
Snow Walk in Rural Suburbs of Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture! | JAPAN LIVE STREAMS 2024

Come see some of the rural and suburban neighborhoods of Matsudo! We start off at Higashi-Matsudo Station and walk north towards central Matsudo area.

On good morning bisma Sasha BR Jason how’s it good morning good morning I think I’m a few minutes early Mom how are you guys we need some hearts in chat right now that’s uh kij that is that’s my mom put some hearts in chat Kelsey how are

You yo Kiki how’s it Mike Hawk you see Snow Yeah there’s like there’s a little snow right there the area uh I’m starting in at least from what I’ve seen there’s much less snow here than there is where I live so I guess yeah I I don’t know um I

Guess they didn’t get so much snow here or it just melted much faster Sandra C good morning yo Simon and Andy good morning Michael Tata Alo Mark how you doing good morning Sherry hello hello howdy EO Hello so I’m just uh letting this run a little bit letting people tune in you know give them a chance to click the link see some ads or whatever if there are any ads uh Mel what’s up Mill Jason says how much snow did you get around your neighborhood uh I think

We got like 2 to three Ines I don’t know something like that it wasn’t like you know like North America snow like so crazy or you know whole kaido snow but uh it it was enough um the streets are completely covered you couldn’t drive in it like so much um at

All you want to make some chicken wings nice yeah uh today this morning I left my house it was minus one and um it kind of drizzled like like last night and like uh yesterday evening so I feel like some of the snow melted but a lot of it

Just froze you know what I mean so there’s like a crunch shell on the outside of it yo Gigi Aloha hello hello ping pit boy in the house what’s up how you doing D what’s up uh Mel says I’m waiting for snow in Minnesota we have barely got any

This year really in Minnesota no snow in Minnesota oh my god um all right I guess we’ll start Yay good morning guys oh guys is McDonald’s that’s I ate breakfast just a few minutes ago um yo kenv in the house how you doing uh Mark says a mild

Snowless winter in central New York if you can believe it I can’t I can’t that’s crazy 50 degrees next two days what in the world record highs here that’s climate change climate change yeah uh here I think it’s the coldest it’s going to get this winter here at

Least in the Tokyo area um it was like – 16 real feel uh 2 days ago when it snowed it if you guys don’t know it snowed pretty significantly for many many hours like like 20 hours or something like that uh at least where I live in matsudo it did um it didn’t

Start sticking until like 6 hours in um and then uh it’s still around so this morning when I was walking here there’s still a lot of places around my house that are completely like the streets are still covered um so it was kind of hard to walk to the station I was like

Slipping a little bit uh Ouija how are you from the nether LS yo Troy good morning good morning Jason eating that late lunch Popeye nice hope you clock out of work soon and drive safe uh but anyways good morning guys my name is Corey if you’re new to the channel hello

Hello uh I live in the Tokyo area although today we are not streaming in Tokyo uh today we are actually in Chiba prefecture which is where I live and we’re in higashi matsudo and that’s um kind of South South eastsh of where I live I I we’re going to walk back

Towards where I live in my neighborhood so probably from here where I said there’s like less snow uh as we walk we’ll probably see more snow like it’ll get more and more um 15 in Minnesota that’s pretty warm uh yo Joey you made it one angry sandwich you got your B

Bager bager nice yo Ramen pharmacist in the house what’s up man how you doing so anyways yeah before we start the stream click the Cog wheel um change it to 1080p as we walk around we will be in some rur rural area rural areas it’s always hard to say that rural areas and

Um it’s like a mix of Rural and suburb suburban area like I don’t know how to explain it but anyways it’s definitely not city and uh that’s real Japan we’re going to be showing you some real Japan today and hopefully some nice snowy Landscapes that haven’t melted yet um

It’s rapidly warming up it’s sunny as you can see see behind me there’s some sun um I did see buildings dripping water and stuff so yeah who knows uh we got to catch this snow for this stream U Michelle hello hello so anyways um what else uh make sure you have some drinks

And snacks and uh like I said it’s like kind of country rural side um if we buffer or have weird connection issues I I am so sorry I don’t know what the cell reception is like out there um what else what else uh we will look for cats and

Dogs I saw a cat this morning walking on the snow and uh I saw someone walk in their dog so hopefully we see something and we’ll count them and of course uh because of the Year of the Dragon we are keeping our eyes out for Dragons we’re

Not counting dragons we’re just you know spotting them and looking at them um yeah if I miss your hellos goodbyes questions comments in the chat I am so sorry in advance uh let’s go let me turn this around yo Vin VIN good morning Lexie how are you Pro tip never say R roro

Roro I feel like isn’t that a Tommy Boy thing roro R roll row ads row ads yeah so um we are here uh hiashi matsudo station that’s uh this is the station area over here which is where I arrived and we’re going to be heading kind of North so

This is looking North right now and we’re going to be heading north northwest uh back towards Central matsudo and uh we’re going to see lots of uh snow and stuff you know there’s like look at that look at that so much snow guys oh my God no it’s it’s like

Not so much here at all um it’s totally different up where I live which is funny cuz you know it’s it’s just a couple neighborhoods over um I guess my area got hit harder than over here uh Sakura Kitana good morning how are you says what did you get from

McDonald’s uh oh I got across the street uh I got a sausage egg McMuffin um set so I had a large iced coffee and a hash brown that’s not my usual breakfast before stream but um I came here a little early and uh I I realized there’s

A McDonald’s like right there I was like why not I have like 20 minutes might as well eat something this uh restaurant right here is called Katsuya they sell uh ton KATU and oyakodon and stuff like that katong nice cheap stuff I think it’s like 540 Yen or something for a lot of

These things very quick quick eats Sherry got hammered last week like drunk or hammered by snow or something else yo Timothy how you doing hey hey hey Yeah so this area that we’re starting off at around Kashi matsudo station um it is you know the more like urbanized area I guess the more dense kind of you know buildings and businesses but I promise you like literally like just right over there is like Farm Fields like we’re we’re really

Uh we’re out here NPC this is 24-hour parking by the way feel like I should find a quest there um but yeah let’s get away from this loud Road and let’s just start going through the back streets looking around my stabilizer is all like sideways slanted

Weird F22 is coming in for a landing you must be like really close to them if your ears are ringing yeah you could see you know still some snow on top of the cars sober for 9 years congrats that’s an amazing amazing thing so just hammered by snow got it not by

Alcohol yeah so one street parallel to that Main Street it’s already like super quiet you guys get to see uh some areas of Japan yeah see there’s a lot of snow back here it’s in the shade uh Matthew how you doing says is it too cold to chance a Donatello what does that

Mean like see a turtle like a little baby turtle that I accidentally dropped on one stream before or is that a dick joke am I walking into a dick joke chat window dropped to the bottom of the video how do I put it back to the side of the video

Uh um if you’re watching on desktop don’t watch it like uh full screen or they have a feature it’s like middle screen change it back to uh the normal like small size which way should I go I guess I’ll go this way just go straight yeah it’s just I feel like this

Neighborhood uh didn’t get so much snow I mean look it’s like a lot of it’s already melted it’s the size of your video player uh one angry sandwich yeah I think there’s a is that a shrine or a temple Straight Ahead the doors are closed but I’m wondering if there’s a

Side door that we can go through be kind of cool to see uh a temple with some snow huh or maybe they closed it because it’s totally covered in snow for safety reasons P you yeah the snow is rapidly melting you could see the the water’s

Dripping yeah I guess they uh they close cuz it’s maybe just not safe to walk in here they don’t want people slipping usually temples are open to the public and stuff I wish I could show you Joey um but I’m streaming so how’s everybody uh I’m sorry I couldn’t stream on Monday and

Um guess we go this way what is this is this someone’s like shed I’ve never been around here before it’s like someone’s garden and there’s some snow the palm trees next to the snow well you know what’s funny in Hawaii there’s actually snow on top of hakala

On Maui and also Mount AA and mount aloa mountains on the big island um when I lived on the big island uh my friends and I we would you know they had a four-wheel drive truck we would go up to the top of Mount AA with shovels and load up the back of

The truck with snow um it’s not really soft snow it’s like really like Ice Crystal snow it hurts like if you get hit by a snowball with that ice it like shreds your skin it’s like really sharp but um yeah we would drive down to the beach and throw those

Kind of snowballs at tourists on the sand and they’d be tripping out cuz they have no idea that there’s like snow on the mountain someone’s house yeah when you go up there there’s people people like snowboarding and like riding their uh body boards and stuff down the mountain F

Marie Aloha how’s it hope you’re doing good Neco Neco Neco yeah hopefully we see some cats I got my eyes open for some cats um oh here’s the temple okay so I guess that entrance that we passed by was the side entrance so this is kind of cool oh look at this little

Frog he’s got a little ice chunk on his head yo what’s up Eric yeah exactly we’re like yeah F these tourists let’s throw sharp snowballs at them SM kind of nice kind of pretty I’m glad we’re catching some of the snow but it’s Mel very fast it’s warming up it’s

Supposed to be like 7 or something today what’s up Ally yo zaz in the house what’s up man are you still in Japan are you okay um some Guardians here Costa’s world of Music Jim and Harriet good morning let’s go take a look oh what do you know we’ve got a nice dragon

Here nice uh carved Dragon cool very pretty oh not so bad yeah it’s it’s all melting already what’s up James how are you interesting uh is this like a octagon shape thing wait can we see that yeah there we go yo home girl Roxy in the house how how’s it

Going so we got some snow here it’s not much but this is a Buddhist temple um we’ve got the the graveyard over here on the left side this is the main hall right here very cool yeah this snow is melting it’s dripping very quickly 5° already feel like maybe that’s a little

Warmer than it actually is it was minus one when I left my house but it could be five I don’t know feels more like two or three but yeah nice little uh Garden here ASMR snow melting sounds yeah little drip drip drip drip what’s up Drake all right let’s head back

Out yeah uh to those of you tuning in I’m at higashi matsudo this is in Chiba prefecture we are North uh we are like East Northeast of Tokyo um we’re basically in matsudo which is where I live but we’re like in the southern part of it matsudo is like a pretty big area

Um I live more Central is but yeah we’re like South South like out in the the fields um there’s a lot of oh that Hill looks really cool that looks like the perfect Hill to go sledding on um unfortunately I don’t have anything yeah it’s got the crunch Liz

How you doing yeah when I was walking on the snow earlier it was it was doing the crunch crunch crunch crunch what’s up Kathy is this snow packing snow um let’s find out I haven’t touched it yet but I no like when I was walking on

It it has like a layer of you know what I mean like when it snows and then it like kind of drizzles on top of it and then it freezes overnight so it’s like like a crunchy outer shell how do you know that Joey how do you know that those are the apartments

You see in Japanese porn please tell me how you know that uh who did they make a dragon this is cool oh it’s like a samurai or something it has a face and a tail it’s a dragon that’s cool yeah I like that there’s more snow up that way yeah

It look like a dragon yeah that’s pretty cool that’s very creative um let’s see I think I need to go this way yeah I guess we’ll just go this way let’s just I’m trying to get like further into like the fields and stuff the farm Fields man why is my camera sorry one

Second the stabilizer is like see it it’s like tilted it’s not like this should be level but when I let go it’s like dipped down to the left uh did you watch the Tik Tok I dm’d you oh no uh I did not I’ll have to

Check it out um I’m terrible at checking DMs field with snow Yeah Dragon count too are you counting L yo fungus in the house what’s up man hope you’re enjoying Tokyo I’m sorry I couldn’t come out on Monday or Tuesday it was uh as you know snowy and stuff uh

I like I feel like Chiba prefecture snowed a lot more than Tokyo like look at this field snow Shenron and wish for panties oh my udong this is a pretty cool gate old wooden gate yeah as you can see uh still very snowy here like where I started wasn’t

So I live uh there’s a lot of snow like around my apartment building when I left um there was ice and I had to like walk through like the road was completely like this like all the way so it’s kind of difficult to walk here’s a Old Japanese house here on the side yeah I don’t have roshi Tendencies maybe I did back in the day but I never got a bloody nose um looks like there’s some apartments back here like small little units here one two three four five six six units empty lot here a foot of slush

Nice I hope you’re enjoying your uh your day your trip um I see some uh winter Sakura the cherry blossoms I forget the specific name for it yeah very pretty look at that it’s fully blooming these are early blossoms uh is this Momo maybe it’s not cherry blossoms it might be Peach

Blossoms or yeah is it I can’t tell anyways uh very pretty Margie says so much Greenery in Tokyo for winter uh that’s true but I’m not I’m not in Tokyo I am in Chiba prefecture is it Peach yeah it looks like Peach Blossom like Momo not Sakura man look at these

Hedges what are they trying to hide back here it’s like a double layer of hedges oh Whoa is this a temple oh it’s a house it’s a former resident uh former House of uh someone named Cito I don’t know who that is it’s open wow yo look at their house look at the old roof it’s got the old school Like Straw roof that’s cool this is their

Garden yeah it’s old school wow this is a cool find guys just random random fine I hope we have signal back here W very pretty someone named Saito in higashi matsudo this is their old house I don’t know who it is I can’t read the kanji well enough to understand like are they

Like a politician or an artist a poet an author signals good good nice wow yeah they got a lot of the snow is pretty good here there’s more of the the plum blossoms over there porns it’s just an old school porn star nice yeah this is melting like a lot wow very

Cool that’s the old school roof it’s like heavily layered straw if they were a poet I might know it that’s true um very cool place okay well there’s someone there he’s uh coming in I guess he’s the caretaker or something but he didn’t even like look at me he just kind of

Like went in the house on the side but yeah that’s very cool find guys very very cool I’ll have to do some research and find out who this guy is old house yeah there’s a sign right here old Japanese house former residents of Saito I wish I could read this kanji oh

God I need to start studying moist yeah yeah a thatched roof Exactly I have no idea where I’m going by the way moist squatters you think they’re squatting in there ooh there’s like a an orchard here and farm Fields yeah snowy snowy snowy snowy um interestingly enough uh I randomly found the location of my thumbnail right here it’s right here um that’s

Weird I didn’t know like where I just randomly selected a place on Google Maps you know what I mean like street view I just randomly clicked somewhere took a screenshot and made the thumbnail and I just realized that that’s where we’re at I can see some crops over there looks like cabbage

You love when I find it it’s so R how do I find this stuff like randomly wasn’t even planning this like to walk this way you know what I mean I’m just randomly walking it’s happened to us quite a few times like I just choose because that’s

How most of my my live stream thumbnails are created I just I literally choose the area where I might want to stream I just click some random area on street view Google street view look around and I’m like oh that looks kind of cool screenshot and then that’s my my

Thumbnail how did we get here we just started zigzagging and we found our way yo what up what up zaz national Regional cultural property of formero family residents main building that’s the name of it oh Cory’s in tune with the future that’s right yo snow we got that snow walk oh what made

This that’s those are animal tracks but in a line is that a cat that must be a cat where are the cats nice fungus we’re out here guys right it’s nice and quiet oh the uh geog guesser yeah I used to stream that on Twitch all right

Jason time to do a snow angel oh yeah so we wanted to check the quality of the snow right the quality oh it’s it’s dense it’s it’s really hard it’s very ice like lots of ice crystals yeah it it drizzled rain like all last night like evening I’m

Surprised this didn’t melt but it was really cold so yeah it’s like I’m beating it and it’s like barely leaving a handprint yeah it’s it’s really crunchy very hard to like get through I have to like really squeeze it you know you touch you eat no you know how much bacteria is in

Snow that’s the yeah this is the snow that you would find on the top of Mount AA on the big island and shovel it into a truck take it down to the beach and throw it at people confuse the hell out of them but I like this field very

Nice yeah good thing I touched it before falling back for a snow angel yeah you know what I did that in Canada one time in Halifax it was like blizzarding and um you know the snow plows come through and then on the side of the road there’s

Just like a massive massive mound of snow so my my dumbass um thinking like oh yeah you know it’s it’s going to be nice and soft no it was hard compacted um jumped backwards and it was like Landing my back on like like a solid rock it was so

Painful got a little bit of whiplash how is it snow evenly it’s just lots of snow yeah this field is not taken care of there’s a lot of looks like just like weeds and dry stuff sticking out yeah it concussed pretty much cool yeah I’m glad you guys are

Able to see this with me getting tvi from Snow Yeah Yeah it was uh it was pretty painful oh there’s a little uh little tiny inat Shrine right here randomly on the side it’s funny a lot of the farmers I’ve noticed use like old bathtubs or

They just like throw bathtubs out here I don’t know what they’re doing in it this is an old bathtub and there’s another one over here these are soaking like Japanese soaking tubs yeah maybe compost I don’t know I I’ve I’ve noticed that like over the years of living out here like I’ll pass

By a farm and there’ll just be like a random tub and I’m like what yeah here’s some more snow there’s a woman behind me and she has two dogs um it’s kind of weird cuz I’m walking forward now but the dogs are behind me tubs for Kaa maybe I don’t know doing

Laundry I don’t think they do laundry and like out there next to a farm field oh there’s like a school over here I see this is their tennis courts wow this house this yellow house right here like looks really old and run down the awning is like completely deteriorated and their water heater

Boiler thing on the outside is like so rusted is this abandoned I see like a stone pagoto over there it like the top part fell off stripping a lot there’s the two dogs A she’s got two beagles cute enu count two yeah that’s cool two beagles guys two

Beagles yeah this looks like something like you would find on like like Silent Hill Japan um yeah the the door here is uh chained it’s completely uh shut did you hear the dogs they were like panting wow this place the ceiling is all like wrecked there’s like a toilet in there ah interesting

Oh the breed oh yeah beagles are loud they’re cute but they are definitely loud like beagles and huskys are like so so cute grab the toilet for the top yeah so like you could see uh as you could see from the beginning of the stream there was like not so much snow

Like in the in the like station area but the further north we go there’s just like more snow so this is what I meant when I was saying like where I live like it snowed a lot like I live that direction the only reason I know that is cuz there’s a giant Landmark

Um see that see that uh Smoke Stack with the red thing in the center of the screen yeah that’s an incinerator and that’s like a huge Landmark so if I see that I kind of walk towards it and then I know that I’m going towards my house um if I’m out

Like sounds like a dolphin those are birds but it sounded like sounded like a a dolphin um yeah so if I’m like walking around randomly like in matsudo like out here in the countryside and I’m like how do I get back I always look for that

Smoke stack and I’m like okay that if I go in that direction I know how to get back home incinerator uh you know incinerating toys they’re toy haters around here they hate Toys Japanese tree dolphin yeah what was that Dolphin Show back was it Clipper clippy what what am I thinking of

Oh my God my brain is not working someone in chat knows Clapper clappy clippy chippy what was that what was that dolphin’s name flipper thank you I couldn’t think of it flipper yes yeah no cats but we saw a dog uh here’s some like industrial type of stuff looks like aluminum

Sighing yeah it looks like this place makes aluminum sighting um sorry I’m sniffing my nose is a little runny here’s more Farm Fields vending machine I’m going to skip it we we’ll keep going for now uh we’ll we’ll stop at the next one is it SpongeBob’s laugh is it clippy

Clippy is the the Microsoft like word assistant from like the 9s so there’s some uh lots of crops there they got it covered too cold for Neco no I saw a cat this morning on my way to the train station and the uh the cat was like literally walking in the snow

Like on the snow so I think it’s fine um you know the past two days it was just like snowing and raining so I think the cats are like we need to go out and find food fapper yeah it’s fapper yeah uh we still got we got some ice here nice ice

Crunchy I broke it clippy Flipper the flapper fapper nice sounds like a commercial fap on fap off fap on fap off the fapper there’s a car here step on the ice all right hold on let me go back is my finger bleeding no I I just I I

Cut the the tip so I could use uh you know the thing here oh God the puddle deep oh that’s so satisfying it’s like um you know when people use the bubble wrap and they pop the bubble wrap it’s like that same level oh that’s cool so satisfying I got wet foot

Yeah what do you guys think of this area whoa what is this place there’s all these rocks it looks like um rocks that they use for like Gardens like Japanese style Gardens there’s a whole bunch of them just lined up in a row maybe they sell it um in this general area okay

Lexi yeah the cat’s like I’m not going for a walk nope oh we’ve got nice veggies here these look nice and green uh that’s radish all of that is dong this is cool this is a nice little walk guys we out here yo Jim and Harriet

Thank you so much for the Dono for the $5 guys hearts in chat for Costa’s world of Music memories Jim and Harriet it says can you make a snowball uh sure let me take off my glove so it doesn’t get soaking wet and then it’ll be cold when I wear

It I was trying to see if I can catch a glimpse of uh some of the the veggies here oh is wa this is not radish this is something else is this oh God I got to I got to cross there’s a taxi coming there’s nowhere to stand there’s

All this water right there so I I have to stand over here on this side yeah um all right let’s make let’s make a snowball here it’s so hard compact it more SNL Burl yeah here we go uh it’s kind of a weak snowball needs to be more

Round throw it at a car I’m not going to throw it at a car ah it’s so hard it’s like a rock you can see like how crystallized it is what do I do with it guys just hold it it’s cold it’s so cold I’m holding

Literally like a ice ball it’s not a snowball it’s an ice ball get the person that walked behind you just deck him right in the back of the head I threw it in front of me we it it impacted right here throw it at the road yeah that’s

What I did I just kind of chucked it ahead of me and here it is look at it rest in peace put it in my pants now why would I go and do a thing like that whoa what is this someone’s house this is someone’s house got like a big

Palm tree here in the front all right we got to we got to keep walking guys uh this place is all flooded with melting snow [Applause] water Don’t splash me please Don’t splash me yeah they’re probably like the land owners or something around the area they’ve got some

Money built a nice house it’s probably cheap to build a house like that around here um should I go right yeah but what is this it’s like a scrapyard looks like a scrapyard or something what look there’s more tubs one two there’s two tubs it’s just like

A thing huh just find bathtubs around random places oh uh we’ve got bending machine here yeah yeah yeah yeah palm trees with snow weather hell yeah uh Jim and Harriet again with the $5 says don’t eat the yellow snow thank you for the words of wisdom it’s tubs toown

Yeah so let’s see we’ve got uh Ichigo olle strawberry olle uh but that has milk in it so I can’t drink it there’s iced tea there’s sparkling grape soda lemon water there’s some tea milk coffee I can’t drink it coffee coffee um over here we’ve got uh kpiss

Water uh barley tea green tea pocari sweat uh morning shot coffee looking at their hot drinks uh they’ve got a hot lemon there’s a corn soup there’s a just tomato juice more coffee not damn it Sasha sparkling grape I was kind of thinking about that one sparkling grape

Actually sounds really good yeah don’t eat the brown Snow either Sherry makes a good point um do they have it I can’t tell yeah okay I I had to double check is it like sold out I’m going to do the sparkling grape so it’s 130 Yen not bad all right we’ve

Got 30 y stick it in oh it talks uh it has the little Lottery thing here if you get 7777 um get a free drink usually it’s always like 7778 666 7 like it’s always the last digit cucks you um sorry let me get the

Last 100 y out of my pocket here okay there we go Taada all right we’re going to push this and then we’re going to look at the number can we see it I told you God damn it 444 five I knew I told you the last number always off 6969 is 4445 Gamba fail um but yeah we’ve got the sparkling here

I think I can take off my gloves now it’s not it’s warming up really fast guys it was minus one when I left my house I think now it’s like probably like 5° 6° I don’t need my gloves um I got to take them off it’s hard to do it holding

Things yeah last number cuck uh this place is melting a lot here all the snow is melting guys it’s a melting where can we uh oh now it says six maybe that is accurate what is what are all these places there’s a lot of like kind of

Factory is type of stuff around here um it looks like this place specializes in scaffolding these are all scaffolding PL like platforms and bars and stuff yeah let me find like a spot somewhere like up here maybe with a nice view or something and I’ll uh I’ll drink this sparkling

Grape canned corn soup weather true true yeah it’s kind of it’s melting guys no I want it to snow more I love snow more agriculture over here see a tractor a crane grape grape grape grape grape where are the cats though I’m looking I’m looking there’s got to be

Some like Farm cats around here right little rural cats R roll felines excuse me little congestion what is that I hear people inside humping or something yeah climate change denied it oh there’s a huge huge like scrapyard over here lots of metal oh there a car coming yeah the rural puss

Pus oh there’s a bridge here okay is there a river this might be a nice little spot to kind of uh drink our drink oh yeah look at this it’s a little river down here a little a little stream let’s see the other side yeah that’s nice I see a duck or

Something some aquatic bird oh it’s the ones with the white bill and the white like markings on their for oh there’s two of them the river is not Frozen I don’t think it was cold enough to freeze a whole river but like puddles and stuff streams uh not streams if there’s running water

I think it it won’t freeze but uh yeah puddles standing water probably froze uh yeah this is nice this is cool um let me see is there like a like a thing I can put my stabilizer down on oh there’s a I see a fan Mark convenience door over

There and then uh on top of the hill there looks like a temple could see the roof there Carrick ban down by the river yeah I think I could just put it right here this would be cool good spot what’s going on here yo big Bob from Indiana how you doing

Okay there we go is this is this good yeah this is good I guess it’s not windy so I don’t have to worry about this thing blowing over but if there’s an earthquake I can’t I can’t save it uh we’re going to do this yo Chris from Arizona in the house

What’s up man yep we’re doing a sparkling grape all right cheers guys ah smells smells very sweet it smells like grape gummy like grape Gummy Bears or something similar to that grape candy ah it’s very sweet wow sugar sugar but it’s carbonated it’s um it’s not like weles

Grape soda it’s different it’s um I don’t know how to explain it Japanese grape drinks taste different from like American grape drinks is like trying to think what it’s similar to in the states I I can’t think of anything yeah so synthetic I’m probably just drinking food coloring and sugar

Sugar we’re just going to get like super hyped up I’m actually trying to reduce my sugar so I shouldn’t be drinking this I don’t know why I’m drinking it um yeah I started like kind of dieting this year so not like not full keto diet like I

Did before um two years ago or whatever um but it’s like kind of similar like like I’m reducing my sugar as much as possible and uh trying not to eat carbs really um as much you know just like reducing everything carb and sugar like especially

Um yeah so I don’t know why I’m drinking this 1% real juice does it say that on there it does oh my 1% yeah that’s true true Jake cuz I thought it looked good and we uh goated uh you guys goated me into it I blame chat tastes like sugarcoated sugar it

Tastes like sweet coated sugar all right let’s let’s continue the walk okay intermittent fasting I normally do that anyways even when I’m not on a diet like just just in general like when I wake up I don’t eat breakfast I I usually just drink black coffee until

Like 1 2 300 p.m. and then I eat lunch and by that time it’s already been like 14 hours of um like 14ish hours of uh no food in my stomach so it’s basically intermittent fasting but I’m not even like trying to do it you know what I

Mean Fanta grape I guess Fanta gra might be the closest uh here’s a little uh kind of like Community Garden area I see some people they they pull up in their cars they Park here go tend to their lot oh I see a dog that’s dog number three is it taking a

Dump oh oh oh he’s excited he took a pee enu number three guys there’s like an empty field over over here on my left yeah I can’t wait to like have my own property and like uh you know grow some stuff like this looks kind of

Cool y these gloves that they put on the sticks are giving me the middle finger what would I grow I’m just going to grow the Gan no I don’t know I I would grow definitely a lot of herbs like a ton of herbs cuz I I use them in cooking a lot

Uh maybe some veggies or fruit like having a fruit tree would be nice a couple when I lived in Hawaii I had a banana tree avocado tree pap AA um limes lemons uh guava yeah I had guava um yeah so it’ be it’s like really nice to just have

Those let’s see where are we going chat where are we going grow weeds yeah I’ll just like not take care of it and let the weeds grow get it um I guess we’ll go this way oh there’s more of uh these uh Momo the plum blossoms

Sorry spicy meat the balls yeah I’m want to grow some meatballs yeah so um this whole area that we just kind of walked through that’s kind of you know this is the agricultural rural is type of area that uh I was talking about for the stream but I think from now on like

Going this way towards uh Central Mato it’s going to be more residential so um yeah we’re going to look at more houses and stuff the snow is melting so fast I’m glad we got to see some of it uh Michelle yeah Momo was the name of that weird girl scary thing with the

Round eyes and the wide mouth yeah her name was Momo also and when I lived in Korea um my cat my cat’s name is Momo yeah it’s I mean you guys heard it it’s it’s dripping it’s drippy dripping um I guess we’ll go this

Way can I go this way wait what the hell is there a sidewalk there’s no sidewalk should I just go all right let’s just go f it we’re on an adventure I have no idea where this goes would you guys live out here I’d live out here if I had a car

It’s more quiet but man these roads this is a two R uh two-way Road it’s very narrow no sidewalk we’ got big trucks like this coming through the white car man that was oo on a turn here there’s no mirror just do it are we headed towards

The temple um I don’t know we could try this probably goes to the top of the hill and then if I turn left yeah it might go to the temple let’s find out let’s go let’s go what’s up Tony let’s play with some snow um we made a snowball earlier uh it’s really

Hard like yeah like I I I want to say like from 7:00 p.m. last night till like maybe early early this morning it was like just drizzling rain so it created this like crust of ice on all of the snow and then it like froze overnight all right let’s go this way

The sidewalk is actually on the other side of the street but the temple I think is on this side right on the left side yeah do not eat this snow guys here wait is this it this is a temple for oh yeah this is it okay yeah let’s go we’re here

Where are the pigs chickens harms at uh they’re probably like much further out much much further out um closer to uh like Tokyo and all that stuff like where I’m at now um it’s mostly like uh produce you know veggies and fruit and stuff like that more of the the meat poultry

Pork all that stuff is uh further out in different areas so uh oh okay this is the actual entrance I went through a weird sideway cool we’re seeing some uh snowy temples today a little bit oh there’s a little graveyard here um looks like there’s kind of a view behind like in the

Distance cuz we’re on top of the hill what’s up Tay h no worries no worries uh what is cheapest famous food doesn’t every prefecture have a special fruit or veggie or something yeah Chiba is known for peanuts um and matsudo is known for pears so there’s a lot of pear Orchards

Around here wow look at this place very pretty yeah so matsudo is famous for pears um but Chiba in general is known for peanuts this is very cool but there’s a a pile of snow here we can’t get past got the big thick rope above here

Is there a speed limit on the roads they look like they’re going fast yeah there’s a speed limit um let me look over here what’s over here there’s like a smaller Shinto one here uh this is cool they usually have the the corner piece of the original roofs so it looks like there’s

One there copper and then this one is like ceramic um so this is yeah this looks like a concrete so whatever was here before had these on their rooftops um so it’s cool a lot of temples they’ll keep the old original one like the corner piece like this and have have it on

Display I have no idea how old this place is but it looks like kind of newish there’s a lot of granite like this is all granite and all of this is not wood this is actually uh metal and then there is all concrete it’s not wood but this one here I see two

Dragons Three Dragons so there’s some cool dragons there yeah even the lock on the door has two dragons dragons that’s kind of cool yo noi in the house what’s up man how you doing oh look at that very cool we’re seeing some dragons today this looks like a some kind of maalum or

Something whoa what is this art there’s like a crazy Dragon carving here this is cool this is really cool wow look at that that’s super awesome it’s kind of uh hard to see cuz the sun is shining directly on it there’s no like I’m trying to get a good angle on it maybe

If I just look at it straight on yeah that’s cool guys I’m glad we came here this is nice um this is more of the graveyard back here yeah I was curious about the view this way um yeah oh I can see Tokyo Sky Tree over there so Tokyo is that

Direction so that’s Sky Tree Tokyo Sky Tree Tower the tallest tower in Japan tallest Street structure in Japan that’s a nice uh okay yeah let me zoom in um so we kind of I don’t know which direction we came from I think we came from more uh like over towards the left

Here ah it’s kind of hard to see cuz of the sun uh Lai asked when was the most recent serious earthquake in Chiba I want to say it was last week there was was a 4.8 um just south of funabashi uh it was uh the epicenter was

Inside of Tokyo bay like under the water you know like but it was 80 km deep um that was a 4.8 and uh that was like the biggest one recently but uh I was brushing my teeth when it hit and it was uh it knocked over like all my I talked about this

Last stream um it knocked over a lot of lot of stuff on my desk a lot of my anime figurines a piece of art on my wall came off can I see Tokyo Tower from my house yes so here’s more Momo look at all the the little

Buds bit of a weak signal here guys so I’m going to head out and we’ll continue walking excuse me yeah so from my apartment building I can see Tokyo Sky Tree but I can’t see it from my actual like apartment apartment you know um my balcony and my windows face the opposite

Direction it faces away from Tokyo uh from Tokyo excuse me uh where are we going we okay chat if you can hear me uh 69 snow 69 snow 69 snow if you can hear me it looks like uh we we hit like a a weird reception spot dead spot hello

Chat 6 night snow 6 night Temple okay we’re okay okay now it’s back I see the signal went away or I mean got better I hear the we woo coming we’ve got a Weoo you know nothing John 69 snow I love that comment I’ve watched all of Game of Thrones four times and and part of me wants to watch it for a fifth time but um I probably shouldn’t oh what’s This Old House here old house they’ve got a pink little blanket

Thing yeah it looks like this area the reception is not so good chat I’m sorry hang tight hang tight uh we’ve got a old something here it looks like a liquor store they’ve got a very very dirty vending Machine maybe someone slipped and broke their leg Yeah yeah um new thing like in to too or get help cuz uh they all slipped on the ice it’s like too much ice damn it Sasha yeah let me just pick up smoking again you know like just

Randomly yeah you know f it I’ve been smoke free for like whatever seven wait what 17 years wait when did I quit 25th birthday 42 now um yeah you know f it let just pick it up excuse me yeah so there’s the the incinerator so we’re going in the right

Direction but uh I kind of mistimed my my uh my calculations for how long this walk would take and I thought maybe it would be like 90 minutes or so but uh looks like it’s going to be a little bit more so if you guys don’t mind we’ll do

A a little bit of a longer stream maybe two hours but we’re just enjoying the seeing a lot of the stuff look at the Momo the Momo’s out weird fact you are twice as likely to be killed by a vending machine than a shark nice nice to know that Jason

Either we’ll do a 2our stream or I’ll just keep walking until like I get to like a major road and then I’ll take like a bus back home cuz there’s uh I’m not anywhere near a train station so Japan is very safe then indeed indeed there was a big big Snowball right

Here still a lot of snow over Here Bears can only see the colors pink and green nice so don’t wear pink and green when you go to a an area inhabited by bears is that is that how it [Applause] works enjoying this uh R rural walk rural suburbs sounds weird to say it’s like a oxymoron rural

Suburbs just keep looking this way um you guys okay chat pink and green are the best colors yeah um do I have I have a green shirt I don’t have anything pink do I I don’t think I have any pink anything I used to have pink

Boxers oh and a long time ago I had a pink polo shirt was it’s like a light pink color not like you know fuchsia or weird crazy like Pepto Bismol pink oh what are these what is this looks interesting there like some seed Pods it’s getting warm chat are they figs I was going to say they look like figs but I wasn’t sure CU I’ve never seen like figs before they’re ripe you know what I mean like like that size I’ve only seen them when they’re like ready to

Pick fun fact about figs uh they get pollinated by wasps and the Wasps go inside of them and they get dissolved into the fruit so when you’re eating figs uh just remember you’re eating dissolve wasps they did their part they pollinated and then they sacrificed themselves to the Fig

God looking nice yeah it’s uh it’s kind of warm I got to open my jacket but I my scarf is actually getting like way too hot I might have to take it off I don’t know where this road is going I just know that uh the incinerator thing

Is like right over there so as long as I go towards that I can make my way home yeah the the uh wasps are the the main pollinators for figs and like through the bottom of that like nut sack or whatever it was uh yeah they’ll enter it and get

Stuck and then the fruit like like it dissolves the um the WASP yeah I don’t know if it’s like every fig but uh I know wasps are the main pollinators has it been debunked I’m taking off my uh my scarf the WASP that usually die in them

Are there to lay their eggs oh okay well there’s still wasp eggs now inside is that it still eating those lpsum uh oh we are in wanagaya okay so we are like just south of Central maido I feel like uh as we come over this Bend at the top

Of this hill we’re going to be like getting much closer to my neighborhood so yeah I think maybe maybe another 20 or 30 minutes there’s the um the [Applause] incinerator there’s a there’s a clock on it This guy ran out he’s going to control the traffic not all right oh there’s a dog inside of this van in the passenger Seat it’s hard to see but that was enu number four that was enu number four um this road right here that we just passed that actually goes up to the incinerating uh facility over there yeah so um tell us to follow this road all the way it goes to Central moo and

Then it there’s a bridge and it crosses the Edo River into Tokyo so I I know where I’m at now I know where I’m at yeah it’s kind of boring along this road but maybe for a lot of y’all it’s uh pretty interesting I guess seeing a seeing Japan

Jpan all the yellow brick road I haven’t been over here in like I don’t even know like three or four years maybe like the first year of the pandemic was the last time I was over here and I might have walked here like during a night stream so yeah it’s been a while

Guys would homes here be pretty affordable uh I would say so yeah homes in this area are probably affordable and like the further like basically like the further away you get from like Tokyo um the cheaper it’s going to get I mean we’re we’re not too far from Tokyo but we

Are um out definitely outside of Tokyo a lot of snow here still yeah it’s very nice and quiet minus the back there where all the loud trucks were more expensive part of town I would say that’s like more closer to the central area like when you start getting

Closer to like train stations and stuff like that’s what everybody is looking for like the convenience of the train stations and being near supermarkets and department stores and stuff so the prices start to get up uh start to get higher and higher the closer you get to

A Like a downtown central part you know but out here yeah it’s probably pretty affordable oh man this Mitsubishi sign is like hella old wow that thing has seen better days so this green here means this is The Pedestrian like sidewalk this is basically the sidewalk there’s a place play ground

With a slide but unfortunately chat I’m not going to go down that it’s probably all wet and I see snow at the bottom of it you got behind but back okay yeah sometimes you got to like refresh or drag the the player over to all the way

To the right side to get caught up with live yeah so like these homes here these are probably a little bit more expensive these look more modern and it looks like this whole neighborhood was built by like the same um same developer you know what I mean

So they have kind of the same like aesthetic just whole neighborhood seems a little bit more expensive oh you can just press on the button live okay I didn’t know that I usually don’t watch live streams on YouTube so I’m not sure yeah these are cookie cutter

Houses I don’t know how much these go for probably still cheaper than America for sure uh Sakura Kitana asks uh would you buy an AA abandoned house uh so that is it’s a cool thing I think a lot of foreigners are very interested in AIA

Here um yeah I I mean I would be interested uh if I had the money so the thing is they are cheap to buy but then um there’s a lot of renovation costs and some taxes and other things involved in uh getting it up to par to meet code for

A lot of the zoning stuff um a lot of those places are so old you know they don’t have um modern like wiring electrical wiring and stuff like that uh they’re not earthquake proof um yeah so there’s a lot of factors that go into getting an AIA but

You know if I had the money yeah why not it’d be kind of cool I think I like that kind of a project and I have experience with um construction and Like Home Improvement stuff renovations Roofing electrical stuff tile like you know wood floor installation um I did a lot of that stuff

Before excuse me here you need a car uh you don’t need need a car there are buses but it’s probably better to have a car um or at least a bicycle yeah so let’s see if I keep going this way it’s going to take me towards um Central Mato area so I guess

I’m going to I’m going to kind of cut this way if I can and it should take me towards a n or something like that maybe I’ll just should I just go to Central matso yeah why not let’s do it yo seriously awkward how are you nice to

See you you made it you made it cycling stream would be cool yeah you know I I tried that once and I freaked my mom out she was watching she was like oh my God uh cuz I have to hold the stabilizer with one hand and then just

I’m steering only with my left hand and I have to and I have to break with my left hand and um it gets to be really dangerous trying to read chat and ride a bicycle at the same time wow that house is Cool very Pretty yeah I would like to try again sometime somehow I would need like a different like setup for stabilizing like handsfree but then it’s like I don’t have anything like that what is this Iglesia nisto local Congregation of ichikawa it’s like a [Applause] church are we in ichaa oh this is I

Guess we’re in ichaa I don’t know I thought this is Migo is this a hilly area yeah it is we’re on top of a hill right now it’s a lot of like big hills and like long slopes so it’s like you don’t really notice it so

Much cuz the slopes like this this whole Road right here is all it’s all like a huge slope going down here and we just came uphill yeah um yeah if I were to do that I would need like more of like a twitch streamer setup with like a shoulder Cam

And then have like my phone that can read chat like mounted on The Handlebar um that would be like the ideal way to do a bicycle stream um but I don’t have that that’s that’s so expensive to get all that stuff I’m not rich yo I have no money

Oh damn Lexi I hope you’re [Applause] okay uh believe in yourself says random thought what would happen if you get into a self-driving car and set the destination has surprised me well I hope it doesn’t take me like 400 mil away oh my God the wind from that truck oh I see a

Nii that’s a furniture store similar to like uh Ikea um I actually have a video on that the Japanese furniture store tour of that exact place so we’ll go this way this is a and we’re making our way back yo what’s up Brandon long time to see

Yeah what do you guys think of these neighborhoods by the way still haven’t seen a cat I’ve got my eyes peeled but I don’t see any oh no Sasha that’s like the worst thing that ever happened not just a crash but a crash into an orphanage seriously

Yeah so I’m going to um there there is a way for me to walk directly home like kind of through this way but I’m actually going to go more towards uh Central matsudo like towards matsudo station cuz uh I want to eat lunch um over there well there’s a giant like driving

Range over there you see it yeah golf driving range inside of that thing crunch crunch yeah it looks like some oh I see a cat but it’s it’s a house cat meow meow meow meow it’s judging me meow so it’s not a street cat but it

Definitely is a live cat so Neco count one uh enu count four Neco count one for all you cat lovers we saw a cat today we saw a cat finally it was just like sunbathing in the window yeah it was it saw me like I see

You yeah see this slush in the road right here this is more like what my neighborhood is like except the whole street like all the streets are like this let slush oh you know what I feel like I came here before a long time ago and we

Saw like three or four Street cats and they all came up to me they were friendly I don’t know if you guys remember that I think was it here oh maybe it’s not here but it was like in this area uh the snow seems to last longer

Here is this area higher than most of Tokyo yeah uh this area is kind of like on top of like a like a big like plate is type of Hill you know what I mean um my apartment too is like on top of a big hill so

Um the snow stayed a lot but uh maybe you didn’t see earlier in the Stream we uh walked through some rural areas with like a lot of agricultural Fields Farm fields and stuff and there like those fields are completely covered in snow but yeah I think uh all this snow

Is going to be pretty much melted by like the end of today or maybe even tomorrow what is this car is this a Celica is haven’t seen a Celica or no wait it’s not a Celica it’s a a um my brain F uh Supra I think this is a golf oh I’m at

The golf place yeah blue Supra how old are these homes I don’t know no it’s a mix like right here the houses on my right side uh these look like they’re from the 80s I mean they could be even older than that it could be like’ 60s 7s

80s um and then like these ones here look much newer like it could be like early 2000s or something it’s it’s a mix uh you missed the roller part okay yeah if you if you backtrack um to the rural areas like there were there were Fields completely untouched like covered

In snow it was all white excuse me ah what a nice day it’s actually warmed up a lot like my jacket’s open I’ve taken my scarf off I’ve taken my gloves off um there’s a there’s a cool breeze but it’s not bad you know what I mean it’s actually cooling me down cuz

I’m hot inside of my jacket You guys know what tune I’m singing it’s totally random by the way I don’t know why that song popped in my head uh is it quiet because everyone is at work or is it always this quiet uh both it is Wednesday um we got to cross here it’s

Wednesday so a lot of people are at work but there’s also a lot of people who are just like you know doing their own like thing maybe they’re off today I don’t know this is the side of n yeah X-Men nice you know you know how they’re

Like a re they’re going to redo X-Men or whatever they’re going to like start a new series um one of my really really good friends from art school is actually a background artist for that the new animation for X-Men yeah so uh n this is a huge kind of uh

Hom Goods Furniture Store similar to Ikea and uh if you look on my channel and you go through like the playlist for Japanese store tours there’s one called Japanese furniture furniture store and there’s a tour inside of it um in the beginning of it you you know I’m like

Not here but uh if you f forward a little bit you’ll you get a whole tour inside um this is yamar Deni this is a like home electronics and stuff you know hair dryers vacuum cleaners air conditioners TVs all that kind of stuff it’s like Best Buy sort

Of yo shoo good morning old m yeah so we’re very close to downtown matsudo it’s over there like I’m pointing at it like over there is like matsudo station wondering if I should do a little day walkie walkie uh straight from here cuz the the next crosswalk is way over there the

Other one is like way far down that way but if I wait right here with a chance I should be able to just cross with without having to go all the way down the street yeah so like right now there’s no cars coming this side and this is a one car here all

Right we’re going this place used to be a different used car lot they uh they had a big building here and they tore it down now it’s just a an open lot but they’re still selling cars literally a sign this say no jaywalking yeah I know um but like

Literally everybody does it like look the old man behind me is doing it um everybody does it Frogger po yeah Frogger POV um yeah the that road there the crosswalks and stuff are so far apart like everyone jaywalks across that Main Street and no one really cares I feel like I’ve jaywalked in

Front of the police like car driving by no one gave like they just kept driving um yeah we’re looking down like we can see down on top of some of the neighborhood here it’s yeah isn’t it ironic um yeah it’s [Applause] funny I could hip D it okay be careful don’t

Enter here uh because there’s big wall and a huge drop off there’s actually a a pedestrian Tunnel right below park down here are some houses rentals yes I don’t know which one but yeah there there’s a lot of uh rental houses here I don’t know what they go for but

Um seriously that just means if you get run over it’s your fault basically yeah I think I need more of that grape drink where’s my grape drink do you see the the panda there’s a panda image Between the Bars wide P what time is it oh it’s 11:45 is okay

It’s almost lunchtime that’s perfect um sorry I need to I’m flipping I’m flipping there’s ice oh my God holy crap holy there’s a lot of ice this is this is all ice that’s all ice I I caught myself right here and I slid down like right

There while I was trying to open my drink and hold the stabilizer at the same time damn I almost threw my back out on that one I was like twisting all over the place that was that was very scary holy crap that was a little fun adventure

Right all right let me uh let me take a little drink you guys can watch this little pink house in front of us yeah I’ve fallen on stream before like twitch stream twitch streams when I used to do the night streams I like raining and I was going

Down some wet stairs it had like kind of like moss on it and slipped on my ass pretty hard like injured my hand and my hand was like like the inside of my hand like the bone was bruised in my palm for like months um and there was another one

Where it was like raining very heavily and I was walking down some like grassy Hill thing and I slipped so that one but that was close I I almost fell I caught myself snow melt that refreezes is Insidious yeah well um like I mentioned uh for maybe some of you didn’t catch it

But uh yesterday so it snowed like two days ago right like heavily all all of this is covered all the streets everything were all covered and then yesterday evening it started sprinkling and so uh a lot of it froze over night so yeah that’s dangerous situation Red Ice not blue

Ice that’s why that signs on an angle yeah got to watch out for the yellow ice y’all getting hungry I don’t know what to eat I need to avoid carbs so like as much as I want to eat ramen or like some kind of noodles I I should avoid that so

That leaves what what can I eat I don’t know wow I’m going to I think I’m going to feel that when I get home my back cuz I like I was twisting and like my arms were flailing I was like like trying to catch myself um yeah I think I might

Feel that when I get home it’s dangerous y’all streaming is dangerous it’s a dangerous job someone’s got to do it salad uh am I think the unfortunate thing is there’s no like restaurants that sell salad down by moido station there are supermarkets that sell salad and then I could take it and go

Home might have to do that I don’t know we’ll see hot salt bath soak well so you know we saw tubs earlier my bathtub is actually smaller than those those tubs were like a rectangular shape mine’s a square shape it’s very deep uh it’s a it’s a old school soaking tub I’ve used

It one time and I’ve never used it ever again in the last 5 years because I’m 6 feet tall and that tub is designed for ants look I can’t fit in it like I have to I have to sit in it with my knees to

My neck like to my chest you know it’s so tight yeah it’s unfortunate yeah it it and it also takes a long time to fill up cuz like my my water boiler thing um with the little faucet that goes into the tub like that

Faucet uh to fill a tub is so slow it takes like 45 minutes to fill up like 70% it’s uh it’s just not worth it I’ll just shower and stand there with the hot water on my back or something yeah so this is uh just some residential Chiba residential matsudo

Guys just uh joined the view what do you guys think of this neighborhood man a lot of the snow melted already in just the last like couple hours go this way oh wow someone’s Greenhouse here they have two of them that’s kind of cool it looks like they don’t take care of it

Whatsoever it’s just like completely overgrown there’s like like the trees and bushes and stuff just took over like look in there that’s crazy what a waste but who knows you know maybe maybe they’re uh too old to work on it anymore I don’t know that’s kind of sad I wish I could buy

That I would do something in my second I have two bedrooms I would have like a little Greenhouse in there with lights and stuff sounds like a grow operation but you know I’d be growing legit stuff herbs mainly do those tarantula vending machines still exist they might be

Lowering calories oh yeah you know that’s like a gimmicky thing um there’s one like at the what do you call it at the Don kote in Shibuya um you know there’s like random insects and like scorpions and stuff those things are so expensive they’re like 20 bucks to like

Snack on something it’s like you know just like a little gimmick gimmicky thing for uh for the LOLs it’s not like sustainable to be buying that all the time I bet abandoned house I don’t think it was abandoned I just think maybe the the owners like maybe they just stopped

Caring that’s what it seems like the house itself seems nice but the greenhouse was just let go I like these little flowers here though it’s kind of neat if am I walking too fast chat by the way sorry I’m like on the go cuz I’m like trying to get to uh Central moo

Downtown Mata is not far cuz uh we’re already 23 minutes 2 3 minutes overtime of my usual stream time a can of sardines hits the spot that sounds really good actually I do have caned tuna and canned salmon at home very good in healthy fats Omega-3s all that stuff 420 no scope

Yes oh you remember when I ate that Cricket yeah that was ino in uhoo they have a little shop like a mush um and they Grill crickets and whatever from that vending machine and you just eat it right in front I don’t know if it’s still there I haven’t been to that

Spot in a a while a bit fast yes sorry I walk fast normally I’m actually going slower than I normally walk um just because I’m streaming but I I can slow down just a little bit More yeah maybe some yeah like someone had the Hobby and then maybe they just got too old or they got sick or injured or something and they just couldn’t continue it who knows you know maybe the person who had the hobby passed away yeah so we’re pretty much um at

Like Central Mato downtown Mato we’re very close to the station um around here lots of businesses and stuff cafes bars um you know daily life things uh this is kind of cool a lot of uh mosaic art it’s haunted could be there’s like a fitness center been kickboxing go this

Way oh my goddess how are you I had to use my AC today in Texas damn that sucks yeah we had snow like 2 days ago it’s pretty much like all melting away today but uh we were able to enjoy some it out in the the rural

Areas I just realized there’s like a church or something see that cross on that roof very quiet back here but we’re right by the train tracks right ahead is uh it’s where the jobon line choto line well I should just say Jon line it’s the jobon line when I know Tokyo

Line is there what is this Green Building Bell Heights Vintage design can bring you new value and change your lifestyle oh is that so what time is it uh it is now almost 12:00 p.m. it’s 11:57 a.m. it’s uh Wednesday morning morning here or I should say Wednesday afternoon pretty much uh beauty

Salon place called Neco W Mama little bars and stuff I think I hear a train coming oh it’s a freight train It’s nice we’ll just keep going straight this will take us right to Moo station you guys doing okay chat everyone okay I know this stream is going a little bit longer I’m sorry I know some of you if you got to go you got to go you know but I appreciate yall

Hanging out keeping me company uh there’s this old barber shop right here they’re definitely advertising pretty heavily we’re a barber shop get your haircut here uh cut and shampoo 1,500 cut 1,000 not bad um that’s pretty cheap that’s the kind of place I get my haircut at if

I go to a normal Salon they’re going to charge me like 40 50 60 bucks to get just a normal haircut um that doesn’t include anything else like no shampoo nothing it’s even higher if you do the shampoo stuff yeah saan how are you says uh you walked

Uh a lot today five stations or more yeah uh I started at higashi matsudo um I’d say I walked like roughly that much like distance life I guess so you just do your own hair I used to cut my own hair for like 15 years 16 years and then when I got into

My like 30s or mid-30s early 30s I forget like 32 33 I kind of stopped and uh I started going to like a proper hair salon cuz I could I found one that cut my hair pretty nice for a really good price in Korea morning what’s up Greg

Yeah so this is mato station just right here this whole area Mugo station um I’m going to go up towards uh the front of it and then uh we’ll wrap up the stream hey sound good hey I see this DVD store right here on the right this is an adult store it’s funny

Cuz you’re like oh yeah it says home in DVD books DVD uh so you think oh it’s a book store but when you go in there it’s just straight up all 100% porn there’s like not a single Normal book or normal DVD in there how do I

Know I I can’t reveal that secret to you guys yeah it’s lunchtime everyone’s kind of walking around looking for food uh we’re on the side of Namco Game Center so I do have a video inside of here um in this building there’s a giant Namco game center it’s like three

Stories or something two stories three stories um if you want to see that that video is on my channel a pool tour inside I couldn’t possibly guess I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know there are food places around here uh there’s always they’re doing this construction

Here for like the past 5 years like as long as I’ve lived in Mato they’ve been doing that uh we’ve got a Mr donuts over here donuts for lunch sounds good but I can’t do that you like the Namco video yeah it’s it’s right over there right

There we’re going up this is a huge like elevated pedestrian walkway over here uh to get to the station there’s a lot of snow here still it’s all crunchy yeah so this is the outside of Mato station there’s a a department store I have a video of that if you guys

Want to see inside full tour it’s where the security guard told me not to film but I kept filming afterwards I said okay and I just put the camera down and then I walked away and I put the camera back up uh on top of this family mark always

Pigeons they love to hang out all over here yeah and then I filmed anyways I just said oh I’m sorry I put I put the camera down as if I was like you know stopping and then I walked away and I just put it right back up Cory is a rebel a

Loner um it’s a glass last shop here there’s there’s another department store over there called Pur um the first floor of It Is AO yado grocery store um it’s that big red and blue sign and uh I have a very big Supermarket tour there it’s 2

Hours long if you guys want to see inside of that Supermarket um on my channel Family Mart full store tour 3 hours of content yeah you know it’s hard to film in family March cuz it’s so tight and there’s um it’s you know it’s like a small space and then there’s like

The staff are there like every time I’ve tried it gets like really iffy for me but uh yeah anyways chat uh I’m going to go ahead and wrap it up now is everyone okay hey welcome back Joey yeah it’s the longest in a while we’ve gone uh 2 hours and 4 minutes now

So we’re a little overtime but um I made it all the way back to matsudo station we started at higashi matsudo station way out in the kind of Countryside area um but yeah uh we’re we’re back I’m going to um try to find some food around

Here and then uh go home so anyways I just want to say thank you so much to everybody for tuning in yeah sandwich killed the video damn it sandwich it was a good stream thank you Lexi yeah I hope I hope everyone had a good time I really appreciate y’all

Hanging out with me cheers s along stream you’re welcome Michelle yeah it was nice to see you guys um oh so Ali yeah posted this thing for the Discord um if you guys are wanting to come and hang out on my Discord uh there’s the information it

Says DM me on Instagram for the invite link it’s the only way to join I will not reply to emails so stop emailing me I have I have so many people emailing me I’m like I just ignore it I just delete it um Mahala for the walk yeah yeah

You’re welcome you’re welcome thank you guys I hope you guys have a um good rest of your week stay hydrated keep it moist you guys know how it goes um thank you to all the donos um appreciate that that helps pay for my train ticket back home

And uh maybe my lunch too I think I don’t know but we’ll see but anyways guys yeah much love much love to y’all yeah yeah Vin Vin’s correct to join the Discord you need to be 18 or older if you are 17 or younger uh you’ll not be

Invited you’ll be kicked out um or whatever you you won’t be invited and if you were invited you’ll be kicked out if we find out you’re uh under 18 so anyways yeah thank you uh I will see you guys next time please take care uh I love you guys moist Fam

Thank you thank you I’ll see you next time okay bye-bye take care have a great one see you guys in Discord laters bye byebye what’s got it


  1. ❤Chiba…Conveniently close to Tokyo, and a little more natural nature too. Thanks for the tour. Blue skies but snow!

  2. I think they use the tubs to have water in them to water the plants when it is warm and drye.

  3. Imagine some huge streamer slipping and breaking his beack and 50K people calling an ambulance at the same time.
    They would probably send in the JSDF to see what the heck is happening 🤣

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