yeah oh my God the the music 680 for round one Tokyo Revengers Tokyo Revengers stuff often goes for really cheap though I I don’t know why maybe it’s cuz there’s not much

Variation that one the 100 really you have that one the 100 uh really awesome awesome I’m really getting into uma uma musum about figuring they will fill up your house it it is true it is true 580 for this prize is good yeah especially the um these are fantastic prizes 480 for these

Guys um yes they do fill up your figure your room quick uh yeah I have this one already nice um there’s so much good stuff here so much good stuff please please uh music music gods don’t kill me um it’s pretty nice nice what was that

Guy’s name I saw oh there Marco that’s it Marco that’s a beautiful one beautiful um I’m into uh mihawk mihawk’s really good 26,800 oh my god um oh what are we looking at here I would want Pikachu soft toy yeah we there they have that too um not in this store this is

More for like hard figures and whatnot but but um oh there’s the guy see he’s at 980 here I got him for 380 what a what a good deal um Aqua gles are fun um I’m just going to do another quick sweep of this area as you can see tons of

Great stuff sometimes really good deals like um I love stuff with right too Avengers pretty good anime yeah I heard the anime is good it’s just the figures aren’t as they’re kind of um onedimensional cuz they all have the same kind of look and feel to them

Um not all of them but I guess there just Lots my hero Academia I find their figures are really beautiful and and pretty but sometimes they just standing this is great I love the kind of Fairy stuff I would I would probably pick this up maybe not today just cuz I have so

Much stuff with me that’s a good price um this is a fun one noodle Stoppers are fun cuz you oh this comes look at that look at that um that display like that um the stand that it’s on that’s amazing you can use that stand for other things

That is I think I’m going to get this it’s open but damn what a good deal 980 there’s all open why is I’m hearing the stream here oh that’s why the let just turn that off there’s just some really good deals here um I mean I don’t have to get these today

Uh that I just love that I think I’ve seen it seen it around I’m going to take a photo of it and because there’s so many you can also come back on another day and pick it up but I’m going to take a quick photo of that so pretty smiling

Face I know it’s so pretty and uh yeah I might be able to get a good deal cuz I I look on marari which is basically the Japanese eBay I know they have marar in amer 2 for things like that um but that’s what I’m saying like I know where

To to help you out and you know you could come here on your own but if you’re looking for something and you don’t know how to tell the staff what you’re looking for uh Ben presto these are the idol Masters definitely AIO gono if you’re

Into figures I mean I got tons of Star Wars stuff and I got it unbox from years ago I I collect a lot of the sh figure Arts um I got the Sailor Moon got my Mercury nice that’s lovely yeah you know a lot of this stuff is us you know fanboying fangirling about our favorite stories our favorite anime or we living our childhood wow they got plastic models here too a really uh popular one right now is a 30 minute sisters I know

It sounds bad but it’s kind of like um a Gundam anime girl Gundam thing all them Tre welcome welcome welcome um but yeah know some really good deals here again if you can find something for around 1,000 yen that’s an amazing deal uh we saw the Tokyo

Avengers stuff for L than that oh this cute corl Yesa welcome welcome that’s a pretty good price for 1,400 um of course the REM and RAM stuff oh wow that’s a really good price again I’m going to reference these cuz there’s some fur I haven’t seen I’ve been buying

A lot of figures on marotti just cuz some of them are crazy good deals especially when you get them in bulk and okay so for example I got this stuff in bulk out of the box remember you trying to your old PL that’s right that’s right

And it didn’t work yeah you saw all my my uh stuff uh I think I just opened up a version of this earli how much is this one going for 2000 know I got a good deal he threw this in he threw this in for free another hotot and your streaming quality

Okay all right yeah noodle Stoppers are great what is this this one looks fantastic too Daniel d he what’s up hey I’m just taking photos now for reference I don’t want to pick up too many of these at the same time I have this figure pretzel pretzel pretzel

Someone left their drink here what the heck um I picked this up and I will unbox I got a box so cool too DK what’s up um oh my god oh the China girl Ram oh wow that’s that’s actually quite fantastic I mean you ram and RAM you can

Just go on for days they are so accessible and good prices and there’s so many of them oh wow the I mean the the China really really online oh my god sword online those are good oh my God nice I’m going to I’m going to start doing more um figure related videos

Stuff guys uh there’s just so much I can do um I hope you don’t mind I got this one I got a lot I just don’t oh my God this huge nice um the nendroid stuff is pretty cool too uh nendroid are kind of like customizable pop figures where they

Have tons and tons of accessories the joints are usually movable or they have replaceable faces and stuff so that’s pretty good I didn’t know that they were so expensive but if you guys saw me at um third planet I was picking up those little um deformed ones for like they

Were cost me maybe around 500 to ,000 the most to to drop and they’re selling for like 1,000 yen a piece they’re kind of like an Android all right guys this is more the not safe for work stuff over here and we’ll do one more yeah the

T welcome welcome there are some really good deals here I’m going to have to come back at some point and just like pick up a few more wow we did we pick up that one I think we did for like 500 yen I’m going to go out and double check but

I think we picked up that one so again that ggon bin was aming this is a cool one too I want to pick up at one point um but yeah I have to get out of here the music there you go there’s your whole look at

That did you oh my God oh my God I know like this stuff’s so expensive when you get it overseas but look at how cheap this is oh yeah this is the new um some the new ones oh these moving girls I could have bought them for 500 y a piece

I didn’t know if they’re really worth it but and then there’s the little deformed Androids oh these are cute yeah I don’t I’m not really too into this style I like I like stuff that’s articulated but what gets me is their joints you can see the the hinges

And stuff but for posability they’re amazing and you can do cool things with different things so I might pick up those in the future I did see an amazing deal they’re selling um I think these two for 500 Y A Piece online and I was

Oh I should have jumped on it but it’s okay I don’t they’re not a priority wow and then the ichang fui stuff um yeah I’m really into collecting the these girls now I don’t know why yeah beautiful they are they’re they’re like works of art okay guys I’m going to have

To get out of here we’re going to get to shinai uh make sure we have enough time to drop some some crane game stuff all right it might even might be that long I’m I’m going to I’m determined to get at least that one CR game so we’re going

To come back to lashing bang another another day another day another time uh oh yes okay so this is a preview this is one of them I want to pick up today well not this one the counterpart you’ll see when we get there guys let’s go to

Shinai let’s walk it over let’s go it’s about maybe a 20ish minute walk there so you’re going to get a bit of a a walk as well but wow what a a crazy haul that I already got thank you guys for being on this stream with me um another noodle topper Steve kemell

Yes he the koi ones so jjq how do you get the koie ones by the way are you buying them online oh there you go another and this is the card game shop downstairs is a ace mat which um I also have a a bit of stuff to

Unbox I got so much unboxing stuff for you guys it’s crazy czy all right so guys those are the three main places I would recommend uh if you’re going to get figures and stuff but there are more small little places here in there uh that you can explore but those are the

Three main ones I would hit to be quite honest there’s other stuff that have uh like you said Fang uh more Pokémon plushies there’s places that have um even more memorabilia stuff oh the little the little p all the budgies the paches look they’re dropping Down oh there they go and then the uh whatam weall it the the gashapon they have like fullon buildings full of gashapon it’s crazy um but yeah we’re going to head to shinai now to my favorite crane game store and see if we can drop some cuz uh a few new

Figures especially one I told you the preview of that counterpart for delicious in Dungeon like that dungeon I always call it dungeon H uh dungeon there dungeon it dropped today and I’m determined to get it selling for roughly 2,400 Yen on marotti right now the price

Will go down with time but I want to see if I can uh if I can drop it for at least around 1,00 maybe we’ll see you like Max Factory awesome awesome yes paid for girlfriend was she pretty at jjq jjq said on eBay or on this one YouTube

It’s from Shanghai they get things from Japan and I paid 13 bucks for it to be shipped to me oh that’s good that’s good winking face winking face you know there’s a lot of um YouTubers now I I mean now that I’m into it I can see it a

Lot a lot of YouTubers I’m going to cross here doing um stuff on knockoff figures from China cuz you can get them on temu and uh sometimes even on Amazon so and they they can definitely see what’s from Japan and what isn’t from Japan or you know um so

I hope I’m pretty sure you’re getting the real deal but yeah um I it’s fun to do the kooji I know they’re it’s all kind of gambling you know in a sense it’s sometimes cheaper just to buy it uh but it’s it’s fun it’s fun at the same

Time so those are the two main places wow look at this kidsland joim it’s all about the the gunam there gun space here the door space guys if you guys are um enjoying this guys make sure to like share this with other people who uh you think will will

Get uh value from this and also just going to let you know I am 45 watchtime hours away from getting uh the first stage of monetization which is getting uh super chats and memberships so help me out we’re we’re getting there we’re getting there guys 45 hours away I just

Need to keep pumping out content and streaming and stuff but that that is going to be a huge milestone I always know what the knock off and not nice nice yeah that’s that’s good that’s good yeah I I once bought this um Stormtrooper it was like a Japanese themed Stormtrooper on on on

Merar and it kept falling apart on me and I was just like what’s going on here it was a total knockoff I was like oh my God so yeah I have been trying to walk hey Steve I know Steve you’ve been helping me so much with your watch time

Hours and your comments guys Steve kemell give him some pretzels in the house ooh we got a game only Joi we’ll have to check that out sometime just here Joi huge uh statue of Mario in there Steve kemell you are the that’s awesome yeah we’re getting there we’re getting there

Guys name yeah I really appreciate you really appreciate you um for all of that guys there are a few other stores here that I would have gone um but we’ll have to do that on another stream cuz I got to I got to drop some some figures Disney colle

Drop you got DK pretzel pret pretzels yes pretzels those are all for you uh Steve kemell thank you for being so awesome and helping out my channel so much you do not understand how much all of you guys help I made sure to buy from the best face withs of Joy face

From the best nights oh man that’s funny DK welcome welcome DK I didn’t see in anime mode yes I’m I’m so in Old taku anime mode it’s crazy it seems like the stream is kind of skipping I wonder if that’s I mean I know the audio is probably pretty good but the visuals

Itself is kind of skipping but maybe it’s maybe it’s because I have the the gjm mic on but it was like this too when I did my um I did my cooking stream the other day so guys bear with me I’m like I’mma walk in the street tonight just

Trying to get it right got so many anime girlfriends around I don’t know how much it is for pound of pound for a pound that’s what I meant that’s cuz I need you yeah I need you w I need you yeah I need you less than 1,000 yen at a time oh what

You got Warhammer games what that is crazy and they’re like 20% off I just have to go in here well I have to check out this place later this is like old school Warhammer and their paints what that is so weird Warhammer and cring games I

Love it though and tons of Hello Kitties son what we have to go like let see Kirby and stuff in there guys we’re on the outskirts of den town and is there is more to explore there is more stores in store we got a drugstore with freaking figurines in front the Sanji uh

King of the artists Sanji grandista uh that’s that’s expensive but pretty good oh my God and suitcases of course look at the Sanji oh guys I picked up a a really really old but really good Sanji figure figure one of the first ichib bang kji for One Piece

Actually one of the first ichang kji in Japan and I picked it up it’s coming um hopefully in the next week or so I want to use it for um some streams specifically cooking streams cuz I don’t know if you guys saw the last cooking stream but it was me doing recipes from

The one piece pirate book guys there’s no cars here okay there is a car but I’m going to go cuz it’s Leo Leo knows how to J walk in Japan don’t don’t don’t do as I do just just watch and be careful a little hey nice I love it I love it it

Wasn’t uh jjq it wasn’t my money but the schools H so I bought tons of good figures you are um you correct that’s what you do with um free money from the school don’t you I remember when I got my I got my like little scholarship

First thing I go is buy magic cards it’s like um yeah I’m sure that’s what they intended for that um but Hey cuz jjq you’re an artist right this is for research purposes isn’t it you know it’s to understand human anatomy and color theory and spatial relations and Intercultural relations right Asian Asian

Studies uh no I’m I’m joking all right shinai let’s go let’s go we are at the entrance so now see it’s not that far away not that far away it is similar to Japanese snacks but Chinese J I love those a joy face Joy face I like the Valentine

Dishes the drinks they unusual the drinks were good too J yeah person raising both hands in celebration person raising both hands in celebration it was a late late food night how okay I hope the the mic’s not the mic’s kind of clear if you guys I still have things tapping into it and

Stuff but um yeah know it’s good oh I see a I hear a helicopter above in the clouds there interesting oh there it is there it is there we go what was that TV show in the’80s like Airwolf was it called Airwolf or skywolf or something like

This gray helicopter you know when like cars could talk night r Rider and planes could do plany and bomb dropping run must have well done on yes yes and a good figure must have good good details too oh man all the uh parking meter guys we’re in front of NWA police station

Keeping you safe since the 7th Century marinated and spy at a Le bit as you can nice yes a good figure must have well done eyes definitely and um yeah art like articulated details I think it’s all about the details for me that’s what amazes me even with like

Gashapon I was like uh Luke has said it before in thetic he’s like I’m amazed at all the small little details they can get into gashapon it’s super cool um yeah nice too awesome Airwolf that’s a DK that’s the one remember Airwolf back in the day yeah yeah

Okay guys there’s just so much copyright music happening at this crane game place I’ve I’ve recorded full- on videos there I don’t think you can hear it that much and I’m on the mic as well so should be fine and in Osaka people don’t wait for

The the light to turn uh there’s like at umeda there’s like a countdown for the light and it goes 10 9 and around 8 everybody starts walking crazy we have the umayo store on the left and we are going to shineka o is very spicy hot

Face uh octopus is spicy out you said oh okay the squid is very spicy squid is always good um I like it so in the 1920s uh and basically became a bit more affluent they had more in uh so they wanted to create something that would be on par

Tower and that’s what you see they made in front of you Tuten Kaku basically in other words Osaka Tower and uh while it uh you know had some nightclubs and night life and restaurants around it to attract people it did well for a few decades but just like many other things

Here in Osaka they often fall to Despair and ruin and so in the’ 60s and 70s they tried to pump in a bit more money into this place put a few newer signs in and uh yeah tried to get things going but again and unfortunately in about a

Decade things went to kaputz O more cran gotcha and I went anyways fast forward to the 2000s in Japan industry for tourism and international uh Travelers is booming and so they wanted to play up on this nostalgic feel here the colorfulness the vibe and the grit that makes Osaka so

Different and so special and so loved uh by me especially and people who have lived here so so uh they decided to put more money into it and ever since it’s been going pretty strong here’s the myall store on our left um I kind of got

Addicted to a Mayall last time we came here we played some games we were a to scoop a whole bunch and brought some back I don’t usually eat it here guys we get the the shinai tower Tuten Kaku sorry Tuten Kaku Tower shot so yeah said if you’re getting something spicy then

CH can offer ice cream it is true is true that most stars of Airwolf are no longer with us having South Korean R mil drink it has helped with this bik oh that’s good that’s good 434 we have probably about 45 minutes for cring games this is the

Underside of too and coak you can see um the names of the clubs I guess who kind of sponsors here and I can see yay gel what’s up DX and I’m going to zoom in on this they added this new feature sorry wrong operation there they add this

Feature can you see that like slinky gray thing that is a slide that you can once you go up to the tower you can actually go down by this slide I don’t know how people go down in the summer must be soot down the metal slide top no

I haven’t I weirdly enough I haven’t even gone down gone up this place so but yeah shinai I do take people here on on tours a lot so I’m here quite a bit I had no idea that they had a really famous cring game place called muia

Which we’re going to be walking to uh I don’t know uh DX have you been up there and down that slide I think that would be a fun fun video for sure right you haven’t been okay and yeah I’ve driven down this street many times I saw um

Uh aardi face if you guys don’t know who avang guardi is is a dance troop of girls that dress like Japanese school girls and they do Tik Tok videos and stuff here they’re based in Osaka and I met them uh actually I saw them twice the second time I actually took a photo

With them have not uploaded that photo yet but um yeah it’s pretty cool all right guys so we have the fishing this is so Osaka by the way when you have the signs the lights the color the music it’s just it’s bustling it’s busy it’s got grit it’s got dirt it’s got

Rust it’s got all the things that make this place so PR unique it’s called McDonald’s as well this is the fishing restaurant where you can actually fish for your food I’ve never been there uh chica went there once before we met and uh fish a lobster by mistake had to put

It back cuz way too expensive than she thought uh you got um Shooting Gallery stuff archery shuen thrwing on the second floor that’s U Mr Billy Ken the god of things as they ought to be we have a r bar on the left Mr Billy guys we’re going to rub Mr Billy’s feet

For good luck cuz that’s supposedly what you do the re place is going to be on the left this is one of my favorite new places this noodle restaurant what’s it called again kushon and I usually get the udon with raw beef the niku Tama udon that’s really really good oh yeah I

Love the Rego stuff but sorry kind have too much of you on online um this is a really cool convenience store with the old man who loves baseball gave some away some free candies to people who were talking about baseball with him hard to find Japanese products here

Morean food in my c ah I see I see everybody is taking shots of this shot right now all right just going to let them go yeah I saw aardi right there they were setting up to do a Tik Tok video check them out on on on YouTube and stuff

There you go this is the shot guys you want to take a screenshot of that I have tons of tons of photos of this I’ll take one with my iPhone real quick and uh with you guys here okay I’ll just kind of get out of people’s way there you go there’s the

Chat hey nice okay and one without okay and one selfie really quick selfie hey nice all right guys we got we got it um I’ll show you I’ll show you what it looks like here hang on here we go there’s a selfie air Wolf’s a show from the80s go

Go check it out on YouTube uh this is with you guys in the chat nice and uh this is with toen Kaku the tower in the background this is Mr ban the god of things as they ought to be and I think I’ve asked you which country he’s from

You can tell me but if you uh rub his feet you’re supposed to get good luck so I’m rubbing it here we go guys can we get some some good luck uh emojis some rubbing emojis or some pretzels or something we need some good luck yes Korean food some good luck I should

Really wash my hands after that American you’re correct he is American well originally uh the American Alaskan artists made him and then he’s the uh mascot of uh yeah of South South Carolina University s let’s touch it let’s touch it all right guys I’m going to get in

There I’m going to turn down the TTS just for now and I’m going to I’ve already asked him permission if I could um take videos and stuff here so I’m looking for we’re dropping in dropping In okay all right guys I just asked for permission they know me by face here now ooh the new vibration stars but you know what we’re going over going for Dungeon Mishi dungeon and where is she people are already here this place opens from

1: to 7:00 p.m. I got to look for a dungeon Mishi um and I I think I can put on the tjs once we get settled in oh my god oh she’s going for it going for it right there is that the only one you can

Get I’m I’m going to wait in line for this I’m I’m going to wait so you guys can see he can this for [Laughter] tips you can only get one all right that’s okay calling Theon there’s another guy in here oh you guys are probably hearing the uh probably hearing the uh background

Music we all watching this guy I’m going to learn to see where the center of gravity is oh Wow hey if we’re going to go with music let’s go let’s go people I’m I’m going to check the shot in a sec search for it yeah search for it dude it’s pretty cool how is the the oh the signal here is not that great okay hang on Guys looks like it’s pretty light another thing in there I’m going to check the uh signal strength in here real quick and it’s noisy trust me oh catch up I think this guy is pretty similar okay yeah it’s it’s going to be sketching here I’m um recording this

Whole thing guys so uh just hang in there I I think this guy’s a visitor so he’s really trying to get this one let’s go man and that’s actually pretty it’s not um it’s not very wide at all you got to move it way more to the left and drop

It I’m going to um get my money ready okay guys so hold up a second you guys can see what he’s doing [Laughter] there four 5 6 so okay [Laughter] okay r r okay okay okay I know all right so you can only get one each

There’s a takoyaki one out there I don’t know if I’m going to play that um let me know if you guys are still able to hear me in the chat I know it’s uh bad signaling here it’s first time I’ve live streaming here I’ve taken lots of video and stuff but haven’t actually

Live streamed it yet just going to move it to the left ooh almost if you can get it on that the double pink bars in the back and put it on its side that would be perfect you just kind of kind of uh flip the desk and drop it in there

Go up a little bit there you go how’s the sound he’s dring a lot for this guy I’m going to I’m going to wait for this oh it’s it’s loud it’s loud in here isn’t it damn I can I can hear I’m just uh monitoring actually the signal ain’t bad that bad now

Oh it’s got a yeah okay they’re not speak Japanese so I think they’re they’re visitors and like the the locals are going to drop this so easily I don’t know if I should try try something while that way maybe the what’s call it maybe the T Yaki I’ve

Got basically half an hour here I’m determined to get this one I could do a takoyaki it won’t be as fun but also I don’t I don’t want to lose my my line my spot in line here trying to move it more left just going to try to straighten it

Out it’s interesting they have a scan QR this QR for tips I’m actually going to scan that let’s see it says scan this QR for tips and they have a YouTube channel hey nice um I actually asked for permission here and they said they gave me their

Twitter account and they said hey you know uh send us oh cool nice There’s an actual nuubia claw machine uh thing so yeah this guy’s probably dropped at least 1,000 maybe more on this figure so far thing sounds good awesome I know it’s noisy so move the volume down this

Place is like look at this it’s information overload this person is getting something else but yeah I do want to stay in line here he’s going to try to twist it I don’t think he I think he’s pretty much like me when I started I didn’t really know what I was doing um

And honestly that’s going to be the same for a lot of you guys who come here so I think they’re going to take a while so while I wait I’m going to scout stuff out and I have a feeling if the Tapo Yaki is good I might be able to get that

Within 1,000 yen maybe we’ll see she dropped it um it looks like this is a pretty light figure so I don’t know where the center of gravity is so I’m I’m learning I’m learning you know actually watching this guy helps a lot Angel forever well done sounds good well welcome welcome

Hey we are if you guys haven’t watched delicious and dungeon it’s such a fun anime I absolutely love its DND D Parts its characters and it’s okay wasn’t able to flip on the side and it’s uh connection to food it’s just so amazing I have a bunch of people here

Okay look he’s going to drop another thousand oh man um there’s the baby one here this baby one like it moves all around so the center of gravity is moving I heard this one is like hell to play so I’m going to wait I can I can try to drop something while we’re

Waiting if there anything I really want uh I got that Nao last time oh the chainsaw man might actually good there’s another’s another machine here oh they Chang the settings they Chang the settings to um parallel they went not parallel before it’s still dropping though yeah I know I’m I’m definitely

Waiting in line cuz I can’t can’t afford to be waiting again so let’s drop this bad boy and uh what you call it I’m going to actually change up my money right now so how you doing Angel forever nice to see you shenai exactly exactly uh roasted poock is delicious awesome

Nice the Tilt is in the back top of the box you I right right so you’re saying the the the head is heavy it’s got a heavy head I’m going to start changing up this guy spent probably 2,000 close to 3,000 on this now so and there’s a

Whole bunch of locals I can tell who they are cuz they’re really good and they’re already uh they’re already uh they call them vultures in Japanese they’re waiting for this to open up so I’m going to start to change see change money Here all right I’m going to change 1,500 I got a uh oh take this out I already got a 500 in my pocket so I got about what I have I’m changing up 2,000 right now is he going to give up finish no okay all right um uh okay so that was

1,500 plus let me just put my money here you guys get to see me play um I don’t think this is a good not the best spot I’m going actually going to start from the beginning 1,500 okay so that’s 2,100 2,18 okay they used to have this

Campaign where you could get bags but the Campa over now I just asked for it to reset okay okay guys let’s do our best unimart is a Korean supermarket Steve okay guys I’m going to now put you boxes lighter than in the front back of the

Box is lighter okay okay is that what you’re saying Angel awesome guys I’m going to put you guys on um they don’t know I’m live streaming but they they know I don’t show other people in the chat so I’m going to put you guys on so

I can see what’s going on I got 2,100 already changed up let’s see if we can get this I’m going to move it to the left maybe drop it on its side uh that is a very thick box so you might have to go straight in all the

Way to the left we’ll give it a try too good at cran game okay I don’t know I’ve been getting better so I’m going to do a a balance check you say the the head is lighter I’m going to what they they call B no no I’m going to

Pull it to the left so let’s go there I’m going to kind of go for the middle and pull it to the left or what you say Mig see if that moves it all right that’s actually really really good um now it’s on this pink bar here so we

Can keep bringing it here but really the best thing is to keep just keep moving it to the left uh to be honest left yeah you played TOA nice back of box and slide to the left okay cool hey nice uh Angel forever nice nice job um back of

The box slight to left is where the the heavy point is is that what you’re saying or is that where um yeah see it gets wider to the left so we can’t get in we can we can swing it to the left we don’t want to flatten it out yet

So um or we can actually do a BC which the balance check might be able to pick it up like this but I’m still going to swing to the left uh let’s keep going going I’m actually you said the okay tell me clearly back of the box and

Slight to the left where is the the center of gravity is it where the feet are or the head um that’s what I’m I’m not sure what you’re saying so it looked like the head was really light so if possible we want to what drop uh the

Feet you want to drop the feet in but that’s not a bad angle already but I still want to move it to the left uh yeah maybe I’m going to swing the feet over we could do a Bari or we could we could keep cuz it’s

On this it’s on here right now when it’s tilted it’ll be front is heavier okay okay front you mean the feet right the feet of the box is that what you mean uh front will be heavier yeah yeah so we want to drop that in however it’s on the

Pink bar so we have this um slight advantage of dropping it so I’m going to actually just I’m still I don’t want to lose that angle where it’s it’s dropped underneath so I’m still just going to tilt the whole the the bottom of the box I guess the

Bottom of the box to the left side of the box and slight left keep going got it got it all right we’ll do all right so what they call is a bar teni if it hits the top of the bar okay let’s keep going I don’t think we’ll get a balance

Catch hey we did kind of hey that’s pretty good that’s pretty good and we still have it on the pink bar so we can still drop it to the left uh or or sorry pull it to the left this is not a bad position and then we’re just going to

Kind of nudge uh nudge it so the head it goes head down that is actually really nice hey okay I’m going to move the top of the box to the left now yeah I know it’s not where the feet are but it’s where it’s dropped right now so

Hopefully hopefully we can get it to to to keep going has the Tilt and be on its side or standing tilt yeah yeah exactly I’m going to do what they call a bar Ki and really knock knock that this might or might not be good I don’t know um

Actually you know what I’m going to keep going for the the this side of the box where her butt is if you can see the side of the box where her butt is I’m going to I’m going to pull that to the left all right so that’s three tries let’s keep

Going see if we can get a bar teni that’s it that’s what a Bensi is where it rests on the bar allows more Force when when the when it gets off the bar okay that’s still pretty good I don’t know if it’s wide enough to drop right

Now though I don’t know if it’s wide enough to drop okay so hey be horizontal on it feet and tilted yeah that that will be ideal um we could still kind of drop this uh we want to pull it to the left though so that’s what I’m going to do we

Kind of try to get it head in okay so let’s keep going I’m going to hook yeah I’m going to hook that um the back pink bar just where the bar and it against the bar it’s not close yes yes yes that’s true that’s true all right

We’re going to drop it and the good thing about this crane is uh it’s quite strong go there and it’s probably could actually hook hey okay hopefully it’ll hook it to the left oh that’s really good three three uh Corners have already dropped dude dude that is really really good that is really

Awesome okay oh dude look at that three corners have dropped already so I need to slightly pull it to the left and yeah I don’t want to pull it too much though I don’t know if that’s good or bad it’s stronger than Toba yeah is to the one with the three the three

Prongs maybe oh my God that is pretty good I don’t think I can push it in yet I’m trying to see I see from the side no it’s still a little bit over so that is so close though that is so close I think yeah if I do a Bari on the right

It’s going to help let’s do it wow that’s fifth try let’s go vesi let’s see let’s see if that’s going to tilt it can we do a Bari uh I didn’t go far enough is that right bar going to push it no that was a mistake unless we can

If it still lifts that bottom oh yeah we got it y y we got it yay hey hey hey woo yeah baby oh yeah nice go got that got got got hey nice RW onim yay we did it guys guys yay woo lovely yeah onim Kimo Kimo cheis we

Did it y that was awesome guys I’ve been dropping so much money on these games learning how to do it and I don’t and finally finally we’re getting results dude dude how good was that y yo yo we did I’m so loud right now dude did this

This is the key this is sell for at least 2,400 online right now let’s go let’s go all right and uh now we we got used to this game and the pressure and let’s go yo pretzel PR I did it I did too nice dude

You did it yay let’s go let’s go all right that was 500 that is fantastic for less than 1,000 anything less than 000 is good and I love this figure too now I don’t know where the um I don’t know where the center of gravity is so yo J

Vlog yo yo yo what’s up we just dropped the figure that I was going for we did it yes awesome oh my God I’m I’m actually probably going to get another one another day but and then a Zoro is coming uh when we’re in hokido on the

22nd a really nice Zoro is going to be coming dropping guys I’m getting hot I’m going to take off my jacket here J Vlog how you doing bro how you doing oh dude and I got you we have 15 minutes maybe we can drop one more I’m so happy that

We just got that one y that was that the other one I would want to get is maybe the chainsaw m one that’s pretty dope dude J Vlog Jay Vlog how you doing bro how you doing okay woo oh good to see you 500 y we gotten five

Tries nice thanks brother okay now we got another five we’re going to go for this RWBY I don’t know what this is but the figures are set like one of them uh one of the girls snowboards she’s got a scythe on her so let me let me get this

Going on guys I got you in the chat I got you I got you all right oh no Leo’s in heat exactly I’m in heat I’m in crane game Heats all right uh that was five y y okay so we’re going to drop it just the same

Uh that was an amazing pull though okay we’re going to I don’t know where the center of gravity is we could do a balance check but because you can only get one uh one figure here I think it’s worth just trying to I know mikos pull

It to the left I’m going to pull it in the middle is this time something like that okay there you guys get a better angle on Things oh that was a nice pull wo wo wo so it looks like maybe the feet is where the center of gravity is so if I pull the feet over to the left and uh bring the head up this can drop down probably in two or three more yeah let’s

Go let’s pull the feet the whole box a little bit more to the left that was an amazing pull um let’s do that one more time basically the same type of action there somewhere around there it’ll probably oh no I didn’t go far enough but it’ll

Probably uh bring it to an angle that was a really good Pull okay hey that’s not bad that’s not bad all right now we’re going to now it’s on an angle the crane won’t be as strong but we could also go sideways this is probably wide enough just like the last one you saw it was side wi enough to go sideways so we can

Do a sideways drop um it’s a little bit more tricky cuz I need it on the back the back bar a bit more but it’s not impossible um what do you think we should do should we do a side drop or drop the feet down jjq what’s up um I

Think the side drop might be the way to go uh we could try to pull it but the the arm is strong so if okay you know what I’m going to side drop looks tempting though it’s going to be harder to maneuver it around but it’s possible let’s go for the side

Let’s go for the side guys I think this is probably where it’s at yeah yeah let’s go for the side okay that was this is try number three um there’s I can’t go any more left so I’m just going to tap it drop more in the middle go to the side

Oh we a Bart teni Bensi is good cuz it’ll really kick it really kick it oh okay it got it came off the bar that’s still not bad um all right so what we can do here I guess we could uh what can we do we want to tilt it now

We want to tilt it don’t we uh okay this is not a good position as you can see uh there’s not a lot of it to drop in but we if we stand it up or we can get it on the back bar and

Try to go bring it up on the back bar and then we can


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