
Osaka walking tour – Osaka travel plan for beginners

this simple one day itinerary plan made for you when you visit osaka.
places to go and enjoy the day with no pressure just have fun and enjoy the area.
come and join us as we walk around the area of osaka.

I’m Ugly You Who YouTube influencers that’s a fabulous F she and it’s TR oh hello good morning welcome welome or welcome back to our Channel make your life easier with Kim and yes we are now here at Namba area here in Osaka and we are now looking for America mura and later on we’re going to the temple yasaka yes we’re going to use this navigation

To find it yeah okay it’s 11:00 in the morning and there’s already a lot of tourist people walking Around oh Candy and before we forget if you like this kind of travel videos please do consider subscribing to our Channel hit the like button and the bell icon below I think that that is the landmark of America mura if you see that Statue of Liberty I think we’re here in this area I’m just Guessing okay we are now officially here at americ mura and I want to look for a very strong coffee because I think uh there’s a lot of people here in Osaka and I catch a flu or something because I feel very very sleepy right now and doesn’t even how many

M Monster drinks I took this morning I’m still sleepy so I will try to drink some starbu I I believe that America Maura is famous for secondhand clothing and they have also brand new clothing but mostly some are secondhand clothing it’s still early but Look You know how I feel about secondhand Goods if you watch some of my minimalistic videos I really don’t like second half good but I I I Remember I bought a very gorgeous jacket here 10 years ago and I I’m still wearing it that’s the only secondhand good that I bought I might be lucky to find another one because that was just likely Use why are they falling in line let’s see up to n no kids baby baby America mura is it worth coming here no no don’t come here stores here there are a lot of hagglers walking around and if you stop and look at them in the eye they will

Force you to come in and buy clothes that you don’t like yeah it is really different from 10 to 15 years ago it is not worth coming here and buy these stops no no like this kind of Lo thing yeah and you cannot take videos we can take videos inside stores because they

Don’t allow videos so we’ll go to some place else look at this some ugly clothes it is not worth buying this trash they should pay me to wear this trash no even how much brand names are these These are no look you e no don’t be influenced uh by those

YouTube influencers that comes here and then tell you that oh these are fabulous fabulous clouds with brand names and it’s now cheap no it’s not it’s really cheap and it’s trash who’s going to wear those shoes they might really stink and you will get put diseases on them and why would you

Pay so much money for that E I won’t be caught dead wearing that disgusting okay here’s the thing why would someone just my opinion our opinion maybe my opinion I don’t know what his opinion why would you buy something so expensive or brand names that are second hand that

Looks like trash when you can buy something brand new for the same price and it doesn’t look like trash it’s brand new don’t fall for them my opinion [Laughter] and since we are already here in Namba noi wants to eat some Takaki yeah so we’re going to The that’s why I might wear uh sleeve not sleeveless short sleeve shirts and I’m looking for a shorts it’s really hot right now and I’m not feeling yay we changed to a short sleeve shirts because it is really warm today this afternoon and we’ve been looking for this uh

Unique law collaboration with C company yes C company all over Nya we cannot find it and eventually we find found it here in Osaka look House Company y collaboration with uni CL only here in Osaka and now I’m kind of hungry so let’s go grab some takak here and

Starbucks we are now here officially at to body and we are going to eat some K yui and look at the people very very Many okay while na is falling in line to get some takoyaki I’m here at Starbucks and getting my coffee and I’m so sleepy still so I decided to get two shots of coffee in my coffee M around andak Variety M that’s Come Oh after two almost 2 kilm walk we all now we reach Namba yasaka that’s why a lot of people come here it is Chang W wo wo wo it is really a Chang Chang yes now I know why I thought it’s just a small opening but it’s She well there’s so much people around and no matter how hard you take a solo picture you will not going to get it because someone else is always at the background if you see someone taking a picture step away wait for your turn if you like these kinds of travel videos

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